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What is this new nonsense about serving up cockroaches and tarantulas on our dinner plates? It's just typical leftism. Newsflash: I'm not eating bugs, get over it.
“Why Aren’t We Eating More Insects?” says the New York Times:
They’re high in protein, low in cost, eco-friendly and tasty. And only in the West have we resisted them.
Grab your nearest cockroach to roast up on the grill, bud.
It’s “tasty” according to them (compared to their typical soy products, at least).
Hell, even our ancestors ate bugs! But why did they eat bugs?
Maybe because they were starving and had no other option?
Nah, it was clearly because of the disease-laden yet delicious exoskeleton:
It’s useful to remember that our ancestors didn’t eat bugs simply out of proximity or necessity or perceived impending apocalypse. They also did it out of desire: for the crackle of the exoskeleton and the gooeyness within
Oh and also, climate change.
CNN says if you don’t eat bugs you’re the problem with humanity:
Consider the devastating effects of climate change, overfishing, water shortages and a reduced productivity of crop-growing fields, and it’s easy to see how insects will soon be the protein of the future.Mopane worm hummus, anyone?
Now let’s take a detour before you call me biased for only quoting news sources.
Even the United Nations is in on this.
The UN is urging people to start eating over 1,400 types of bugs for “food security” purposes.
This strategy includes creating “regulatory frameworks” and “integrating government and business toward the common goal”.
The common goal of making poor people eat more bugs. Yes, poor people.
Is there any doubt that the only people that will be eating bugs are the average people?
Do you really think the masters of society are going to give up their normal food sources?
Of course not.
Bugs for the plebs. Fancy thousand dollar platters for the elites.
I think Paul Joseph Watson said it best:
I’m not eating f***king bugs
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Bugs are generally eaten in 3rd world countries which suffer from food shortages, and a lack of being able to importing any.
Clearly they’ve never been to outside of the west before.
I’ve been living in Japan all life long, and the only time I ate a bug was when an ant accidentally fell into my cup of coffee.
Spot on as always, aiueo.