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How To Stop The Riots In A Single Day

How To Stop The Riots In A Single Day

There is a very simple method for how we could stop the riots in a single day. It is obvious to everyone but no one wants to say it.

How To Stop The Riots In A Single Day

We don’t need more or less cops.

We don’t need militarized police.

We don’t need the military or the national guard.

All we need is a joint statement from local political leaders and prosecuting attorneys.

The statement just needs to say: “We are ordering an authorization for the use of lethal force to defend property“.

These rioters will give up after a few of them are flat-lined. Likewise, it will spur more property defenders as soon as the general public realizes that they will not be legally charged.

Every street corner will suddenly become a lot safer.

Every honorable citizen will come out in defense of their communities.

Every worthless rioter will suddenly become an issue of the past.

But the democratic regimes of today are weak-wristed.

They don’t believe the people can take care of themselves.

A police officer has to do it. Not the community.

But they are wrong.

For the most important right of all isn’t the right to speech. It’s the right to protect your own life.

This does not change when looking at the source of your livelihood. IE: Property.

They threaten violence. This is merely self-defense.

The longer this goes on, the weaker we become.

Read Next:

The Riot Survival Guide

BLM: “Crime Is Reparations”. If That’s True, Then They’ve Already Been Paid

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Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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