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destroy the health of the nation

How To Destroy The Health Of The Nation

Why would the system do such a thing?
destroy the health of the nation

And Why The System Would Do Such A Thing

The below graphic “What Changed in The Last 30 Years?” is interesting to ponder on, even though it does not include all the relevant changes in the last few decades (notoriously missing are allergies, gluten intolerance, LGB/Trans, and so on).

What changed in the last 30 years? - disease/disorder chart increase since 1990 - how to destroy the health of the nation

The graphic is useful, but like many on our side, BeachMilk is too reductionist by focusing on only one factor.

His focus is solely on the (admittedly) harmful vaccine schedule. But if we are looking at this truthfully, there is far more than one cause.

Just look at all of these changes over the past few decades:

It is not “just” the childhood vaccines. It is everything. All of these work toward low testosterone, apathetic men, lunatic women, etc.

Every one of these is meant to destroy the health of the nation.

But the question arises: Why? Why does the system allow them, when they harm the individuals within the system?

While dissidents generally fall into two camps, thinking that this effect is either 1) done entirely on purpose by centralizers or 2) done accidentally through the industrialization effect—I personally take the middle-ground approach.

I agree with Ted (discussed shortly): It is both.

There are centralizers that direct and exploit this trend, while fully knowing the harm it is causing. We see this when they slip up and let their true intentions be known, as Bill Gates often does.

But it is also a natural emergent effect. As societies industrialize, the system needs more individuals of a specific, weakened calibre (docile, apathetic, low testosterone men, et cetera). The system then acquires these traits organically, without the need for specific inputs because the system is innately geared to do so. In short, the system naturally creates more men with traits that the system desires because we all are forced to reside within the system.

So, it is both.

You may wonder why this is a goal of the technological system—Why would the system want to destroy the health of the nation?

On my brief re-read of Industrial Society and Its Future by Ted Kaczynski, I was presented with the answer:

163. Suppose the system survives the crisis of the next several decades. By that time it will have to have solved, or at least brought under control, the principal problems that confront it, in particular that of “socializing” human beings: that is, making people sufficiently docile so that their behavior no longer threatens the system. That being accomplished, it does not appear that there would be any further obstacle to the development of technology, and it would presumably advance toward its logical conclusion, which is complete control over everything on Earth, including human beings and all other important organisms.

I definitely do not agree with everything in the book, but it is still a worthwhile read and Ted truly does nail the problems regarding the technological system.

All of these new “diseases”, disorders, sexualities, and tolerances are to the benefit of the system and the system’s handlers, because they create weakened men. The system needs this so that their behavior does not threaten the system.

No degenerate threatens the system. Neither do low testosterone men or other soyboys. But proud, strong, normal men definitely threaten the system. The same goes for traditional women.

The system must limit those that could threaten it. It must limit us.

The system and its handlers would never rely on only one factor to reach that goal. This is why it is foolish to think it is just one thing.

If the system’s vaccines fail because parents choose not to vaccinate, then they’ll get you through a sedentary culture and fluoride in the drinking water. If you avoid soy and seed oils, then they’ll pump you and your progeny full of microplastics and get you hooked on Big Pharma’s latest concoction. They have many avenues that reach the same end.

Each of these degenerations all perform the same root function, which is the weakening of the general population, so that this population is better suited to acquiesce adequately within the system.

It is not just one thing; it is everything. Which is why it is so hard to escape and why so many become defeatists.

Our takeaway is then: The health of the nation is destroyed because it is a benefit to the system, and the system considers itself more important than the nation.

This is yet another reason why the system must be disregarded entirely. We cannot reform or restore to an earlier (still wicked) point. We need something entirely new, something that truly places the focus on the nation over the system or any “ideology”. People matter most, not a failed republic system or a goofy liberty philosophy.

To truly stop the self-destruction of the health of our own people, the system itself must first be overcome. Otherwise, due to its emergent behavior, it will always work around anything that we intend to reform or correct in the short term.

But, until that happens, you must be the difference. Break off from these docile-makers and return to your true humanity. Which is not soy and microplastic-filled prison slop with a side of lead and fluoride in your water—It is whole foods, clean water, diet and exercise. Minimize harmful tech and get off Big Pharma pills/vaccines.

You can’t yet change the system, but you can change your own life. And if enough of us do so, a remnant of our nations will make it through this great experiment undefiled.

Read Next: The Plain Values Magazine


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1385

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