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A strategy guide for fellowship.
Provided courtesy of Cimmerian Pervert:
I will now do a thread on how to start a serious men’s group. The results of mine after over a year…we started as a book discussion group, but now everyone trains together periodically in the gym and on the range. It’s basically a safety squad at this point.
I selected 12 men from my area based on social media. Not people that I had regular contact with but had evidence they were serious people. I didn’t care about walk of life or political leaning. Excessive politics posting? Out. Funkopoop soyshit? Out. You get the point.
How did I invite these people? I wrote a two page letter, and printed it on the nicest paper I could find. In this letter I explained why it was important to read the great books of the western world. When was the last time you received a letter?
Better yet, when was the last time you put your thoughts about something on paper? In the letter I communicated the serious nature of what I would be asking for and a rough outline of what we would be reading (more on this later).
Because of this letter, every man invited showed up on the first night to receive a copy of Homer’s ILIAD, meet everyone, and enjoy some drinks. I will now take an aside for some logistics.
I am not asking a lot of time from people here. Two hours, once a month, with a hard stop. One book per month results in less than 20 minutes per night of reading, even at a slow pace. I pick up the tab on the books, as that solves any issues with translations.
There are folks in the replies asking for the reading curriculum. I am focused on development of @QuintusCurtius “magnitudo animi” – greatness of spirit. All texts will be focused on cultivating it. No political theory or stuffy philosophy here.
Iliad Odyssey Greek Tragedies Last Days of Socrates Livy’s History Marcus Aurelius Cicero’s On Duties Aeneid al-Masudi’s Meadows of Gold The Song of Roland Notebooks of Da Vinci etc. etc.
I am just an interlocutor for discussion. I tell everyone to nignore introductory material and go straight to the text. I will prepare ahead of time and bring in excerpts that are important from Thucydides, Herodotus, or famous poetry (Kipling, Tennyson, Eliot).
Now, onto the discussion- in order to cultivate the virtue of magnificence, I have a room dedicated to this for the winter months, but all other times we are OUTSIDE. I serve high quality wines and charcuterie-type foods. Everything is oriented to the magnitude of the situation.
On the night of the meeting, I reserve first 20 or so minutes for “tasteful banter” – I focus this discussion on sharing our VICTORIES from the previous month. The next 90 minutes is dedicated to the text. Remainder of the time I pass out next book with some info about it.
I have one rule about the discussion. You may mention no politician that is currently alive. Instead of Donal Trom and Clintong, you need to be considering Bismarck or Queen Victoria. Other than that, no holds barred.
The results of this have been unbelievable. For those that are married, their marriages are better. For those with kids, their kids are reading the books. Two men have even started their own groups. It’s a based pyramid scheme. It is the best day of everyone’s month. WE WILL WIN.
This is a group of a wide age range (22-51) and political spectrum, but everyone has lurched right because of this. Even the most lefty member. Even Heracles went to the Underworld to bring someone back.
Frend @CastizoCapitan is right. We should be building communities and I am proposing one way to do it. Twatter should be like the black ships at Troy. The place to rest and dunk on mentally ill leftoids, as Ajax and Achilles are depicted playing games at the ships.
This is an endeavor that is important to me. Where I live, it is difficult to find men that aren’t techoid bugmen, though this may be the case everywhere these days. I am willing to help, even provide a redacted version of my letter. Feel free to reach out. Thanks for reading
He has more information on his strategy here.
What an excellent idea for our men trying to form a tight-knit men’s club.
It’s kind of humorous, but I followed a similar strategy back in my college days. But instead of writing a letter, I just went up to all the men in all of my core classes that I thought would be interested and invited them in person to do a right-wing smoke session in a private cigar lounge. Mine was more politically focused, but I get the appeal of starting with the classics to help aid all men, whether they are left, center, or right. My group worked out well, and we had a great bond during that time. Sadly, I had to move away, but I hear they are still fairly active in person and still enjoying my Kuba Kuba’s.
I definitely should have done more discernment, as Cimmerian indicates, but it still worked out. So, I can vouch for this strategy.
It takes action. But few dissidents want to actually put the work in. They just want some type of fabled civil war to happen. We have so many talkers, grifters, and other men of words that want to be given practical advice on what to do in certain situations, but then, when given that information, they don’t use it. It’s maddening.
I am very happy to see people like Cimmerian popping up with both words and action. That is what we need more of. Fewer people complaining about no one doing anything, and more people actually doing positive things.
But us dissidents, more so than anyone else, need this kind of community. We need other like-minded people to not feel like we are going insane under clown world. Fellowship is incredibly important and should be fostered wherever it can.
My recommendation: Consider his strategy, but adapt it per your local community and for your goals. Always remember, what you create can truly change everything.
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Very poignant that he introduced his group to copies of the Iliad. This work was written at the end of the Greek dark ages, and its tale about the Trojan War at the beginning of these same dark ages.
Beneath the main current of heroism, Gods and battle, is the undercurrent of every collapse into a dark age; Virtus vs effeminacy; race; politics; misbalance of gender. It cannot be overlooked, the comparison between the doughty, austere mainland Greek Achaeans, existing for a decade on a beach shore, vs the existentially refined, trade-enriched, orientalist Trojans. Every failing, rotted society will still have its few remaining stalwart, noble-minded Hectors, shackle bound by their own integrity to fight and perish for their debauched polis.
The question in our times is – will enough Hectors have the wisdom, finally, to group together and form their own enclave? Or will they again die in one last shield wall, protecting gilded cities of mincing eunuchs and playboy cuckholders?
I agree with your analysis of the Iliad introduction. Clever on his part, especially when bringing in unknown characters of questionable backgrounds.
That is the key question. I am hoping it does not have to be the latter yet again, but I am not yet optimistic about that outcome.
I belong to an all men sportsman’s club. While there is nothing written in the by-laws excluding women, it is the method of becoming a member that makes it exclusive and discriminating. There is a waiting list just to become a probationary member. You must be sponsored by a regular member, and only those men that will be an asset to the club are typically brought forward. They are presented to the entire membership in person and they and their sponsor have to speak on their behalf. It then goes to a secret ballot vote. So, no member in his right mind would ever sponsor a woman, and if he did, she would never be voted in by the membership. We are referred to as “The He-Man Woman Haters Club” as well as the town militia. With the number of gun enthusiasts in the club, we are a small standing army. While members do cross party lines, everyone I know is a Patriotic American.
Well done. That is a very smart approach. Will be useful in the days ahead.