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A telling tale from the 2016 and 2020 elections in the United States. What would our country look like if only x voted?
I think most of my readers have probably already seen this map, which tracked the 2016 election breakdown. But if you haven’t:
(right click -> open image in new tab for larger view)
I recently stumbled upon a similar map for 2020 from DataIsBeautiful.
It’s very interesting and there were some significant changes from last time.
View it here:
It’s an interesting breakdown. I’m shocked how many states that went blue in the “Men” category, but I guess that’s probably a side effect from the rise in soy.
The strongest indicator is rural vs urban, as usual. But white versus POC is still up there. No surprise on the married versus single vote. And of course, the longer you’re stuck in the indoctrination camps at college, the more likely you are to vote blue. I’m fortunate I survived in university after so many years scratch-free.
A lot more Catholics are blue compared to Protestants, as well. But we already knew that. The only time California cracked (aside from the day-of-voting, which was all Trump) was on the Protestant map. Stay strong, Protestant brothers.
Alaska is an interesting anomaly for certain categories. Surprisingly, Oklahoma is the most solid red state of them all.
I wouldn’t put too much weight into the 2020 map for certain states. We all know what happened this election. But it’s interesting to review on a macro-level, nonetheless.
Even if only certain demographics voted, the red is still going for neo-cons, so the situation wouldn’t change drastically. But it is telling for certain key points that most of us already know, but need to have further data to validate.
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When I became an adult, I voted twice, realized that voting doesn’t matter, and I stopped voting ever since.
And observing elections in every other country in the world, I can see the exact same thing.
It’s literally the illusion of citizens being able to choose policies.
In reality, you’re not choosing policies, you’re choosing the one executing policies made many decades in advance.
Then the very select few politicians who genuinely want to make a change get probably 2 seats max, because then they can easily reflect all the miss steps on to “that thin foil hat over there”, and all the big opposition is always controlled opposition, even if they get some bit of power, they’ll just say some good things and then never actually deliver (like Trump).
“But he did deliver the border wall though”, remember, Bill Clinton, George Bush, and Barrack Obama were all for building that wall, until Trump turned it into his campagn promise, then all of the sudden they all became anti-wall.
The wall to keep Americans in for when shit hits the fan, not to keep Mexicans out.
Hey, you left out Operation Warpspeed. Which allowed us to get locked down under vax mandates, fired from our jobs, and coerced into taking an experimental medical procedure at the potential loss of our livelihoods. All done in record time and with minimal oversight, which is exactly what I want from my medical procedures. Can’t leave out that biggest promise delivered that we are still living with today.
I did that because it’s not an America exclusive problem.
They call it “Operation Warpspeed”, which sounds pretty fancy, but everyone with at least a tiny bit of ability to question things knows that it’s extremely dangerous to bring a product that otherwise takes 10 years to develop and test in just 9 months.
Speaking of which, it seems that apparently they purposefully bring death to America and paralysis to the rest of the world.
Not surprising that they have to do stuff a bit differently in America because your country is quite decently armed (and would also explain why the death shots are especially common in red states).
Each batch causing what exactly is even clearly marked, this whole jab thing is more evil than you can possibly imagine.
If you’re interested:
Something else you might find interesting, it’s written by a far-left winger (although on the libertarian side, which are usually far more reasonable than those on the authoritarian side), but the research is very well done and on point, debunking both the official and the controlled opposition narratives with very reasonable explanations:
Agreed on all points, and thanks for sharing those two links. I have seen the first but not the second, I will give it a read.