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how can people afford to live meme house

How Can People Afford To Live?

This is not sustainable. The economy cannot hold like this forever. We're stuck playing musical chairs until it all drops.

afford to live header

Simple: We Can’t.

The Kobeissi Letter put forward a valid question:

how can average people afford to live meme?

The answer is:

  • They can’t.

Everyone I know right now is just trying to stay above water; to keep their finances in the black (no gain / no loss). Granted, I don’t know a lot of wealthy people, as I am solidly in the middle class. But considering the fact that even the middle class is struggling, I have no idea how the working class is getting by.

Most people in my bracket are racking up credit card or other debt and blowing through their savings. The problem is that this approach is unsustainable: The credit cards can only be maxed so far and the savings only last for so long. With no signs of our collective fiscal situation improving, we’re eventually going to reach a watershed moment. This can’t hold forever.

how can people afford to live meme house
Realtor: “Great house, just needs a little TLC. Exciting neighborhood! No water or electricity. Sold as is. Will need to evict the meth squatters. Only $900,000 if you put $200k down.

I cautioned others a while back to quickly learn how to live under their means. It’s only going to get worse from here. I am doubling down on that statement now. It is time to learn sooner rather than later.

Whatever you do, just don’t become this guy:

funko pop addiction is good meme monday meme

Their soy face physiognomy and funky pops will not be worth a damn when the collapse happens. Best fix the facial features with plastic surgery and sell the pops now while there is still time.

Although I will admit, I have always thought those pops things would be good for 100 yard target practice. Big head, small body—Perfect thing to blow up with a powerful caliber round.

If any of you are crazy enough to buy some and shoot them, make sure to send me a video.

Happy Meme Monday. Have an explosive week.

Read Next: The Only Place Of True Equality Is Hell


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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