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Hollywood: pedophilia, rape, sexual assault

The Connection: Hollywood Pedophilia, Sexual Assault, and Political Elites

What causes the powerful to become monsters? A 4000-word analysis on Hollywood pedophilia, sexual assault, and the connections to politics.

Hollywood: pedophilia, sexual assault, rapeWhat connections can we draw between Hollywood pedophilia, sexual assault, and political elites? Why does it happen, and why is so much of it hidden for decades? The recent discussion over Harvey Weinstein is just the tip of the iceberg for Hollywood sexual scandals. And it follows an even more troubling pattern of connection with powerful (political) elites.

It is no secret that wealthy, powerful people of any industry tend to intermingle. It’s just good for business. But when rape and pedophilia allegations come out from the top, it’s increasingly more important to consider the overall picture.

And the overall picture is clear: there is a big problem in Hollywood.

It’s interesting looking at this from an outsider’s perspective. Hollywood is a (self-proclaimed) bastion of morality and ‘progress’. Champions of what some call “virtue signalling“. Yet, when allegations and evidence of horrific displays of pedophilia and rape come to light, many look the other way.

In this article I want to go through some of the examples of Hollyweird behavior, and point out how deep this problem runs. Specifically, I want to show that Harvey is not some isolated incident, and that this has been going on for a long time. Your theater money, and our degenerating culture, funds this madhouse of Moloch.


Hollywood Pedophilia, Sexual Assault, and Connections to Political Elites


Specific Individuals [Needing Mention]


Harvey Weinstein


Our story begins with the most recent. Harvey Weinstein has been under a lot of scrutiny after numerous (at this stage, >15) people have come out and claimed that Harvey has sexually assaulted/harassed hundreds of women over decades.

Three of these women have claimed Weinstein raped them.

A clear question after hearing of these claims is “Why didn’t they come forward when it happened”? I believe The New Yorker answers this fairly aptly:

Virtually all of the people I spoke with told me that they were frightened of retaliation. “If Harvey were to discover my identity, I’m worried that he could ruin my life,” one former employee told me.

Many said that they had seen Weinstein’s associates confront and intimidate those who crossed him, and feared that they would be similarly targeted. Four actresses, including Mira Sorvino and Rosanna Arquette, told me they suspected that, after they rejected Weinstein’s advances or complained about them to company representatives, Weinstein had them removed from projects or dissuaded people from hiring them.

Multiple sources said that Weinstein frequently bragged about planting items in media outlets about those who spoke against him; these sources feared that they might be similarly targeted. Several pointed to Gutierrez’s case, in 2015: after she went to the police, negative items discussing her sexual history and impugning her credibility began rapidly appearing in New York gossip pages.

(In the taped conversation with Gutierrez, Weinstein asks her to join him for “five minutes,” and warns, “Don’t ruin your friendship with me for five minutes.”)

We have a combination of women that lust for fame and a shot at the big leagues. And we also have power-hungry degenerates that hold the keys to open these doors for the average star-seeker.

Weinstein is one of a few different “gatekeepers” in the business. But all of them hold a few varying degrees of power over actors/actresses.

This topic is important to understand as we go deeper in this article. Especially when we start talking about children. Many of the parents of kids will do anything for their children to have an opportunity at the big leagues. (See: Elijiah Woods commentary).

Whether these women (or men) welcome these advances or not is irrelevant. All of them are afraid of disclosing them, for fear of career reprisals or negative press by gossip magazines. Which ironically, are controlled by the same Hollywood tycoons (Weinstein and Co, being a great example).

Another important assumption we must have when going further is that this is not strictly behind closed doors. Many people knew of Harvey’s actions long before now.

It’s just insider knowledge. In Hollywood, much of this is common knowledge.

Weinstein is also an excellent example of this. The New York Times actually stopped a story airing Harvey’s sexual misconduct back in 2004:

Instead, she writes that everyone from Matt Damon, to Russell Crowe, to Weinstein himself stepped in to personally ensure this story never saw the A1 pages — or any part of the paper for that matter.

Waxman claims that her then-editor, the now-Bloomberg editor-at-large Jon Landman, ultimately shot down the damning piece and opted to run a story with no such allegations.

“I was told at the time that Weinstein had visited the newsroom in person to make his displeasure known. [I] knew he was a major advertiser in the Times, and that he was a powerful person overall… I explained, to no avail, that a public company would certainly have a problem with a procurer on the payroll for hundreds of thousands of dollars,” writes Waxman.

You read that right. Mainstream media organizations knew about Weinstein back in 2004. Over 12 years ago.

These Hollywood titans work together with outside sources to keep things under lock. It’s bad for business if Hollywood is exposed as a power-struggle between sell-outs for fame, powerful deviants, and innocents caught in the crosshairs.


Roman Polanski


Polanski was a big shot in the film business, but has also become one of the most well-known names in the perverted side of Hollywood.

In 1977, Roman was tried for rape by use of drugs, perversion, sodomy, lewd and lascivious act upon a child under 14, and furnishing a controlled substance to a minor. In short, he drugged and raped a 13-year-old.

Luckily, the guy was so rich that he was able to get all of those charges reduced for a guilty plea in engaging in unlawful sexual intercourse.

Still, he didn’t want any jail time at all, and when he learned that he may face imprisonment he fled to France.

Sadly, this girl wasn’t his only victim.

There were plenty of other incidents:

Renate Langer, a 61-year-old former German actress, has reported to the Swiss police that the film director Roman Polanski raped her at a house in Gstaad in February 1972, when she was 15.

In August, a woman in Los Angeles, identified only as Robin M., came forward at a news conference to report that Mr. Polanski had sexually assaulted her in 1973 when she was 16.

In 2010, the British actress Charlotte Lewis also accused Mr. Polanski of abusing her sexually when she was 16.

hollywood sexual scandals by ben garrison
Ben Garrison’s take on Harvey Weinstein and Hollywood

And then, why did actors and actresses continue to work with him, even when he was a fugitive?

Seth Rogen puts it aptly when he says that there are people who are “pieces of shit” and people keep on working with them. For the money, for the power and for the awards. And that’s the core of the problem. Actors and actresses will still work with these people, bend over backward to defend them and pretend that the allegations are not important.

While “bend over backward” may not be the most eloquent phrase to put here in this discussion, the general premise is still entirely correct.

What about Kate Winslet’s defense of working with people such as Polanski and Woody Allen (who I’ll get to next):

“Of course one thinks about it. But at the same time, I didn’t know Woody and I don’t know anything about that family. As the actor in the film, you just have to step away and say, I don’t know anything, really, and whether any of it is true or false.

Having thought it all through, you put it to one side and just work with the person. Woody Allen is an incredible director. So is Roman Polanski. I had an extraordinary working experience with both of those men, and that’s the truth.”

Translated as: “Eh, they may be rapists but they make good movies so it works out.”


Woody Allen


Allen is well known for the allegations against him alleging that he slept with his adopted daughter (statutory rape). While still with the mother.

I believe the open letter from Dylan Farrow (the mother) speaks it better than I could. A short excerpt (I suggest reading the full letter):

What’s your favorite Woody Allen movie? Before you answer, you should know: when I was seven years old, Woody Allen took me by the hand and led me into a dim, closet-like attic on the second floor of our house. He told me to lay on my stomach and play with my brother’s electric train set.

Then he sexually assaulted me. He talked to me while he did it, whispering that I was a good girl, that this was our secret, promising that we’d go to Paris and I’d be a star in his movies. I remember staring at that toy train, focusing on it as it traveled in its circle around the attic. To this day, I find it difficult to look at toy trains.

For as long as I could remember, my father had been doing things to me that I didn’t like. I didn’t like how often he would take me away from my mom, siblings and friends to be alone with him. [I] didn’t like it when he would stick his thumb in my mouth. I didn’t like it when I had to get in bed with him under the sheets when he was in his underwear. [I] didn’t like it when he would place his head in my naked lap and breathe in and breathe out. [What I would do is] hide under beds or lock myself in the bathroom to avoid these encounters, but he always found me.

And just like Polanski, actors/actresses continue to work with him. Along with everyone else similar to him:

This week [Aug, 2017], Selena Gomez was named the latest young actress to become ‘Woody Allen’s muse’ after landing a role in his latest film. The news has been met with a level of criticism on social media – why is a young woman with so much influence working with a director who has been accused of child abuse and sexual assault?

The fact is Gomez is not alone. It’s not only young actresses such as Kristen Stewart and Elle Fanning who still sign up to Woody Allen films. Established heavyweight talents such as Kate Winslet and Cate Blanchett are also happy to ignore the allegations made against Allen (all of which he has repeatedly denied) to be part of his movies.

Again, it’s good for business.

Top level execs and directors are the people with actual “privilege”. In the sense that their privilege emboldens and enables them to get away with crimes that would put any other individual away for a very long time.




An analysis of Woody Allen’s actions obviously begs the question: Do sexual abusers/pedophiles specifically seek out careers in Hollywood or similar cohorts for this level of “privilege”? Or do people in these positions  go down the rabbit-hole of control and later develop “power kinks” that entice them to target the vulnerable?

Another interesting question we could ask: What else will Hollywood actors/actresses do for fame? If many of them could be assaulted, and none come forward (or even some defend the offenders), what else would they be willing to do for their career?

Certainly, many of them are forced into this. Children especially. However, we could use some obvious deductive logic to assume that many were okay—or at least somewhat okay—going along with this “culture”. Otherwise, why do they continue working with and defending these individuals?

For some of these participants, we can assume that [fame and fortune > stopping sexual assault and child sexual enslavement]. Their moral compass is clearly nowhere to be found.

So, what else would these people do for the status of a Hollywood actor? Will they lie or subvert others? Where is the actual moral line in the sand? I don’t have an answer to that question, sadly.

It would be one thing if many famous people were coming out and barking with disgust at every single offender in Hollywood. It would be another thing if the famous actors/actresses refused to partake in movies with anyone that has this black cloud following them. But they don’t.

So, what else are they doing behind the scenes for the coveted prestige of “Hollywood“?


Ben Affleck


I made this statement above:

It would be one thing if many famous people were coming out and barking with disgust at every single offender in Hollywood. It would be another thing if the famous actors/actresses refused to partake in movies with anyone that has this black cloud following them. But they don’t.

Certainly, with Harvey Weinstein we have seen an outpouring of individuals (especially in Hollywood) “tossing him to the wolves”.

As he deserves.

However, many of these claims come from people of less-than-stellar characters. Virtue signalers, as we discussed previously.

A great example?

Ben Affleck. Better known as “Buttman”.

Consider this succulent description from The Telegraph:

Days after condemning the actions of his former colleague Harvey Weinstein, who has been accused of three incidents of rape and countless accounts of sexual assault of young female stars, Affleck publicly apologized for touching actress Hilarie Burton live on camera in 2003.

… However, Burton’s claim was followed up by Tendler, who explained that Affleck had touched her inappropriately during a Golden Globes party three years ago:

Affleck is yet to respond to Tendler’s claims. However, another woman, comedy writer Jen Starkey, said that “multiple women” endured similar experiences to Tendler at the same event

Someone that commits sexual assault, condemning someone that commits sexual assault. Would be perfect for an ironic comedy sketch.

Similar to Affleck, many others have also come out against Weinstein that have partook in the same type of actions that of which they now condemn.

Hollywood is good at following the bandwagon. Whether it is by hiding sexual assault or condemning it. Regardless of actual ethical interpretations. More on this topic later.


Additional Mentions


I don’t have time to go through each and every individual as descriptively. But there are some worth mentioning to stabilize my point of sexual deviancy being rampant throughout Hollywood.

  • Bill Cosby – A more unique case. Typically used drugs to rape/sexually assault women instead of power-clauses. He also received a really odd trial, only being tried for three counts of aggravated indecency. However, important to note is a description by one of the victims, Barbara Bowman:

    Bowman said in the Daily Mail interview that Cosby brainwashed her and befriended her mother to gain her trust. He eventually started giving her drugs and raping her, Bowman alleged. She said she continued to see him because he was a useful mentor while she was trying to build a career in the entertainment industry

    Again with the “get in the business” description of why. She mentioned these assaults happened over a two-year time period.

  • Victor Salva – Director that went to jail for statutory rape of a child (12-year-old) on his movie set. What did he do after he got out of prison?

    When he got out of prison, he was allowed to make another film. Powder was set in a high school full of kids. It told the story of a magical albino whom no one understands, sort of like Christ or Michael Jackson or a child molester.

    Salva went on to direct the Jeepers Creepers movies. Now, in between therapy sessions for a problem he’s apparently still dealing with, the child molester director is pimping a new Nick Nolte movie, and getting a sympathetic hearing in the nonjudgmental L.A. Times, whose Patrick Goldstein bends over backwards to give “both sides of the story”

  • Martin Weiss – Hollywood “talent scout” that specialized in finding children, who was also a pedophile and was convicted of raping an 11-year-old over 30 times throughout numerous years.
  • Haim and Feldman’s assaulters – Who they are exactly, is not known. But the descriptions that both Corey’s [Haim and Feldman] have disclosed are of vital importance to this topic. Read more here:

    After Corey Haim died, his friend Corey Feldman became one of the most outspoken actors willing to talk about pedophilia in Hollywood.

    The two Coreys were famous for being abused. In the words of Little House on The Prairie star Alison Arngrim, “Everybody knew that the two Coreys were just being passed around.

    Feldman started real controversy when he claimed that Haim was assaulted on the set of Lucas. An older man, Feldman claims, told Haim “it was perfectly normal for older men and younger boys in the business to have sexual relations, that it was what all ‘guys do.

    All Feldman will say is that the attacker “is still prominently in the business today”—a line that has led to a lot of speculation.

  • Bryan Singer & Brian Peck – Marc Collins-Rector was an individual with ties inside of Hollywood. He would regularly throw parties that Singer would attend. Rector confessed to sexually assaulting 5 children. Specifically, in this description:

    At these parties, according to Egan [victim], adult men floated drugs and alcohol to teenaged boys, and used them for sex. Not only were they underage, but it was not always consensual. Egan claims that Collins-Rector pinned him down and violently sexually abused him, in one case holding a gun to his head and threatening to shoot him if he did not stop resisting.

    Likewise, Singer also worked with Brian Peck. Peck, who is a convicted child molester:

    Peck, though, got out of jail and went right back to work. And it was not just Bryan Singer who hired him—Disney hired the convicted child molester, back on his old job, to work as a dialogue coach on The Suite Life of Zack & Cody.

    While Singer has had numerous allegations against him, none resulted in a conviction. But the stories of these three men at these child-sex parties are haunting. Especially considering not all the men at these parties have been, nor ever will be, accounted for.

Hollywood Speaks Out – Actors Ousting Hollywood Pedophilia & Sexual Assaults


Occasionally, we do get a glimpse at the inside schematics of the belly of the beast. A few notable examples are Elijah Woods, Haim/Feldman, and a few recent ones from the Weinstein ousting. We’ll go over them individually.

I’m going to leave out most of my own comments here, because I believe listening directly to individuals with experience in the industry is more appropriate, given the situation.


Elijah Woods


Using Elijah’s own words:

Elijah Wood, the actor who took his first film role aged eight before starring in the Lord of the Rings movies, has said that organised sexual abuse of children in Hollywood is rife.

Speaking to the Sunday Times, Wood said that although he had been protected as a child – mainly through the efforts of his mother, who stopped him going to parties – many of his peers were regularly “preyed upon”.

“There is darkness in the underbelly,” he added. “If you can imagine it, it’s probably happened.”

The actor said he felt that such crimes continue to be unpunished because the victims “can’t speak as loudly as people in power”. “That’s the tragedy of attempting to reveal what is happening to innocent people. They can be squashed, but their lives have been irreparably damaged.”

James Van Der Beek


A photo worth a thousand questions:

hollywood pedophilia


Kaya Jones


hollywood pedophilia, prosititution ring


Corey Feldman


Corey did an interview that sheds a lot of light on this whole mess. There is a lot in it, so I encourage you to read through it all if you’re interested. Otherwise, here are (some) of the most significant parts:

He [Corey Haim] had more direct abuse than I did. With me, there were some molestations, and it did come from several hands, so to speak, but with Corey [Haim], his was direct rape, whereas mine was not actual rape. And his also occurred when he was 11.

I’m not able to name names. People are frustrated, people are angry, they want to know how is this happening, and they want answers — and they turn to me and they say, “Why don’t you be a man and stand up and name names and stop hiding and being a coward?” I have to deal with that, which is not pleasant, especially given the fact that I would love to name names. I’d love to be the first to do it. But unfortunately California conveniently enough has a statute of limitations that prevents that from happening. Because if I were to go and mention anybody’s name I would be the one that would be in legal problems and I’m the one that would be sued.

[Are any of these people still in the industry?] One of them is. He’s still prominently in the business today.

I believe that Haim’s rapist was probably connected to something bigger, and that is probably how he has remained protected for all these years. This person uses intimidation and threats as a way to keep people quiet. And all these men were all friends. Ask anybody in our group of kids at that time: They were passing us back and forth to each other. [Alison Arngrim] from Little House on the Prairie said [in an interview], “Everybody knew that the two Coreys were just being passed around.Like it was something people joked about on studio lots.

[What did they do?] They would throw these parties where you’d walk in and it would be mostly kids and there would be a handful of adult men. They would also be at the film awards and children’s charity functions.

A solid video covering Corey’s revelations is below. It’s a short watch too. It’s titled “Corey Feldman: Pedophilia is Hollywood’s Biggest Problem”.


Rob Schneider


Rob Schneider and Terry Crews also came public with information from their past growing up in Hollywood. If you prefer video:



Hollywood’s Sexual Assault Apologists


There is no shortage of Hollywood insiders that will defend terrible acts within the halls of Hollywood. Many of them (including many famous individuals/execs) came to the support of people such as Woody Allen and Roman Polanski after their twisted ordeals were ousted.

Specifically, there are two that are exceptionally ridiculous which I want to link to below. However, these are just a couple, you’ll quickly find dozens upon dozens with a quick search online.

The two in particular that I want to bring up here are in relation to Roman Polanski. Which is one of the main reasons I gave him his own section above. Whoopi Goldberg and Debra Winger both had some interesting things to say about the whole ordeal. (And by whole ordeal, I mean when he raped a 13-year-old):


Debra Winger


Debra “tramp seduced him” Winger had this to say about Roman Polanski:

“Is there any doubt?” Winger asked reporters. “I mean, for the love of God! This pathetic, opportunistic tramp wanted to become a star so she seduces a gentle artistic soul like Roman… gets him to service her, and then when he doesn’t give her a role she cries rape? And now everybody in old fashioned we don’t sin, America is treating this amazing filmmaker like some kind of monster? Like a sexual predator?”

Victim-blaming. The same thing most in Hollywood (including Debra) typically rally against. The girl was 13. If a grown man can’t say no to a 13-year-old, our society is f*cked. Plus, regardless of if she “asked for it,” it is still statutory rape.

She goes on:

We can’t understand the mind of genius. Look at Woody Allen. Sure he took nude photographs of his teen-aged step-daughter while she slept. But why do you think he did that? Because… geniuses act differently than the rest of us. They are like animals at the state fair. When they are ready to copulate, when they need to copulate, you don’t hinder them. You don’t walk up to a donkey at the state fair and tell him not to mount his donkey friend. He has to mount his donkey friend.”

Translated as “People that make movies should be able to rape whoever they want too“. Also, the insinuation that “smart people” are like donkeys is ironically hilarious.

Winger then read a list of prominent celebrities who signed her petition to free Polanski. The list included Woody Allen and Roman Polanski himself. Rap “artist” R. Kelly and the late Senator Edward Kennedy’s nephew William Kennedy Smith. Eighties teen heartthrob Rob Lowe eagerly signed along with ex-congressman Gary Condit. A last minute signature from David Letterman caused the small crowd that had gathered to ooh and aah.

I think it goes without saying that the “swamp” runs deep in Hollywood. Anyone that would sign a petition to free a child rapist is just despicable. Who are these people? Where is their moral compass?


Whoopi Goldberg


Whoopi Goldberg may be the worst (and most obvious example) of a victim-blaming and rape apologist in Hollywood.

When Roman Polanski was under the spotlight, she made sure that she stated her opinion that him drugging a 13-year-old “wasn’t rape rape“.

She also defended Bill Clinton having many mistresses and assaulting people under his position of authority by saying “Hillary is the real victim here“. Of course, Hillary is the victim and not those that were sexually abused by a powerful figure.

Don’t believe me?

Well, here are two videos of her saying exactly that:


While we’re on the topic of the Clinton’s…


The Clinton’s Connections To Hollywood and Sexual Scandals


This recent Jacobinmag article goes over Bill Clinton’s “double standard” better than I ever could.

In short, they argue that the same standards and denunciations against people such as Weinstein, Bill Cosby, and others are not applied evenly to Clinton. He largely gets a pass, where others get the full onslaught. And it largely rings true, Weinstein is getting attacked from all corners at the moment, whereas Clinton largely scrapped by unhindered.

For a semi-full list of all of Clinton’s sexual scandals (There is a lot more than just Juanita Broaddrick) – click here.

Guess who were some of Bill Clinton’s most ardent supporters after the allegations starting coming out? Hollywood elites themselves:

Further details about Clinton’s testimony emerged on the same day that the president’s legal defense fund announced it has raised $2.2 million in the last six months, more than was collected during the previous four years of his presidency combined. The newly reconstituted defense fund, operating with looser rules about who can give and how much they can offer, tapped into resentment against Starr as more than 17,000 Clinton supporters sent money.

Hollywood was quick to come to the president’s aid. Among the 62 donors giving the maximum $10,000 were performers and directors such as Tom Hanks, Barbra Streisand, Michael Douglas, Ron Howard, Norman Lear, Steven Spielberg and Kate Capshaw-Spielberg as well as studio executives Jeffrey Katzenberg, David Geffen, Harvey Weinstein and Bud Yorkin.

Hmm… I wonder what would incentivize them to support the president’s sexual scandals?

Maybe because Hollywood is ripe with their own?


hollywood sexual scandals and hillary clint
WikiLeaks Evidence of Hillary Clinton and Weinstein being neighbors

hollywood pedophilia and political connections hillary clintonHillary Clinton herself received $1,492,673.45 from Harvey Weinstein since 1999. Not quite a small sum of money. But she also received plenty of funding from Saudi Arabia, so I doubt the sources of money matter much to her. That’s how most politicians operate, sadly.

However, the connection with her husband, Huma Abedin (whose husband is a pedophile & pervert), and Harvey Weinstein all bring up some very confusing questions about who she surrounds herself with. For political reasons or not. And more importantly, why. It’s not like she (or anyone else in this situation) couldn’t have known that at least something was wrong, somewhere along the way.

However, for certain people (such as Hillary), I doubt they even care. I highly doubt anything even this serious would bother them.

Why? Well, because they have shown to have no strong moral compass for these types of things. Like Whoopi defending Bill, and Debra Winger defending Polanski. It just doesn’t matter to them about the victims.

Hillary shown that in “The Hillary Clinton Tapes”. Where she laughed about getting a child rapist, who raped a twelve-year-old, off on a technicality. And where she joked that the offender passed a polygraph, which “made her lose all faith in polygraphs”.

You can listen to her directly say that here:


But Hillary and Bill are far from the only elites connected to pedophilia. It is even a huge issue in Europe’s progressive politics.


United Kingdom’s Political Elite Pedophilia Rings


Just take a look at a few of these articles:

The former child protection manager in Hereford and Worcestershire said: “I believe there is a lot of strong evidence, and information that can be converted into evidence if it is investigated properly, that there has been an extremely powerful elite, amongst the highest levels of the political classes, for as long as I have been alive.

“There has been sufficient reason to investigate it over and over again certainly for the past thirty years, and there has always been a block, and the cover-up and collusion, to prevent that happening.

“We are looking at the Lords, the Commons, the judiciary – all institutions where there will be a small percentage of paedophiles, and a slightly larger percentage of people who have known about it but have felt in terms of their own self-interest and self-preservation and for political party reasons it has been safer cover it up rather than deal with it,” he told the BBC.

Children’s homes provided “supply lines” for child abuse and were targeted by “people in power” during the 1980s, he said.

Sexual abuse of children is a power drive, that’s what a lot of it is about.

This right here is the key. If there is only one thing you take away from this article, this is what I want you to take away:

Sexual abuse [of children] is a power drive.

That is what all of this is about. It’s what connects every single thing that happens in Hollywood, the government, and any other powerful institution. The drive for power drives individuals down a dark path that ultimately is never fully satiated. Much similar to a drug addict, chasing the first high for the rest of their life.

We’ll come back to this in the conclusion.

More evidence of UK celebrities/politicians covering up or participating in child sex rings:

More than 1,400 suspects have been investigated by police looking into child-sex-abuse allegations against VIPs including politicians, celebrities, and institutions.

A national police group, known as Operation Hydrant, released the figures at a briefing on its inquiry into possible links between child-sex-abuse investigations involving public figures currently being run by different forces across the country.

Chief Constable Simon Bailey, chair of the group, told the briefing that out of 1,433 alleged offenders identified nationwide, 76 were politicians, 43 were from the music industry, seven were from sport and 135 were from the TV, film, or radio industries. Some 216 are now dead.

And even worse:

More than 30 years later, an inquiry into allegations of child sex abuse rings, murder, and cover-ups has been launched by the British government after Scotland Yard detectives said they believed statements by victims who claimed they were systematically abused as young boys at sex abuse parties attended by judges, politicians, intelligence officers, and staff at the royal palaces.

There is growing evidence that MI5 and MI6, Britain’s security services, took a similar view. MI5 is alleged to have repeatedly blocked investigations into a sex abuse ring at the Kincora children’s home in Northern Ireland in order to protect its intelligence-gathering operation.

Time and again crimes were reported but voices from above silenced the complaints before they came to court. Carl, who does not wish to give his second name, told The Daily Beast that this culture of secrecy, which had apparently paralyzed the British legal system, helped to scare off victims who wanted to report their powerful abusers.

Power and sexual abuse, whether against children or not, often go hand in hand.

And it isn’t exclusively American. Celebrities and political elites have been implicated in collaboration even in Britain and many other countries around the world.


Summarized Observations To “Hollywood Pedophilia, Sexual Assault, and Connections to Political Elites”


To summarize – In this article I went over a few topics:


  • Specific examples of Hollywood sexual scandals and their reasoning/implications
  • Actors/Actresses/Affiliates speaking out against it, and how many of their stories go unheard or unknown to the general population
  • Rape apologists within Hollywood, and how they shift the blame toward the victims or toward other issues rather than the perpetrators
  • The Clinton’s connection to sexual scandals and Hollywood
  • How the UK and other states have similar problems with powerful people participating in, and covering up sexual abuse

While I specifically targeted the Clintons in the political elite section, the general message is the same for any other political elite, as the UK example demonstrates. I used the Clinton’s scandals merely as a demonstration as they are the most widely known. There are plenty of other political elites involved in sexual scandals that work with Hollywood executives as well.


What are some key points I hope you take away from this article?


  • Sexual abuse is a power drive
    • Individuals that work their way to the top of Hollywood or politics are typically power-centric people. They place a much higher emphasis on power in their lives than the average person. While not inherently a negative, this drive for power can become increasingly erratic. Sexual abuse, especially against children, is typically a psychological lust for more power and control.
    • While it helps explain the rationale behind why individuals in powerful positions are so willing to throw everything away for this lust for power, it does not justify it. Nor does it justify while others would stay silent or support the perpetrators.
  • Hollywood has a serious problem with sex abuse
    • The fact that many know about instances of child/female exploitation, and do not report it, indicates an implicit problem in Hollywood [Verifiable by Feldman’s/Weinstein’s dossiers].
    • The “child/adult-male parties” repeatedly mentioned by victims in Hollywood, politics, and even in the UK indicate that these are not outlier events. The sheer ability to have parties alone with young children indicates a very odd “don’t ask, don’t tell” form of child abuse present in Hollywood.
    • Family members of young actors/actresses are willing to do whatever is necessary to further their child’s career, including sending them to these so-called “networking events”. Whether this is for the parent’s own corrupt desire to feel important, or because they believe it is in the best interest of their children, is largely unknown.
  • It is difficult to trust anything Hollywood elites say
    • There are numerous reports of women being sexually abused and raped in Hollywood. Many of these women chose not to say anything because “It would hurt their careers”. Many more in Hollywood defended rapists/sexual abusers that had demonstrable proof (sometimes as far as an outright guilty plea) that they committed heinous acts.
    • When these individuals clearly demonstrate such a lack of morality, how are we to know what else they will do, lie about, distort, or cover up, to further their own careers?
  • Hollywood and politics are not two separate entitieshollywood serious problem of sexual abuse
    • Elites within Hollywood have financially supported political sex abusers in the past (such as the massive donations to the Clinton’s and others).
    • Hollywood actors/actresses regularly speak about politics and give their views on subjects that they largely seem uneducated on. Indicating, with rather limited (but potentially crucial) evidence, that they may be groomed.
    • Many Hollywood executives and politicians regularly intermingle, such as Harvey Weinstein living right next door to Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton flying aboard the “Lolita express” dozens of times with a principle network contact in Hollywood, Jeffrey Epstein.
  • Sexual exploitation and rape is not new to elites
    • Evidence from the UK, US, and France both demonstrates that “child sex rings” and other nefarious sexual exploitation rings are not new to elite groups. While shocking to most people uneducated on this topic, it this has been going on for a long time. With a verifiable track record that clearly showcases the abuse.
  • There is a certain hypocrisy in Hollywood and the mainstream media
    • Hollywood regularly preaches about “progressive” policies but then covers up for sexual abusers (Such as the Weinstein story being “tucked away”).
    • Progressive policies usually favor a very pro-women empowerment sentiment. Their actions are incredibly anti-women and anti-children. This is a clear example of a hypocrisy, where they preach one thing, but do the complete opposite.

Concluding Remarks


Harvey Weinstein is not the only perpetrator in Hollywood. While I’m glad his revelations have come to light, there are certainly dozens more that are still hidden and will probably remain hidden. Your money ends up enabling these atrocities every time you indulge in Hollywood-related creations.

The Hollywood-Political Elite relationship is more intermingled than most know. There are strong connections between both “industries”. And both industries have a specific culture that encourages those with an insatiable lust for power to gravitate toward. Sexual abuse is a capstone symptom of a lust for power.

The main innocents here are the children pushed into Hollywood. Grown adults have the choice to allow themselves to be used and to stay silent to further their own career, or to speak out. Children do not have that choice. It is likely a very large reason why so many child actors turn to drugs, die young, and have horrible experiences growing up in the culture that not only allowed, but sometimes even encouraged, their abuse.

Because of this culturally repugnant lack of a moral compass, I am hesitant to believe anything people within this culture say. They are willing to trade their bodies, their souls, and innocent children, in exchange for fame and money. Which begs the question: “What else are they willing to do to further their own careers?”

If the individuals that commit these atrocities were average Americans, they would face justice. But because of their money and connections to political elites, they can hide in plain sight and escape retribution. And their victims may not speak out, which instead allows the cycle to continue for another generation to endure.

In the words of George Orwell: “All [people] are equal, but some [people] are more equal than others.


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390


    • That is hilarious! That man admitted to grabbing women by their genitals!
      *Russian prostitutes urinated on him!
      *Please research trumpy & Jeffrey Epstein.
      *Listen to his interview with Howard Stern & his sexually inappropriate comments about his daughter.
      *Donald lives in the swamp & he is a traitor & working for Putin

      • Wow, People who just automatically believe these hate lies about Trump are really hard to stomach. Especially when they never seem to acknowledge the good hes done and doing. His taskforce already busted hundreds of children sex/trafficking rings around America. Wake up and please grow up

      • I assume by your attacking Trump who is attacking pedophiles, that you yourself share this despicable proclivity. Keep hiding !

    • Oh he is. He’s already had his taskforce bust hundreds of child sex/trafficking rings and the media said not a word about it. That’s why Hollywood hates him. Whoopi Goldberg abuses at judge Jenni on the view, doesn’t let her speak at all and then throws Jenni out behind the scenes with f*** off shouted in her face a few times. It’s disgraceful. De niro implicated using a prostitution agency that got done for having underage girls working for them. Yet he has the nerve to demean Trump every chance he gets. How dare they? This is Hollywood, the foul mouthed, yelling, abusive, rude, intolerant people who are sex abuser themselves….or enablers of it.

  1. For YEARS, I told people not to fall for “PsychoBill’s” good-guy-act!!! The man has no soul. He is a narcissistic psychopath with delusions of self-grandure. Never ONCE has he ever admitted to having done anything wrong!!! Man, you think RUDY was bad???
    Oh how I just LOVE the way Bill always portrays himself as “the quiet one” in the fat Albert cartoon!!! Yeah right!!! Quiet my fat bloated A—-!!! But he never could fool his mama, he never could fool Harold, and he never could fool ME!!! That old wash-up KNOWS not to show his face anywhere NEAR the old junkyard!!! Old junkyards are great!!! You can hide lots of old dead “business” in them!!! HEY HEY HEY!!!

  2. How is it that your article was written in 2017 and you mention politicians and talked about the Clintons & the UK BUT fail to mention Trump alleged connection Jeffrey Epstein & his child sex/rape ring??? A victim of the ring brought charges & filed a civil suit against the Donald in which she was threatened to drop these charges before the election. You also did not mention his infamous admission of grabbing women by their genitals. If you are doing an exposé then do it.

      • No shit. That’s because the vast majority of the public figures are left-leaning and liberal.

        I wonder why that could ever possibly be?

    • Before Trump was president he got to go to a lot of parties. Hollywood actors, politicians, other businessmen and financiers. He is on Epstein’s plane file as visiting Epstein’s “Lolita” island by Epstein’s private plane ONCE. Obviously Trump saw what was going on and never went back. The Clinton’s log has them taking the pane trip to the island 14 times together, bill 24 times alone and Hilary 20 times alone.
      This is why Hollywood actors like de niro, have unprecedented hate for Trump. They know what he’s about to do, expose the pedophiles in Hollywood so they are discrediting him beforehand. The hate for Trump is so exaggerated it makes it obvious it’s a “get him before he gets us”. Trump can do coz he has his own money and power to achieve bringing them down.

    • Oh and the person who made then dropped charges against Trump is like all the other false charges made against him which has had no evidence to back it up and so has been discarded. Stormy has to pay Trump court costs because the judge found no evidence of her claims. As for grabbing women, yeah, it’s wrong but how many men do this? Bill Clinton got a headjob under the table at the White house. Then at least half a dozen women came forward with stories of sexual harrassment from bill. He got impeached but it seems no one care anymore about his sleaziness. Or Hilarys callous disregard of the women her husband abused. It seems every one else can rape a child then go back to work at Hollywood. Leave Trump out of it and concentrate on the actual real predators still around children.

    • Trump is being persecuted by pedophiles for exposing them. Since you are joining this persecution, one can draw only one conclusion about you!

    • Do you comprehend the written word!!!?!!!! Nasty lie upon vile lie has been told about Trump here, but you didn’t see it?! Perhaps a complete silencing of President Trump would be your preference! Why?????? What are you afraid of????????

  3. Since the majority of these comments are asking me about Donald Trump, I want to clear some things up:

    1) This article is focused on kids and sex trafficking. As far as I’m aware, Trump has no connections to child sex rings or sex trafficking.

    2) I mentioned Clinton primarly because they are big name targets that have clear connections to the aforementioned 2 issues, mostly through Bill Clinton.

    3) I can’t mention every single person that has had a sexual charge against them. It’s a theme article, not a “here is everybody that has ever done anything” article.

    Again, the point of this article is to point out the connection between Hollywood pedo’s, politicians, and sexual abuse rings. Not “this guy touched me once” assaults, but endemic, usually child-focused, sexual abuse organizations.

    If you want to research Trump’s ties, start on wikipedia and come to your own conclusions (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump_sexual_misconduct_allegations) – that is not the point of this article. This is not meant to be a politically-charged article, nor am I focused on solely sexual assault allegations.

    Finally, thanks for stopping by and reading my article. Have a nice day.

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