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Holiday Season Is Here: Changes To The Regular Article Schedule

Addressing the new article schedule for the upcoming holiday season.

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The Holiday Season Approaches

The holidays are officially here. We’re only one week out from Thanksgiving.

Which means two things: 1) We’re all going to be eating some great food soon, and 2) there will be a lot fewer articles each week here on HD.

For the long-term lurkers and readers, this will not be a surprise. I always take a more laid-back approach for November and December. This year is no different.

However, we have a lot of newer readers this year (By my analytics plugin, we’ve actually doubled from last year. Which is exceptional. I am happy to have all of you new readers. I hope you are finding some use in my writings and meanderings).

So, this may be a shock for the newer readers, which is why it calls for a ‘heads up’ article.

Here is the holiday season article schedule:

  • I am only going to be putting out three articles a week from this point on until the new year begins. Likely on a Mon/Wed/Fri schedule. So, we’re dropping the Tues/Thurs articles.

I will be spending the free time with family and actually putting into action the things on this website that I encourage others to do, such as preparing for World War 3, enjoying the good times while we can, and engaging in local activism. I encourage you all to do the same.

But no matter how you decide to celebrate it, I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season.

Read Next: Website Improvements: Most Popular Articles And More


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390


  1. You get all these new people and then reduce content output. That seems counter-productive. But it is the holidays, I understand. Sucks though I have been enjoying the daily read.

    • Always got the archives. Some great finds in there (and some admittedly not-so-great finds, as well). But hopefully the 3 a week still keeps you refreshed.

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