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A short rundown of the history of The Hidden Dominion. Where did this website get its origins and how did we grow to where we are now?
I started The Hidden Dominion back in November 2016. My initial reasoning for beginning the website was because I couldn’t speak publicly about my beliefs due to my employment and schooling situation. I needed to stay under the radar, like so many other people still do. However, I wanted a place to share my thoughts, and (hopefully) evolve them to the absolute truth over time. Kind of like an online megaphone platform but with no one around in a 150 miles radius. Then my beliefs could be iron-hardened, challenged, and also heard, since I was limited in doing so publically.
Back then, The Hidden Dominion focused on self improvement, prepping, and societal degradation. One of those stayed (hint: check the menu), and overtime I went more and more toward my main interest: government and its structures (communism, socialism, capitalism, etc). Including the problems evidenced in each.
Now, we’re focused on a lot of things. From Christianity, to cultural degradation, to building a better government, to building a better person – I cover much more than before. Yet, I still find much enjoyment in it. It’s one of my favorite hobbies. It’s helped me to grow a lot. And perhaps most importantly, it’s helped keep my search for truth active and alive throughout all of my life stages.
In the modern age, it seems that many of us lose ourselves, and our personality, to public pressure.
Whether it is by walking the fine line of “advertiser friendliness,” or by utilizing third-party websites that have asinine restrictions on free speech, or simply by being around very politically correct bosses/leadership.
This pressure is where the name came from.
Kept out of sight; concealed
Sovereignty; control
I couldn’t speak fully free due to my circumstances, and I figured others couldn’t either. So I built this website with the intention of allowing open communication/dialogue between people in similar positions. It’s why I have an open comment system and (previously) an open contribution system.
This was an out-of-sight, anonymous place that I could speak freely under my control. Since then, it has clearly morphed to many other things. But the original intention was just that: a place for a dissident to be free and grow in solitude with others like them.
My hope is for that aspect to always remain.
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