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Chicago is on fire again. It makes you wonder: Have we atoned for George Floyd yet? How many stolen Gucci bags until it counts as reparations?
Another day, another riot:
Chicago police return fire as looters hit Mag Mile, smashing windows and confronting officers
Hundreds of people swept through the Magnificent Mile and other parts of downtown Chicago early Monday, smashing windows, looting stores, confronting police and at one point exchanging gunfire with officers, authorities said.
The looting began shortly after midnight as people darted through broken store windows and doors along Michigan Avenue carrying shopping bags full of merchandise. Cars dropped off more people as the crowd grew. At least one U-Haul van was seen pulling up.
The peaceful protestors are getting smarter. They’re bringing U-Hauls now.
Stores on North Michigan were hit by looters less than three months ago during a weekend of protests after the police death of George Floyd in Minneapolis.
The officers, responding to reports of a young man with a gun, spotted someone who fit the description near Moran Park in the 5700 block of South Racine Avenue around 2:30 p.m. He ran away and, while being chased by police, turned around and fired at them, authorities said. He was taken to University of Chicago Medical Center but his condition was not known.
‘Young man‘ was the best description I could find. Other sources called him a 15 year old. Or an unarmed black child.
But by “young man” and “unarmed black child” the dishonest media actually meant this 20 year old criminal gang-banger:
Just like how the George Floyd narrative was complete bullsh*t, so was this narrative. Damn, isn’t the media great at their jobs?
Now on Aug 10:
The looting began around midnight, with people streaming in and out of high-end stores. Some could be seen throwing merchandise into a rental truck and other large vehicles before driving away.
Black Lives Matter Chicago, which protested outside a Near South Side police precinct Monday night, blasted Lightfoot for accepting the police version of events and not doing more to institute reforms. The organization suggested the man was right to flee authorities, given the department’s history of racism and abusive tactics.
“In a predictable and unfortunate move, she did not take this time to criticize her officers for shooting yet another Black man,” the organization’s statement read. “Lightfoot instead spent her time attacking ‘looters.’ The mayor clearly has not learned anything since May, and she would be wise to understand that the people will keep rising up until the CPD is abolished and our Black communities are fully invested in.”
BLM takes the side of looters. Even when it’s defending a gang-banger that shot at cops.
Think about that for a second.
Then realize this is the same organization that hundreds of companies have donated millions too. Including Fortune 500’s.
The same organization that hundreds of cities let paint their streets with #BLM and other nonsense.
This is why our country is falling apart. The sheep and their shepherds.
I thought I had passed the most idiotic part of the article, but alas, I was wrong.
Then this guy chimes in:
The idea that a lax criminal justice system alone paved the way for the looting oversimplifies the situation, said David Stovall, a professor of African American studies and criminology, law and justice at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
If the Sunday police shooting did touch off the reaction, then the decades of a strained relationship between police and the community has to be considered too.
Stovall said those who engaged in the looting are potentially reacting to that history and demonstrating their lack of trust in law enforcement. It’s not surprising that they questioned those official facts and then decided to “strike back,” he said.
“If we’re going to get hit, then we are going to strike back at the spaces that hurt you the most,” Stovall said, describing the mindset.
Yes, because clearly the black community got together and decided “let’s strike where it hurts” instead of “let’s steal a bunch of expensive shit“.
Remember, this guy is an academic. He’s an “authority“. Laughable, really.
A black guy shoots at cops and the black community gets together and decides to get justice by stealing sh*t with a U-Haul.
Clearly, it’s the strained relationship between police and the community that is at fault here. Not black looters.
No, how could we ever expect them to have any responsibility over their actions?
Nah, this guy is a crock like most academics. The real mindset is they want Gucci and expensive watches and this is a good outrage cover. It’s not that hard to figure out.
Then the icing on the cake:
“No, we do not need federal troops in Chicago, period, full stop,” Lightfoot said. “I’m sure the president will have his way with this incident, but I’m calling upon him to do the things that we do need (such as gun control).”
That’s exactly what Chicago needs: a defunded police and no good guys with guns.
Clearly, we need a Chicago with these looters, no police, and unarmed citizens. It’s an idea so great that only a democrat could ever come up with.
Also, it is hysterical how they always redirect to Trump. Doesn’t matter what happens. They have to relate or deflect to Trump. Even though Trump has absolutely nothing to do with black looters in Chicago destroying the entire city multiple times.
Oh Chicago, how you have fallen. I miss my old city.
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The Truth on George Floyd Finally Arrives
Whiplash: Yesterday Only The Cops Should Have Guns, Today ACAB
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