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Hard Work Versus Diligent Work

We must be diligent in our work. An article on how the concept of a work ethic has degenerated twice over in our current civilization.

hard work

On Hard Work

Capitalism is an interesting creature, because under it, the perspectives of the citizens change to favor increased consumption of material goods. Those who consume more are “better”, whereas those who consume less are perceived as less productive and less contributory. Therefore, those who consume less are lesser.

A similar theme is present in my article here: Who The Nation Admires.

It is easy then to surmise why “hard work” has become a corrupted virtue. If one were to work hard in the prior non-degenerative capitalistic society, one could earn more. Thus, they would be better, in the worldly sense. The metric of gauging hard work became material, worldly possessions, instead of the consistent, inward benefits of a proper work ethic/diligence. Before this change, we measured hard work in different, non-economic terms.

The capitalistic vision of “hard work” is the first degeneration of the work ethic, but it is not the last.

This is coming from someone that, I suppose, would be labelled as a “hard worker”. I do my five ten-hour shifts at the day job, keep this website pumping out 5-6 articles a week, have a side gig, do quite a bit extra for my local church, lead my family, stay involved in a couple different recurring volunteer positions, and all the other assorted things I’m sure most dissidents also do. I don’t have much free time, that’s for sure.

But I still don’t buy into the ‘hard work is a virtue’ when interpreted in the modern sense. One should not work hard carelessly, for the wrong reasons, or just because. They should not be hard workers, but be diligent.

We collectively define diligence as “carefulness and persistent effort or work”, not simply work that is hard. It is careful in cause and persistent. The work itself could be easy, moderate, or challenging. Often changing between the three.

Christians are called to be diligent spiritually, to receive spiritual success. This is an inward, self-improvement, not an outward display of work ethic. We Christians must be careful in our pursuit of spiritualness (to not be deceived) and we must be persistent (to not go astray).

“Hard work” as a fake virtue has seemingly replaced the real virtue of diligence of our ancestral greats. They have corrupted the original interpretation of diligent work to focus on the material.

Certain forms of work can be a virtuous characteristic, but only when that work is being put in is going toward something beneficial and is being done with mindfulness. Hard work for hard work’s sake is misguided at best, and incredibly harmful when put toward evil ends. Demons also put in a hard day’s work. That doesn’t mean it is a benefit to them or us.

I bring this up because of the environment we dissidents find ourselves in.

I have struggled to believe in this infallible concept of careless hard work ever since my employer tried to force me to undergo a medical procedure against my will or risk becoming homeless (covid jab).

They wanted me to undergo an experimental mRNA shot with absolutely no say of my own, like a cow at a farm that must get fatter and take any jabs that the farmer decides. That shot had absolutely no relevance to my work, as I’m remote. It was complete insanity.

Hard work in this condition became careless. It became the opposite of diligence. This work was not careful and persistent work; it was careless and degrading work.

Why work hard in this environment? Because it’s a fake virtue? But that hard work is going toward malicious ends of encouraging this evil behavior by an employer. I don’t benefit by providing more end product to an evil entity, and no one else benefits by me staying silent and allowing them to proliferate and do this to others.

Even worse—The degenerated idea of work has degenerated even further under modernity. Corporations value identity and submission over merit, so hard work is also no longer a useful metric of success. Hard work doesn’t help us acquire more material goods as it used to under the capitalistic degeneration, so the new mantra of identity/submission is even further degenerated from the capitalistic degeneration. We’re reaching very low levels.

We started with diligent work, degenerated to capitalistic hard work, and now have further degenerated to identity/submissive work.

The corporations yelled: “Get the vax or get out”, to even their best employees. They mandate diversity training for all hires, even the money-maker employees.

We put in great work to companies that then finance abortions for demons, pump BLM full of money to riot, and encourage millions of illegals to flood the border. Is this “hard work” being done carefully? Is it going to a good cause?

There is no such thing as a raise or a promotion anymore, even. We get those by quitting and taking our skills elsewhere. So why would a person work hard for the same company for years when they won’t be rewarded at all? The leaders are at fault here for destroying this virtue, because those leaders started the degeneration by not following their own required virtues of charity, kindness, and justice to their own employees. The leaders should build the employees up, but they are not, so it is challenging for the employees to remain virtuous in return.

A strong work ethic in this environment is a damaging one, as it would call for the person(s) to submit to such treatment instead of working toward better. The persistent, careful work of demanding better would not just help the dissident, but also those around the dissident that would then also be placed in a better environment.

In short, we should put the work ethic toward demanding better from our employers rather than submitting to the employer. The work ethic still exists. It is just a diligent work ethic instead of a tunnel-visioned “hard work” variant.

A genuine work ethic is neither the capitalistic degeneration or the identity/submission degeneration. It is diligence.

It’s understandable that this shift is occurring. Instead of the (already failed) “hard work”, we’re moving to “identity work”. Whoever identifies with the most leftist slogans is the “best” now. They get paid more and don’t face the risks of losing their jobs. They get the promotions and transfers. No surprise, given that the average person making an average salary can’t even afford an average house. Hard work as a concept for material security has clearly failed. There is no reason to work hard when identity wins, that hard work is going toward evil, and that hard work cannot materially benefit you.

The second work ethic degeneration was bound to happen given enough time and recognition of this fact.

Because of our newfound diversity, the environment is no longer a mostly white male Christian environment like our earlier years. In that environment, hard work could be sold above that of diligence with no real harm received. That environment is gone.

Still, I am one who will work diligently. But never in the interest of evil. It’s why I discussed three inside-the-system lifestyle strategies recently. Out of them, the infiltration and prosperity strategies both require hard, diligent work. But they will go toward a good cause.

I would prefer a nation-state where diligent hard work was the norm and where that work was adequately rewarded based on its merit. But that is not the state we are under. So, we must adjust accordingly.

It is what it is. This is the world they made and now we will live in it.

We must be diligent workers, not hard workers.

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Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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