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You need proof that you know more than the media about guns? You're at the right place. Get Gunology certified with only 5 questions.
The majority of the left-leaning politicians that are gunophobic simply don’t know anything about firearms.
You sure don’t have to look hard to find proof of that. Here are some golden quotes from the top of the leftism hierarchy:
The Second Amendment only protects the people who want all the guns they can have. The rest of us, we’ve got no Second Amendment. What are we supposed to do?
Louise Slaughter, NY Democrat State Rep
Well, you know, my shotgun will do better for you than your AR-15, because you want to keep someone away from your house, just fire the shotgun through the door.
Biden, Democrat Presidential Candidate
We have federal regulations and state laws that prohibit hunting ducks with more than three rounds. And yet it’s legal to hunt humans with 15-round, 30-round, even 150-round magazines.
Dianne Feinstein, Democrat Senator
What’s the efficacy of banning these magazine clips? I will tell you… these are ammunition, they’re bullets. So the people who have those now, they’re going to shoot them, so if you ban them in the future, the number of these high capacity magazines is going to decrease dramatically over time because the bullets will have been shot and there won’t be any more available.
Diana DeGette, CO Democrat State Rep
We flood communities with so many guns that it is easier for a teenager to buy a Glock than get his hands on a computer or even a book.
Barack Obama, Former Democrat President
The mainstream media is not much better. Especially considering Merriam-Webster has changed the definition of assault weapons to suit a political agenda. It appears we’re in for a long ride.
Check out these gems from the mainstream media:
This clearly indicates the media knows jackall about firearms.
A 40mm “pistol” would kill the user. 40mm are used in grenade launchers.
The fact that they could mess up the caliber so badly is die-hard proof of how little they know. Someone that has shot a .22 one time should know better.
Not even going to lie I laughed for like 20 seconds straight after seeing this image from a USA Today video, which is supposedly talking about what attachments are available for “assault weapons”.
They also had one about an attachable shotgun, because that makes sense too.
You definitely don’t need to worry about good news journalism. CNN caught the fact that this guy purchased an “AR15 shotgun”.
Because that makes sense.
Oh, and one more favorite.
Let’s end with this piece. It’s a CNN guy shooting an AR-15 for the first time. Looks pretty much like a frazzled 12-year-old:
In this two-minute video, CNN talks about how the “AR 15 is really loud” and how it is designed to “inflict maximum damage”. He also holds it incorrectly on numerous occasions. It’s a goldmine of idiocy, if you’re in the market for some.
These examples, right here, are why we need a Certificate in Gunology.
This stuff is just ridiculous at this point.
Take the 5 question quiz below to become a certified Gunologist.
The Hidden Dominion et al. guarantee in good faith that anyone that completes this Gunology quiz with a score above a 2 knows more about firearms than 99.9%* of journalists, reporters, and left-leaning politicians.
(* – I can’t say 100% for legal reasons. But it’s 100%).
Take the quiz now:
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