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That whole Kavanaugh debacle was a mess. It seems like men in the United States are now being assumed guilty until proven more guilty.
That whole Kavanaugh debacle was a mess.
For those ignorant to the news (Oh how I envy you): Kavanaugh is the individual set to take the next Supreme Court position. The issue? He’s being accused of sexual misconduct by numerous women.
So the nomination was being delayed as he was being probed by the FBI another seventy times.
The supposed crimes took place when Kavanaugh was in college. Decades prior.
It’s interesting to me how these women are coming out now. You know, 30 years after the fact.
And right when he’s up for nomination to the Supreme Court in the political party they don’t like (Republican).
It’s not much different from say… the last 50 Republican men that all suddenly got accused of sexual misconduct as soon as they become a threat to the democrats.
There are two principal issues I catch with this whole story. For starters:
It seems clear as day that this is a political ploy with impeccable timing.
Let’s break these down.
We have a very important legal backbone in the US. It’s called “innocent until proven guilty”.
It means that someone can not just assume you did something and destroy your life for it.
This is not being held up in rape allegations. Men’s lives have, and are, being destroyed over allegations, many of which turn up fake.
This is exactly why we have innocent until proven guilty, so these types of missteps do not occur. So that the alleged perpetrator has a chance to be proven “not guilty”, and not have their lives destroyed.
In the case of Kavanaugh, it’s clear what the intention is. They seek no remedy or repentance against him. They just don’t want him on the Supreme Court. Because he’s a Republican. And young. And thus, a threat.
I don’t necessarily agree with his nomination or consider him the best choice, but this is still incredibly unjust.
I spoke a bit about this in my article “The Connection: Hollywood Pedophilia, Sexual Assault, and Political Elites“.
Why aren’t women speaking out when the alleged misconduct occurs? Why wait 20 years and then attempt to seek remedy?
If I was robbed, I would not wait 20 years and then try to block the guy from getting on the Supreme Court. I’d call the police ASAP. I do not understand the action of waiting for so many years to then decide to get justice. Get justice now, when it happens. Or at least try.
It’s a terrifying world we live in if I could climb the ranks of whatever profession I am in, only to later have a woman decide she doesn’t like me and to accuse me of rape completely unfounded. And then have my life destroyed, because I’m immediately assumed guilty. In what world should a person have this level of power through character assassination?
Let’s look at the actual allegations against Kavanaugh:
Ford’s testimony changed 50 times, and she is now silent. Interesting how that works. Ramirez’s story is 1) not verifiable 2) stupid. Swetnick’s story is 1) not verifiable 2) stupid in the sense that all young men want women and 3) ridiculous. What school has known drugged gang-bangs for decades that no one talks about? At that point, the women being silent would be just as guilty as the men who stay silent on it.
All three of these are just that: stories. Unverifiable, unsubstantiated, and their word against his. And yet it damn near cost him the nomination.
Maybe Mike Pence was right all along with the whole “not being in a room alone with a woman except your wife” motto. One deranged woman could damn near cost you your entire future.
“It’s a very scary time in America for young men” – President Trump
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The sex robot thing is going to be such a hit people’s heads will be spinning well into the 22nd century . . . especially among younger men.
This will be a disaster for many reasons. And in typical American fashion, the actual root cause of it will never be discussed and remedied.
That is, if the species makes it that long after sex robots come out.
Joking, of course. Well… hopefully.