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It is seemingly turning out that the risk of complications from the vaccine are higher than the risk of catching the virus itself.
A very interesting analysis has come out from America’s Frontline Doctors.
With some major conclusions:
Expert evaluation on adverse effects of the Pfizer-COVID-19 vaccination
Overall conclusions
Before continuing the massive vaccination project, these adverse effects must be examined and carefully evaluated vs positive effects. The results on increased vaccination-induced infection rates (3-fold) and death rates (around 20 times the COVID-death rate of the unvaccinated) presented above are serious reasons to suspect that a balanced cost-benefit would not be in favour of vaccination for any risk group.
Considering only COVID19-associated increased risks during the 5-week vaccination period, vaccine-induced protection would need to be absolute, which it is not, and last much longer than the 12 months projected until the next vaccine injection is required. Including in calculations unavailable precise data on vaccine-induced increased risks unrelated to COVID19 will necessarily increase the vaccine protection period required to compensate for all vaccine-associated deaths, probably beyond 2.5 years. Our calculations for younger age groups predict an even more extreme and dire situation. It is long known that vaccination is not cost-effective against organisms or viruses with highly mutable genomes. RNA viruses, coronaviruses and HIV included, have the most mutable known genomes. Note that vaccine-associated risks increase proportionally to the strength of the immune system, predicting that vaccination will greatly increase the very low COVID19 risks experienced by the younger population. Extrapolations two independent available datasets confirm this prediction.
Re-evaluation of the project requires age- and vaccine-status specific data for all individuals, including those who died and those who did not die. Such a classical and transparent cost-benefit analysis could prevent catastrophic consequences, especially considering that the data were collected and published by teams that are not absolutely independent of the company that produces and sells the vaccine. Vaccination-assocated morality risks are expected at least 20 times greater below age 20 compared to the very low COVID19-associated risks for this age group enjoying the healthiest immune system.
This ties in pretty heavily with my prior vaccine assumptions:
This winter may be interesting if the above information from their study is true. We would then likely see a major spike in cases, with many being serious, for younger age groups that were previously un-affected. All because of the vaccine which won’t really benefit the youth at all in the first place.
I’ll be staying away from this one. I’ve already had COVID; it was a minor cold. This appears like it could be far worse.
No thanks.
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