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Get Ready: You Should Do These Things Now

Get ready for 2024. The clock is ticking.

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Preparing For 2024

You can’t get through a single dissident comment section or article without realizing that pretty much all of us are expecting serious problems soon.

It’s in the air—You can feel it. I get the same feeling that I had prior to the first covid lockdowns. Something is lurking around the corner.

Nothing makes sense anymore, and that is on purpose.

While “soon” is relative, most are forecasting at least before the 2024 election. Some much sooner, such as Alex Jones predicting a return of covid lockdowns this fall. Which means time is in short supply.

Regardless of the “when” debate, those of us with even the slightest bit of perception know that something is coming. We just don’t know exactly what or when.

While some may claim this is fearporn or doomsdayism, I vehemently disagree. All we are feeling and recognizing is the reality of the foundational crack in our system. The crack is there—we clearly see it—we just cannot predict when it will cause the house to give out. Or what the owners of the house are going to do, given they have the same knowledge of the crack.

This is in stark contrast to 2019, before the madness of covid began in 2020. Most people lived in their own little bubble during this time. They did not imagine that bubble could ever be busted. But come forced lockdowns, vaccines mandates, masking, health department tyrants, and the full releasing of the lunatics and Karens, that bubble popped quick. Bad things can happen to a powerful state. Wow! Who would have thought?

Once the covid mandates ceased and life returned slightly back to normal, the grey masses forgot it all. Upon talking with many people, I am convinced that they have segmented the covid era in their brain, to never have to think about it again.

Which means they are susceptible to what is coming. They learned nothing and see nothing. But you, my dear reader, should not be in the same trap.

That same feeling is back. I know you feel it, just as I do. Which means the countdown timer has begun. How long it will run is undetermined, but the clock is ticking now.

Many of us, myself included, were a bit blindsided by how fast the leftist covid tyranny moved. I will not be this time. Neither should you.

Which means you should be preparing. Get the things you wished you had during the test run edition (covid lockdowns round one). Get out there and stock your fridge full of healthy meats and foods. Buy toilet paper and water in amounts you normally would not. Stockpile ammo, guns, and other TCAs. Create an escape plan for local evacuation, steps for fleeing your state, and even a process for breaking out of the country as a whole. Consider reading my other articles on the subject, starting with this one.

Then, when everyone else panics, you should be patting yourself on the back while maintaining your wits about you. Not scrambling with the crowds to prepare in the midst of the disaster.

Mentally prepare, too. We don’t know what or when, but we have some guesses. Direct conflict with BRICS, another fake pandemic, the collapse of the U.S. Dollar, a new (real) pandemic, a false flag mass casualty event, assassinations of major political leaders, supply chain problems, and so on. More than likely, it will be more than one of these. Occurring before the 2024 elections. Be ready to tackle any of these events and do not fall for the psyop that will surely come alongside the event.

If you expect the worst and prepare for the worst, you will not be caught off-guard. A big part of that is your mental game, so do not neglect that piece.

Some of our guys got caught off-guard during the trial round of collapse with covid in 2020. They either did not have the goods they needed, or their mental game was not strong enough to withstand the rapid propaganda and indoctrination. This was a major problem with 2020 and why we could not organize a better resistance. To prevent this: Get prepared, and do it now.

Even some of our best dissident writers/leaders fell for the covid scam. They know who they are. Learn from it. Don’t make the same mistakes again. Don’t lead our guys into the abyss once again. If you can’t handle it, shut up and get out of the way.

Given the fact that the peaceful days of summer are coming to a close, this form of preparation is something we all should probably be doing right now.

While we don’t know when, we all know the clock is ticking. Best not to keep it waiting.

Read Next: Covid Lies: A Reminder


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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