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Gen Z: Destroyed By The LGBT Mafia

Analyzing the real pandemic: the LGBT trends across generations. With an emphasis on how the LGBT Mafia has impacted Gen Z.

lgbt mafia

The Impact of The LGBT Mafia On Gen Z

The new trendy fad is to be LGBT:

americans self-identified as lgbtq by generation 2021 (lgbt mafia)

Notice the trend. It tripled from the trads to the boomers, and has been near doubling each generation since.

If gayness is genetic, as they tell us, then that’s quite a large increase per generation. That would be a startling genetic shift: a gay pandemic, perhaps. Either we have that type of massive civilization-ending genetic mutation at hand, or we had a non-birth-rate-sustaining level of LGBT that somehow ignored it their entire lives for generations until now, or we have a trendy fad.

And it’s clearly the latter. Because this trend is not normal. It’s artificially being constructed.

Which is probably why Americans notoriously get it wrong on the actual numbers of LGBT within the nation. Numbers that are likely incorrectly elevated on their own:

percent of americans who are gay or lesbian reality vs expectations
percent of americans who are gay or lesbian reality vs expectations

Sadly, a Gen Z participant making these estimates for his or her own generation wouldn’t be far off from reality. They are at 20.8% after all.

They really have been destroyed by the mob and the LGBT mafia.

Apolitical says it well:

degeneracy meme by apolitical

It’s a evolutionary mechanism for young kids to pick the easy side and to try to fit in with their surroundings. Which is why these numbers keep doubling. And unless something changes, this trend will continue to grow.

Raise your kids correctly. Give them a better environment to acclimate toward. Don’t willingly toss them into the fire.

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Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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