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Exploring how capitalism destroys itself with its own financial elites.
Or, if you prefer, “free market capitalism is destroyed by the isolated class“.
It’s promising that regular conservatives are starting to recognize this issue:
Free Market Capitalism Is Under Siege – From Capitalists
We live in a strange world. John D. Rockefeller, the founder of Standard Oil, helped provide the energy that powered the American century beginning in the early 1900s. Today, his grandchildren spend the billions of dollars that he donated to the Rockefeller Foundation to attack the same oil and gas industry that he almost single-handedly built. Likewise, Henry Ford’s trust, the Ford Foundation, now spends millions of dollars on climate change — as if the automobile was a sinister invention.
And now we learn from the Chronicle of Philanthropy that the Hewlett Foundation and a partner foundation will donate some $40 million “to five academic institutions” to “rethink” the benefits of free markets.
Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard were two of America’s most outstanding entrepreneurs, co-founding their iconic computer company Hewlett-Packard out of a garage in Northern California.
According to the Chronicle of Philanthropy, the purpose of the foundation grants is to “challenge neoliberalism, an intellectual movement that began in the late 1940s that established broadly accepted principles on the role of markets and governments that became firmly established over decades.” Specifically, the grants are meant to discredit “the economic models of Friedrich Hayek and Milton Friedman, (whose) policies were to shrink the size of government, reduce government debt, open up trade, and deregulate the market.” The Hayek/Friedman model, of course, was adopted under former President Ronald Reagan in the United States and under former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher in the United Kingdom.
The big question now is: What great American capitalist who has gotten rich off our free enterprise system will put up $40 million to defend the infrastructure of economic liberalization?
The answer is that few will, if any. The free enterprise system has been centralized, and they won’t allow those who will not submit to be invited into its ranks going forward. Too much power has been centralized into the hands of the few, and those few then closed the dam to not let anymore come through without their concurrence.
You can’t expect people with unlimited capital power in a capital-centric country to be forever benevolent, nor can you expect them to forever be under reasonable control when they can acquire enough power to buy-out their own regulators. The power is disproportionate, the market cannot correct what has already occurred.
The free market is attractive to the general population because it means the government doesn’t control it. They have created an illusion that the government is the largest and only threat, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. There are many centralization arenas for the evil reprobates to work. If they can’t use one, they’ll move to another. The isolated class makes us afraid of any alternative to their own benefit. But we replace one unaccountable force (the government) with another (the financial elite). Neither solution is promising for long-term sustainability. A free market is ideal, but I can find no way to sustain it even theoretically.
You can have a free market, but you can’t keep it. Therein lies the issue with most libertarian-leaning dissidents, that there is no powerful-enough counterbalance to this form of financial power. But the same is true of the authoritarian-leaning dissidents, that there is no powerful-enough counterbalance to that form of governmental power.
Both options are unsustainable. We need an alternative. A free market for the small, a heavily regulated and negotiation market for the large, and a closed market for the most dangerous—The SCM and their allies.
The different wealth centralizers are not equal. They should not be treated equally.
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The Controlled Demolition Of Our Economy
Economic World War: The Severity Of The Dollar Crisis
Free Speech Versus Accountable Speech
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