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2020 election fraud

Fraud Still Being Found In The 2020 Election Two Years Later

As if we needed any more evidence. The continuing saga of the 2020 election.

2020 election fraud

2020 Election Fraud: Two Years Later

As if we needed any more evidence:

Election Watchdog Finds 137,500 Ballots Unlawfully Trafficked in Wisconsin

10 trillion unique cell phone ‘pings’ were used to reconstruct the movements of ballot box intermediaries in 2020 election

At least 137,500 absentee ballots were cast through unlawful vote trafficking throughout several of Wisconsin’s largest cities in the 2020 election, according to research presented last week to the state Assembly’s Committee on Campaigns and Elections by the public interest organization True the Vote (TTV).

Ballot trafficking is an activity in which absentee ballots and votes are solicited, sometimes in exchange for money or other valuables. They are then collected through a process called “harvesting” and delivered to drop boxes by intermediaries (someone other than the voter), who are often paid a per-ballot fee by partisan actors.

“An organized crime against Americans” is how TTV cyber expert Gregg Phillips described to the committee what happened in Wisconsin and elsewhere during the 2020 election.

Yet the Ministry of Truth tells us it is Putin and his corrupt oligarchs that we should be worried about. Not our own [unelected] oligarchy.

Meanwhile, to those of us not blind or mentally impaired, we can clearly recognize that we have far larger issues right here at home.

We’ll likely keep hearing about this for years to come. As far as I’m aware, there are still well over two dozen investigations ongoing. It won’t change anything, but it’ll be fun to use against the general conservatives that still pretend that the vote matters.

The worst part of the 2020 election isn’t even the fraud. It’s that we have somewhere near 40-50% of the voting population that voted for a dementia patient who admitted about his corruption in Ukraine and whose son smoked Parmesan cheese mistaking it for crack. Even if we corrected the leadership issues, we’re still stuck living with those people who actively chose him. And they have the vote.

Now that is a scary thought.

Update: And to add in some fun videos I stumbled upon after writing this article, here is a compilation of three videos where random people were dumping massive amounts of votes into official drop boxes. Never forget the most secure election in history.

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Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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