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I will be gone this week. In my place, I will be sharing articles from other sites. We start our week off with a recommended read about the Civil War.
[Internal HD note for readers: Hello all, I’m taking some leave this week (Oct 9th – 16th, 2023). Normally, I try to double the articles in the prior week(s) to make up for being gone, but that usual strategy did not work this past week. So, articles will be light this week. Instead of going full AWOL, I decided to share some of my top external articles I’ve wanted to share for a while but have not gotten around too. So, each day of this week we’ll have a different featured article. As for the normal routine, I’ll be back next Monday. Until then, enjoy these external article recommendations.]
For the first article of my absent week, I wanted to share an article that covers the Civil War.
It is an essential lesson for the dissident to get caught up on the true history of that War, and to realize the sheer amount of lies that have been indoctrinated into you if you still buy into the mainstream narrative of the conflict.
This is one topic that destroys restorationists. Far too many Americans want to “go back” to the “good ol’ days” of the 1950s, 20s, or some other modern era. But the truth of the Civil War in the 19th century will shatter that false hope and illusion.
One of the best articles I’ve found on the topic that is short and covers a breadth of material in an easily digestible manner is this one from the Unz Review:
Understanding the American Civil War
Mike Whitney Interviews Paul Craig Roberts
Paul Craig Roberts– Before I answer the questions it needs to be clearly stated that my answers are not merely my opinion, but hard facts supported in the historical record. Like John Maynard Keynes, I like to keep my views in accordance with the facts. In the case of what is called “the Civil War,” the facts are clear enough.
Lincoln and the Republicans understood that the 2 March 1861 Morrill Tariff would result in secession of Southern states from the Union. On the same day in an effort to prevent secession, the Republicans passed and Lincoln endorsed the Corwin Amendment. The Corwin Amendment would have made it impossible for slavery to be abolished.
“On 2 March 1861, in a futile attempt to prevent the secession of the slaveholding states, Congress proposed, and sent to the states for ratification, a constitutional amendment designed to protect slavery in the states where it existed.”
If the Republicans invaded the South to overthrow slavery, why did they pass a constitutional amendment that would have preserved slavery forever? If the South went to war in defense of slavery, why did the South not ratify the Corwin Amendment and remain in the Union?
These questions have been evaded by dishonest historians ever since the end of the war.
One of the best parts is that once you learn the truth, you’ll realize that even the name “Civil War” is a lie. It was a War of Secession, or a War Between the States if you’re trying to be neutral. The idea it was a “Civil War” itself is even media propaganda.
Our state has had significant problems since its founding. But the most obvious turning point of the Empire of Evil was when the good guys lost the Civil War.
Learning the true history on this subject is the duty of every American, not just Southerners. A good starting point is this article, which hits the major points of modern indoctrination. Go give the entire thing a read. Then expand out to find more.
Spend the time. Read it. Share it. It is worth it.
Especially if you are hesitant to do so, at first. Let the truth shatter your programming.
Read Next: The Fall Of Christendom And The Great Lie Of The Enlightenment
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