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Tackling the anti-secessionists. Living with these people is a nightmare, and conquering them will do little to remove their insanity.
There is a new trend on the Right to argue against secession/partitioning by proclaiming “I won’t give up an inch of land” or something similar. While noble, this is misguided.
Usually, the anti-secessionist philosophy follows the logic that even if we broke up, the leftists would not stop coming after us post-divorce. We’d just have less land and resources.
This may be true. But, the difference is that we’d own our own country and could actually create this magical thing called a border. They could still attack us, but we’d have our own institutions, our own people, our own government, and our own base of power without their influence. We’d be far more resilient than from threats within the crumbling, over-managed system we have now.
If we stay inside the asylum with them, we have none of that.
I’m more in favor of a gentle partition, rather than outright secession. It’s not my first time writing on this subject. I don’t want to repeat it ad nauseam, otherwise my regulars will get bored. If you’re new, you can find some of my exact thoughts on it here:
The short summary of my position is that we have two distinct blocks in this country that are not compatible. Because we are not compatible, one will inevitably dominate the other. I don’t want to subjugate others, nor do I want to be subjugated, so the only option is a peaceful partition.
We have numerous nations in this country. Every nation has a right to exist and be led by their own. Anything else is immoral imperialism and will only fail in the long run. Outstretching borders and attempting to control too many distinct nations is the quickest method to collapse using historical examples.
There is no option for “we win” and every person becomes loving, friendly, conservative-minded Americans. It’s a utopian pipedream, no different from the communist utopian fantasies. We have to remain in reality. This reality tells us that we’re not compatible and we’ll never have peace unless separated.
This country has never had peace. We’ve been fighting amongst one another since the beginning. To think differently is to not have a solid base of knowledge on American history—I’d recommend reading the American Nations: A History of the Eleven Rival Regional Cultures of North America by Colin Woodard as a good introduction to this concept. It’s just the historical reality.
And today, I’d like to show one modern example of that reality.
Introducing: leftists thoughts on what should happen to us unvaxxed pure bloods:
COVID-19: Democratic Voters Support Harsh Measures Against Unvaccinated
While many voters have become skeptical toward the federal government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, a majority of Democrats embrace restrictive policies, including punitive measures against those who haven’t gotten the COVID-19 vaccine.
A new Heartland Institute and Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 48% of voters favor President Joe Biden’s plan to impose a COVID-19 vaccine mandate on the employees of large companies and government agencies. That includes 33% who Strongly Favor the mandate. Forty-eight percent (48%) are opposed to Biden’s vaccine mandate, including 40% who Strongly Oppose the mandate.
– Fifty-eight percent (58%) of voters would oppose a proposal for federal or state governments to fine Americans who choose not to get a COVID-19 vaccine. However, 55% of Democratic voters would support such a proposal, compared to just 19% of Republicans and 25% of unaffiliated voters.
– Fifty-nine percent (59%) of Democratic voters would favor a government policy requiring that citizens remain confined to their homes at all times, except for emergencies, if they refuse to get a COVID-19 vaccine. Such a proposal is opposed by 61% of all likely voters, including 79% of Republicans and 71% of unaffiliated voters.
– Nearly half (48%) of Democratic voters think federal and state governments should be able to fine or imprison individuals who publicly question the efficacy of the existing COVID-19 vaccines on social media, television, radio, or in online or digital publications. Only 27% of all voters – including just 14% of Republicans and 18% of unaffiliated voters – favor criminal punishment of vaccine critics.
– Forty-five percent (45%) of Democrats would favor governments requiring citizens to temporarily live in designated facilities or locations if they refuse to get a COVID-19 vaccine. Such a policy would be opposed by a strong majority (71%) of all voters, with 78% of Republicans and 64% of unaffiliated voters saying they would Strongly Oppose putting the unvaccinated in “designated facilities.”
– While about two-thirds (66%) of likely voters would be against governments using digital devices to track unvaccinated people to ensure that they are quarantined or socially distancing from others, 47% of Democrats favor a government tracking program for those who won’t get the COVID-19 vaccine.
How far are Democrats willing to go in punishing the unvaccinated? Twenty-nine percent (29%) of Democratic voters would support temporarily removing parents’ custody of their children if parents refuse to take the COVID-19 vaccine. That’s much more than twice the level of support in the rest of the electorate – seven percent (7%) of Republicans and 11% of unaffiliated voters – for such a policy.
President Biden’s strongest supporters are most likely to endorse the harshest punishments against those who won’t get the COVID-19 vaccine. Among voters who have a Very Favorable impression of Biden, 51% are in favor of government putting the unvaccinated in “designated facilities,” and 54% favor imposing fines or prison sentences on vaccine critics. By contrast, among voters who have a Very Unfavorable view of Biden, 95% are against “designated facilities” for the unvaccinated and 93% are against criminal punishment for vaccine critics.
These people literally want to fine you, confine you to your house, make you lose your job, send you to a gulag, and even forcibly remove your children.
And you want to stay within the same country as them? Good luck, is all I can say.
Because even if we do the impossible by securing the entire government and all institutions, these people aren’t just going to vanish. The zealots aren’t going away. They will still target and want to destroy you. They’ll still (eventually) have voting rights, a public say, media platforms, and the rest of it.
By “not giving up an inch” we are giving up everything—Because they won’t stop. They’ll corrupt us far more if we leave them within our borders than if we expel them.
One of the hardest pills on the Right to swallow is the fact that we can’t save or change them. But eventually, we have to wake up and realize that they aren’t even worthy of being saved. Let them have their own country to subjugate and destroy. Let us be free of their plague.
I don’t want to dominate them. I just want them away from me. We should all just want a nation that is our own. That can’t happen if we stay within the same border. The leftists are far too distant from us anymore, no common ground can be reached. Let them go have their soon-to-fail utopia. We can have our peaceful, homogeneous reality.
But if you “don’t want to give them an inch,” go right ahead. Enjoy living next door to someone that wants to imprison you and take your kids. I’m sure that will work out fine over the long-term.
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Don’t be fooled about their faux-patriotism and concern for the territorial integrity of the Old Dead Republic. When pinned down you’ll find that anti-secessionists live in or near Blue suburbs and states. They fear a nationwide break up would leave them more socially, politically, or economically marginalized than they already are. At the very least, keeping YOU around is good for their stocks and property values.
Dead on.