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A lesson from the mass shooting in Uvalde—If you want to save your kids, defund the police.
I think it’s safe to say most dissidents aren’t fond of the police that enforce the laws of the system that we dissent from. No major surprise there.
But with recent stories like this one, I think even the grey masses are becoming not so fond of them:
First Pictures Of Uvalde Shooting Emerge As City Hires Lawyers To Block Evidence
The first images from inside the Uvalde school shooting have emerged, revealing that police were heavily armed with rifles and a ballistic shield, yet still waited another 58 minutes while gunman Salvador Ramos continued his rampage – leaving 19 students and two teachers dead.
The photo, obtained by the Austin American Statesman and KVUE on Monday, casts an even more damning shadow on the Uvalde police department’s response to the May 24 mass shooting at Robb Elementary School.
Despite entering the school just nine minutes after Ramos, officers waited nearly an hour to advance despite their superior firepower and training. Eventually, at 12:50 p.m. a Border Patrol BORTAC agent ignored police orders and burst into the classroom, shooting and killing Ramos.
The pictures are undoubtedly one of the reasons the City of Uvalde and the police department hired a private law firm to prevent the release of basically all records pertaining to the mass shooting.
That… is something.
So the police entered the school, left, and then spent an hour arresting family/community members from going inside. It is too bad the Uvalde police weren’t defunded. Then maybe some brave father could have actually fixed this far sooner by circumventing the police sitting around outside.
The common American saying regarding police of “when you need them in seconds, the police are minutes away” should be changed to “when you need them in seconds, they are actually seconds away, but won’t come in for 58 minutes”. Eh, the latter one doesn’t have quite the same ring to it.
It’s tough to imagine how a bunch of “men” literally sat around for nearly an hour and did nothing as someone was shooting up a school. Regardless of the police order to wait.
One has to wonder about the police order to not move in for so long. They are claiming they thought it was a hostage situation, but I fail to see how that’d be a possibility if they were already there for an hour. They must have heard the shooting and had clear views of some of the dead by that point.
A “police order” to let the kids get slaughtered by a lone shooter because the cops didn’t think they had enough reinforcements is equally insane. The police should be rushing in there, even if it’s only one cop. That’s the point of the police. If they’re not willing to do so, they should not be police. In a rational society, I would not have to state this, nor would it need to be debated. But we do live under modernity, so it seems reasonable to assume the police would spend more time hunting down peaceful dissidents for walking around on Jan 6 than they do saving children from getting slaughtered.
You know the police are heroes of the day if they have to hire a private law firm to cover themselves for a mass shooting in an elementary school. So much for “open, honest, and transparent” community policing.
What is equally frustrating is that this mass shooting is what just allowed the red flag “bipartisan” gun control bill to pass. So, the average gun owners get punished by the government because our government-owned cops are trash. The feds really do know how to exploit a tragedy of their own making.
It is not often I find common ground with leftists, so when I do, I need to call it out: I’m not all that against the defund the police idea. But only if that includes all police: fed, state, and local. Especially fed. My county will keep the sheriff (the only police that should exist). We can kick out the city police.
You may argue about the sheriff point, but I think those are the best cops. My sheriff wouldn’t throw anyone in jail over Jan 6 or an anti-2A law. He’s a good guy. Probably because he has to be directly elected. So he’s actually accountable to the people on a local level. Instead of being an unaccountable, non-elected bureaucrat at some city hall.
No police means no one to protect the leftists from us. No police also means no more state agents to come throw us all in jail for peaceful dissent against the immoral, evil American world order. That sounds like a win to me. Where is the problem?
Our current police system is protecting the political system more than anything else. They certainly don’t protect me or the kids of Uvalde. In fact, they are a threat to both demographics. I can handle myself. I don’t need a cop to do it. And I’m equally sure the parents of the Uvalde kids could have handled that situation better.
So, I am finding some common ground here with this defund the police idea. Let the cities destroy themselves and let me protect my own community without having to worry about the state raining down on me after I do so. I’m on board for all of this.
But we know that’s not actually what leftists want. They want more fed cops to throw us in jail, but less local sheriff/deputies to throw them in jail. They want the cops to remove our guns so only the police have guns, but then to have the cops only target us right-wingers newly without guns. It’s all a game they play. But if we were to agree to defund the cops across the board, I’d find the terms acceptable.
Still, we must have laws in a fair, balanced, civil society. We need individuals to enforce them. This means we must have the police. There is no way around it.
But right now, the laws are unfairly balanced against us. The laws are used to attack us and do nothing to defend us. We live under anarcho-tyranny. So, we have to support the reduction of the enforcers of those laws, since we can’t change the laws in this corrupt system. We can treasure the accountable sheriffs once we have that fair society back again.
So, I guess this finding of common ground is a little shaky. It’s only partially common ground. The leftists want to defund certain police because they want an imaginary utopia without laws where the police only target us. Whereas I want to defund certain police to re-institute sheriffs and have more community self-defense capabilities.
But, if there is one piece of this argument I think everyone no matter their politics could find some common ground on, it is this: Let’s completely defund the Uvalde police.
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It’s interesting that you’ve realized this, but I have to point out that there’s a difference between your run-of-the-mill leftist and a Beltway liberal.
For somewhat different reasons, leftists want to defund ICE, The Department of Homeland Security, they want to end the FISA courts, and they want the federal government to stop intervening in foreign affairs. They are also against shipping our jobs to China. Their reasoning is that that workers can’t negotiate on a fair playing field if the low-wage jobs are in China, and that companies skip out on taxes when they ship jobs overseas.
It’s the centrist, corporate Democrats and “liberals” that pass token gun laws that don’t fix anything, that expand illegal PRISM surveillance, vote with George Bush to invade countries with no factual cause, and then condemn Russia for doing the same.
There is a lot of scapegoating, and straw-manning in the media on both sides- “All conservatives are fascist apolgists” and “All liberals are corporate-owned, pandering mouthpieces,” but at the end of the day Americans just want a functioning country that serves their best interest.
I don’t disagree with the differing definition of leftist and beltway leftist/liberal. We definitely have a void of mass-accepted proper terminology for the different categories. But regardless, my target for this article are the defunders, not necessarily a differentiation of the different shades of leftism.
Absolutely. The uni-party and their useful idiots.
I want to also add this quote, from a source you would not imagine would write it:
“The whole idea that removing guns from the equation of violence will reduce violence is complete balderdash. When the method of committing violence is fungible, removing a method does not remove the violence. The OKC bombing killed 168 people and injured 680 more in a mere 7 seconds with what amounted to kitchen table explosives made from off-the-shelf ingredients. This attack was far more deadly than any mass shooting in America and still very much a threat of being repeated.”
I definitely would imagine the Socialist Rifle Association would write an article like that. No surprise there, given the name. But they are a fringe minority on the socialist side. Most socialists, even the lesser social-democrats, are not nearly as pro-gun.