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FBI Versus KGB

FBI Versus KGB: Is There A Difference?

Really, is there any difference at this point between the FBI and the KGB?

FBI Versus KGB

The FBI is apparently just doing political intimidation operations at this point:

FBI Visits Home of Black Republican Political Candidate for Being in D.C. on January 6

The agents repeatedly asked if Shekinah Hollingsworth had ties to terrorist organizations.

Three FBI agents visited the home of Shekinah Hollingsworth on Friday, February 12, to interrogate her about her actions on January 6. Hollingsworth was not part of what is being called the “Capitol Siege,” and left the area before the civil unrest began, but was still subject to over 20 minutes of questioning from the FBI.

Hollingsworth, who has announced her candidate to become a State Delegate in Maryland, began recording video of the interaction with FBI agents when they visited her Maryland home. Her father, a U.S. military veteran who traveled to Washington, D.C. with her, and other family members were present for the recording.

While the female FBI agent began the interview asking disarming questions about the family’s fish and dog, the tone abruptly changed when one of the male FBI agent began asking questions. The man proceeded to conduct most of the interview, while the female took notes, and the third man remained mostly silent.

“Okay, like I said on the phone, your name got submitted,” said the agent. “You’re not in trouble right now, if you were going to get arrested, we would have already done it.”

Hollingsworth told National File she believes the visit was politically motivated, and meant to dissuade her from continuing her America First political campaign. “I think I held my own pretty well,” Hollingsworth told National File, “But these witch hunts are definitely out of line.”

No real surprise here. They stopped doing anything useful long before they lit up Waco and Ruby Ridge in the 90’s.

Don’t invite them inside. Don’t talk to them. Film them openly or secretly and tell them to leave. Nothing good could ever have come from talking to KGB operatives. Why do you think the FBI is any different?

Welcome to dystopia: Where you get investigated for protesting election fraud but the individuals that commit election fraud don’t get investigated at all!

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Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390


  1. “Welcome to dystopia: Where you get investigated for protesting election fraud but the individuals that commit election fraud don’t get investigated at all!”, and the Satanic media goes after anyone who has the nerve to question the election results, even though at least half of the country believe there was tons of election fraud.

    • So true BB, but one minor correction:

      even though at least half of the country know there was tons of election fraud.

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