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Fatherhood In One Image

An image worth a thousand words: Fatherhood in one view.


An image worth a thousand words:

Fatherhood In One Image image

Some see this in a negative light. I see it only positively.

Give away all of it, especially to those you love. You can’t take any of yourself with you when you leave. Why hold on to it?

Be a faithful ancestor. Give it all abundantly to the next generation.

Surrender it all to the extent that the youth marvel at our sacrifice.

There is no reason to live so selfishly. This life is short. God has given it to us abundantly, so we should give it all out even more so. Read the parable of the talents and then recognize and celebrate that the servants returned it all at the end, and their reward was elsewhere. Even the talents originally entrusted to them: They kept nothing. Just like we will keep nothing. So why grasp on to it so tightly?

To do that—to sacrifice—That’s a mark of a good generation. That’s a healing generation. One that we must have if we are to succeed.

All it takes is one faithful generation with a mindset like this to turn it all around. Let us be that generation.

God bless fatherhood and motherhood. Give it all away to your sons and daughters. And praise God that he gave you it all in the first place, just so that you could use it for this purpose.

Read Next: Preserving The National Soul


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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