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Everything Does Not Revolve Around Economics

Choosing the "correct" economic system will not magically resolve all of our problems. Some of our current issues go far deeper than mere money.

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Avoiding The Tough Questions

In an effort to avoid discussing the “problem questions”, libertarians often just postulate that everything revolves around fixing the economic environment. In doing so, they can avoid the unfortunate realities of these problem questions, such as ethnic-cleansing levels of immigration, wealth consolidation in the hands of openly deranged and evil people, the unsustainability of libertarian society alongside open borders, and so on.

It is a copout, one that they will continue to play until the end of time so they do not have to appear as the bad guy.

But it is simply wrong. Very little truly revolves around economics. Economics revolves around culture, and the thousand years of Christendom proved that. Economics were subordinate to the moral climate of Christendom, which stemmed from the soul of the era.

Scott Greer rebukes the economics-above-all concept nicely when looking at the Zoomers:

The Youth Aren’t Woke Because Of Economics

Demographics and the moral fervor of young women are better explanations

Why are young Americans so left-wing? 

This question is constantly debated and draws a number of different answers. Some blame schools, others blame social media. One popular argument is to point at economic factors as the primary cause. Lauren Southern offered her own version of this argument on Twitter this week.

[Begin Lauren] “Why are younger generations so left wing?

People will not be conservative until they have something to conserve, and young people do not.

Some people are misinterpreting this tweet and think I’m suggesting they’ll eventually become conservative.

No they will not – because older generations won’t let them.

Their boss has something to conserve; he won’t retire. Their landlord has something to conserve; they will never afford a house.

So long as the right stands for the former they will lose the latter.” [/End Lauren]

Southern describes real problems many young people face. It’s difficult for a lot of young people to afford to buy a home and start a family. But is this what really drives Millennials and Zoomers to adopt leftism? Probably not. 

If contemporary leftism was all about making homes and family care more affordable, the economic argument would make sense. But the real thrust of modern leftism has little to do with economics. It’s all about anti-white racism, feminism, and affirming various serious sexual orientations. And it’s sadly supported by a large number of Zoomers.

These left-wing attitudes set in well before the youth even face real world problems. Most 18 year olds aren’t looking into buying homes or wondering how they’ll pay for healthcare. 

The primary explanation for why young Americans are woke is demographics. The under-30 crowd is less white than ever before. Just 52 percent of Zoomers are non-Hispanic white. As most Highly Respected readers should know, non-whites are far less likely to be conservative than whites. This attitude is reinforced by the anti-white messages they learn from public education and media. Non-white youths don’t see themselves in the historic American nation and they’re taught this country is racist and evil. They see leftism as a natural vehicle for pushing their interests against the white majority.

Young white males aren’t that different from their older peers in their politics. The big difference is seen in young white females. That brings up a secondary explanation for why the youth are so woke. Young women are the most zealous enforcers of wokeness. American culture has fully psyopped many of them into believing leftism is moral and just. They don’t just believe that “black lives matter” or that “trans rights are human rights”–they insist that everyone must believe these things. Young women are easily swayed by moral arguments and appeals to emotion. The Left always makes sure to argue for its positions in deeply moral language. This makes the Left’s stances more palatable to young women.

Women are also herd creatures who try hard to fit in. They rigorously enforce norms and standards–woe to those who dare to step out of line. This enforcement cows both dissenting women and young men. A girl bothered by BLM may keep that distaste to herself to avoid ostracism from her peers. Guys will pretend to be woke to get dates. Young people don’t want to be outcasts. They will mouth leftist platitudes just to fit in. 

Most of our cultural products–from TV shows to pop music–are primarily aimed at young women. They’re the most powerful consumer demographic, which is why everything feels so woke–especially youth culture. 

Women have long been zealous enforcers of social morality. In the 19th century, their morality dictated prohibition and regular church attendance. Today, it makes them check their white privilege and advocate for open borders. 

It must be emphasized that women are not left-wing due to economics. They are not posting black squares because they’re having trouble finding a job. It’s primarily due to emotional and moral appeals.

Lauren‘s argument is the usual feminine libertarian avoid-the-problem-question-copout argument. This time, regarding the race question: “The youth are not more leftist because they are being overtaken by other ethnics who are overwhelmingly leftist—No, it could never be that obvious. Jameel and Ahmad just don’t have a good job or a 401k to conserve, that’s why they are not true red-blooded Americans.”

Who can be this dense? I am firmly convinced that no one actually buys this bull. They just say it to avoid addressing the problem questions. It is clear to tell that these arguments are just pathological cowardice and ways for libertarians to avoid the discussions that would get them targeted. So, they skirt around the subject by constantly falling back on what is comfortable to them: econ.

Scott is especially accurate in the analysis on the moral fervor of young women, and Lauren actually falls into this category based on these arguments. She is making a moral argument no different from the left. It’s the poor, disadvantaged people with nothing to conserve (moral, emotionalist argument), instead of what is glaringly obvious: the demographic issue. This is a perfect example of emotionalism, something women often excel at.

The simple reality is that if you immigrated hundreds of millions of Chinese into Japan, they would not assimilate. They are fundamentally different people. Japan would quickly be a different country with far different “conservation” focuses.

If you imported hundreds of millions of Europeans into Senegal, the system and culture would likewise rapidly change. Senegal would not look like Senegal in even five years, and the “majority of the youth” would no longer be aligned with the historic politics because they would be overwhelmed by the number of European youth. This is just common sense.

What we see happening in Gen Z is equivalent: a massive amount of the youth are no longer of the same stock and soul as the elder American populations (along demographic lines), so the culture is different. It really is as simple as that. The woman question adds depth to it, but the underlying root will always be demographics.

The libertarian types always love to just toss out the free market as a solution to everything, as if an economic structure is some type of Market god. But the reality is far different from their fiction.

So long as everyone remains afraid to even hint at the truth, we will never get forward. We need to actively rebuke the thinking that everything revolves around economics and that econ will solve all of our problems. It won’t. The chosen economic system is a tool like any other and that is all it will ever be.

It does not matter if we have a perfect libertarian-dream free market capitalist society if that society is paired with the demographics of Haiti and Honduras. Because if it is, it will not sustain through the first night. That much is guaranteed.

Read Next: We Were Never United In The First Place


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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