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European Lives Matter

A whitepilling moment: The British protest against immigration.

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The United Kingdom has been up in flames over the recent Muslim killing of three innocent little British girls. I’ve been calling this the “European Lives Matter” protests. This fits since they are actually protesting what BLM pretended to protest (the killing of their own innocents).

What happened was that a Muslim immigrant killed those three little girls, provoking the townspeople to justifiably lose their collective sh*t.

Slowly, one by one, various other British towns started to protest and riot against the immigration hordes coming in and murdering/raping their children with impunity. The entire country is now holding anti-immigration rallies.

The British are holding up signs declaring European lives matter and calling for remigration. Two great goals.

These ELM protests are totally peaceful, albeit a little fiery.

It seems that the Anglo-Saxon may finally have had enough of being abused in their own country. In favor of foreigners that hate them. 

Obviously, these protests and especially the burning down of migration housing are long overdue. The British people had suffered under their corrupt leadership for too long. Their leaders, like our own, place more value on the lives of foreigners than the natives. 

Britain is for the British. Every single foreigner should be deported. Even the ones that claim to be British through the touching of the magic dirt, but are still ethnically not British. Strip them of citizenship and send them all off on a boat.

They all have to go.

It seems the English are finally starting to realize this crucial fact:

  • Peace is only possible through separation.

This is simply a Christian truth. Peace is only possible through separation until Christ comes. Only then can the wolf and the lamb mingle (Isaiah 11). Until then, we need some fencing to keep them separate. Only a bad shepherd would let those two mix, which is exactly what our leadership has done to us the world-over in every Western European nation.

It goes without saying that I am fully in support of the British fighting the good fight over there. I only wish we had similar here in the states. I am a tad jealous, honestly.

But, this is still great news for every nationalist and every dissident everywhere. One nation making gains and fighting back is a benefit to us all. May God grant them success.

Also, to all of you who constantly consume the black pill, quit the cope. Look at these protests: There is still fighting spirit in us Europeans, even after decades of them trying to stomp it out.

Us Euros have a very long fuse. But once it runs out, it is always a much greater detonation than any other people can create. That much history guarantees. I do not think the Brits are quite at the point yet, but this is a marker that they are nearing it.

These protests are a straight whitepill proving that point.

I hope you will join me in praying for their safety and their success. ELM has a long way to go. But, God willing, Britain will be returned to the British. 

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Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390


    • We have such a strong need of more poets on the Right. Disappointing we don’t see more writing like that.

      Frankly, I guess this goes for all cultural production on the Right. We’re getting better in many areas, but we still have some work to do to do better with rhetoric for the masses. We especially have a need for things like poetry.

      Thanks for the comment brother.

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