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The basics of manhood. It's your duty to protect, provide, lead, and live. Do all of these well and make yourself proud.
Cultures change. People change. Societies change. But one thing should never change: manhood.
We’re going to keep this short and easy for all you guys out there.
There are 4 Points of Manhood that we need to discuss here.
Throughout all of human history, men have led. Whether it is on the battlefield or at home.
You should always be able to trust a man to take control of any situation.
And you should be prepared to take charge in any situation
If you have a family, you must provide. Even if you have a wife that is amazing and makes more money than you. It’s in your blood. If SHTF, she’ll still be expecting that primal instinct of providing to come out of you.
Nurture this trait. So if you ever have to use it, you won’t need to think twice.
Your family, your loved ones, your friends, anyone. As a man with a man card, you need to protect them. If your buddy gets into a drunken brawl; you’re the backup. If your girlfriend is threatened by dangerous men; you’re the punching bag so she can escape.
You need to kindle that fire in your heart. I truly believe every man has it. The fire that makes you enraged at the thought of someone harming or taking advantage of your loved ones.
You’re the front-line of protection in all facets of life. Whether it’s for your own protection, your children, or your society, the burden of protection lies on your shoulders. You have to stand up for what is right, just, and safe for all. Even if society turns its back on you for it.
Fair? Maybe not. But honorable? Yes.
“Girls just want to have fun”, but men just want to live. However you live. Whether it’s through outdoorsman-ship, automotive enthusiasm, or any of the things you love.
Do it and do it often. It will help you get closer to the other 3 traits if your heads in the right place through living well.
Don’t end up a weak or emasculated male. Live like the early Romans did through hard work, dedication to the basics of manhood, and fortitude.
It’s your duty to protect, provide, lead, and to live. Do all of these well and make yourself proud of the man you become.
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Dont forget procreation. Lots of men now seem to leave that one out!
That is definitely true.