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You can rest easy knowing that Team Red will do some "investigating" once they win back the legislature. What more could you ask for, really?
One of my running favorite neocon talking points is the republican fight back grift that appears around each election cycle when they are the minority.
It goes something like this:
Then the cycle repeats.
The last two years we were at point one. During Trump’s years, when the Reds had the majority, we were at point three.
Given the upcoming elections, we are now at point two.
The Republican neocons are full-force pushing the narrative that they are going to “win back” the legislature and combat Biden’s policies after this election. “Win back” is in quotes because our politburo is a uniparty, so for us dissidents we recognize you can’t win back what you already own.
If you have any life experience paying attention to politics, you should recognize this grift. It’s what they say and do every time. They’re always going to do x, but when they have the chance, they don’t actually do x.
For those of us above twenty-five years old, we should have heard it at least five times by now.
I’ve come to enjoy this neocon grift as of late, because of how stupid their messaging has been on what they intend to do. The actions that the Reds think we want are so far distant from the average American, it is almost like we have an alien ruling class that lives on Mars. They are promising us dirt from Mars while we’re all starving to death.
Just read this article by Epoch that provides the Red’s narrative: House GOP to Unleash Wave of Investigations if Chamber Flips Red This Fall
There are quite a few fun pieces from that article. The first paragraph is particularly telling:
With an expected GOP takeover of the U.S. House of Representatives following November’s midterm elections, Republicans in the chamber are poised to launch a slew of investigations aimed at dialing up the pressure on the Biden administration over a range of issues—from border security to Hunter Biden to the origins of the pandemic.
They are going to “dial up the pressure,” certainly. Through investigations. They are going to investigate things. How exciting.
This should demonstrate the neocon grift of “action” which is not actually any real action. The country just had a stolen election, forced vax mandates which stem from probably the largest scam that has ever been perpetrated onto a population in history (covid), we have a president with dementia, and we’re currently being invaded by millions of foreigners. But yes, let’s do some investigations.
The “investigations” do not differ from the Russian collusion investigations or the Jan 6 committee. It’s a spot where a bunch of politicians can get together and talk about stuff that makes them look good to their party, but allows them to do absolutely nothing about the problem at hand politically.
They can pretend they are doing something by “investigating” it, but don’t actually do anything. Trump did this when he said he was “looking into” (investigating) Big Tech censorship. It’s a way to weasel out of actual action. When someone doesn’t want to do something, they usually say “we’ll look into it”. Politicians are the same.
That’s the best the Reds have in store for us when they win this November. A half-hearted investigation.
Do not take my word for it. They say it in their own words:
Many of the inquiries are expected to be spearheaded by the powerful House Committee on Oversight and Reform, the chamber’s main investigative panel that has broad authority to scrutinize various facets of the administration.
You heard them everyone: They are going to make a committee. A committee that can investigate. Oh, and scrutinize. How powerful.
That’s exactly what we need to fix a stolen election and a horde of invaders. A committee of Reds talking about how silly Biden is. Just like every other committee that we have going on today that does absolutely nothing.
One of the conservative’s favorite grifts is the Big Tech one. Conservatives eat that one up. So, they continue to use it:
Big Tech’s censorship of conservative voices will also be scrutinized, she added.
There was one point where Reds had a full majority in every single branch of government. Both senate, house, executive, and judiciary. It was under Trump. They promised this Big Tech resolution then. They had also promised it for decades before. Nothing ever happened. Nothing will happen this time. But they’re still saying it. And Team Red keeps buying the lie. It is probably the conservatives’ favorite grift, which is why the Reds keep using it.
But this time they’re going to investigate… Again.
It is important for us as dissidents to recognize that these inside-the-system solutions will never work because we would have to trust this very same politburo to enact them. But even when the Reds get power, all they do is sip on extravagant drinks at fundraising parties, seek the praise of the democrats, let corporations walk all over us, and perform investigations. Nothing that actually benefits us. The lesson is that we have to use both inside and outside strategies.
So listen, I know we just entered a technical recession and there is a major risk of coming food shortages, but don’t worry—If Red Team wins back the legislature this midterm, we’ll get some strongly worded investigations about Hunter Biden. Maybe even a committee that can scrutinize things. You can rest easy with that knowledge.
I’m sure that knowledge will help ease your mind over your entire culture being annihilated, your people being replaced, your elections being worthless, your economy crashing, your freedoms being removed because of covid lies, and so on.
Who cares about any of that when we have investigations?
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The only difference in the Dem/Pubes Uniparty:
Dems grow gov’t at 10% a year, The Pubes at 9.5% a year
Yup—Dead on.