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Don't trust your gut

Don’t Follow Your Gut – Trust The Experts

The experts may have been wrong hundreds of times, but we still have to trust them. It's a tenet of our religion, after all.

Don't follow your gut

Gut 1 | Experts -428

Thought you all would get a kick out of this one.

Courtesy of idiots at The Atlantic:

Translation: “They’ve failed miserably time and time again, but we still have to trust the experts™!!”

If you really want to get a laugh, read this following excerpt from the article:

I had no particular objection to Biden’s statement because I tend to trust that he is listening to experts. I did not, however, trust that Trump was doing the same. But when Trump was still president, I believed that the scientists and doctors in government institutions were doing their best to fight the pandemic, even if I was worried that Trump was interfering in their work. I trusted those professionals not because they wear a white jacket or have certificates on their wall, but because I have confidence in the educational and scientific infrastructure that created them.

This belief is the crux of the matter. Sometimes, experts and their institutions fail. But people who believe that medical schools, research institutions, peer review, and lab trials—in other words, the entire structure of modern science—have all failed or become corrupted are beyond the reach of reason, and no expert advice will sway them.

“The belief”. “No expert advice will sway them to trust expert advice”.

You really can’t make this stuff up.

There is a reason we say leftism is a religion, and it’s exactly because of this type of circular, belief-inspired comments like these. They worship the state and the institutions.

I won’t repeat what I’ve already said numerous times before. In fact, I already have a series on this topic: Article Series: On The “Experts” Of The Western World. Does more need to be said?

I’d also recommend my appeal to authority article, which should go without explanation: Appeal To Authority: The Real Covid Plague.

Remember: Don’t trust your own intuition, only trust the demons in charge of the institutions. That will surely lead you down a healthy path.

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Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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