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time preference and dissident politics

Dissident Politics and Time Preference

Foster a low time preference mindset to avoid sitting in jail for decades for no reason.

time preference and dissident politics

Cultivating A Low Time Preference

I hate reading stories like this one:

Man who went to January 6 riot charged with shooting at federal office in Knoxville

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (WATE) — A Jefferson City man who traveled to the U.S. Capitol on January 6 and told an undercover FBI agent he was a member of a group called the “Church Militant Resistance” has been charged with shooting at a federal office building in Knoxville on July 3.

Mark Thomas Reno, of Jefferson City, Tenn. is charged with damaging federal property after windows at the John J. Duncan Federal Office Building in downtown Knoxville were damaged by gunfire on July 3. The unsealed FBI warrant was first reported by the Tennessee Lookout.

FBI agents reviewed evidence from the January 6 riot and confirmed Reno was present outside the Capitol on the day. No evidence has been found, to date, that Reno entered the Capitol or otherwise committed a crime that day.

Reno was placed under physical surveillance approximately 19 times from April 20 to June 27. The FBI installed a camera near his Jefferson City home on May 13 and Judge McCook authorized tracking devices to be placed on two vehicles registered to Reno on June 13.

On July 3, a John J. Duncan Federal Office Building security guard heard two loud bangs and observed two broken windows in the lobby area of the building facing Locust Street. An exterior window of the Internal Revenue Service office in the Federal Building was also damaged.

Some right-wingers just do not cultivate proper time preference. This and other acts like it (such as shooting up places or committing other major crimes) are not “brave” or “heroic”. They are immensely idiotic.

These acts clearly pinpoint to men that can’t think long term. They only recognize today.

This man in particular could just be a crazy. We need to keep out the crazies; I get that. Or, he could be an actual dissident that is just fed up and got entrapped by some feds. We’ll never know. But we know that there are legitimate dissidents that wind up in that position—Like many of the Jan 6ers that were well-intentioned.

It’s because they don’t have a proper time preference.

There are two kinds of time preference:

  • A high time preference mindset is incredibly concerned about what is happening right now. It is in the moment.
  • A low time preference mindset thinking is focused on the future and is willing to sacrifice the present.

Dissidents need to cultivate a low time preference mindset.

I know we all want a heroic battle that happens right now and then ends with us winning and everything is great. But that isn’t reality. That is not how it is going to work.

We have to sacrifice today for a better tomorrow. This means being patient, calculating, and accepting of the reality of the situation.

We control none of the institutions or power centers. We can’t expect to win anything through violence or crime. It’s completely backwards logic. Someone with a low time preference would recognize this reality.

Look at the pro-life center vandalism and the BLM riots by the leftists. We are not operating under the same rules. This is because we don’t control the institutions or power centers. We can’t do what the left does.

The issue is the asymmetry in the application of the law. The leftists can burn entire cities, but we’ll go to jail for peaceful protests at the capital.

If we do things like this, we go to jail for decades. If the left does it, the progressive DA refuses to press charges. The left gets more powerful as we get diminished.

Look at what this individual did: he shot a couple windows in a fed building. Do you think anyone cares? Will this fix anything?

All that happened is now there will be another right-wing young man in jail for decades and then be released with a criminal record that will prohibit them from gainful employment in the future. All for what? In exchange for a couple of broken windows? It is literally the most moronic trade of all.

But those with high time preference don’t see that trade. They want to fight and want to do it now. Even if it just makes us worse off than before.

Many on the right have incredibly high time preference. They want everything resolved now. No patience.

The left’s cultural subversionists took control of the institutions over the course of 70 years. Silently, meekly, and without many of us even recognizing it. And some right-wingers expect to just turn around and fix it in a week through shooting out some windows? The entire institutional backing is against us. Violence won’t solve our problems at this point in time.

We have to address this time preference issue, because it’s why the leftists are currently winning and why the right historically loses their leading position in non-degenerate countries. We get complacent because everything is mostly fine at the current time, until it’s not, and then we expect a radical shift immediately. Our people have to fix our high time preference to a low preference, if we are to ever sustain anything in the future or fix our current problems.

Be peaceful. Don’t be stupid. They want us to drag ourselves to jail. Don’t go along with it.

Read this: Breaking God’s Law: The Futility Of Violence Against The Enemy.

Then read this: How To Fight Back: Peaceful Noncompliance And Enclaving.

With the knowledge from those two articles, you’ll have a better idea of what you should be doing. As a helpful starter hint, it’s not shooting at federal buildings.

I’m not telling you to do nothing. Become an outsider or operate inside-the-system with an insider strategy.

But use some common sense. Do something tangible that won’t destroy your life. Don’t be like these guys.

We need you. You are the most important asset.

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Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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