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Sharing a great write-up regarding the divide among young White Americans and the rest of the inhabitants of the Shopping Cart Empire.
Asha Logos posted a strong discourse on the growing disenfranchisement of White Americans, especially young White men. It got a lot of flack across the social media sphere.
I’ll be sharing his comments on that here. But before we get to that, this is the hilarious visual he posted first which started it all:
As this (hilarious) meme spread around, Logos got bombarded by the normiecons and the leftists for being all forms of racism and sexism and whatnotism.
This was his defense, which is a great short summary on the position most of us Whites feel (emphasis is my own):
In my few years on this platform, I’ve never received such an outpouring of hate for a post.. and on one hand, I get it – I spoke a bit harshly, flippantly and inartfully, and a cathartic post I thought might get just a handful of likes and largely be ignored was passed through networks of tens of thousands of folks who have no idea of who I am or where I’m coming from.
I also said some jarring things.. that I’m sure even upset a handful of genuine and well-meaning people.
but.. along with the outpouring of hatred, it’s also near 10k ‘likes’, indicating that I’m far from alone, here.. even if most who agree would rather stay silent, for the moment.
I wanted to just say a few words about this divide, because I think it’s an exceptionally significant and era-defining one:
Many of you have absolutely no idea how disconnected many young men feel – especially White males – when it comes to the general trajectory of their nation(s), over recent decades. It no longer feels familiar, comfortable, or like home.
As some of my recently posted images show, we’re being essentially locked out of the corporate world, with Bloomberg bragging about how 95% of new hires are non-White.. we’re now (by far – and it’s not even close) the most aggressively discriminated against group with regard to Ivy league admissions. Hollywood and corporate media has long been completely dominated by a hostile group, so there aren’t options there.. trying to get a job in tech – esp in a place like SF, as a non ‘woke’ White male – is the steepest of uphill battles.. one could go on listing examples here for quite awhile.
A great many now openly laugh at and mock these hopeless and disaffected, as the income of White Americans plummets (now far below the Indian and Chinese migrants our corporations import – and no longer even in the same ballpark as Jewish-Americans), depression and suicide and drug addiction rates skyrocket, and we’re increasingly locked out of this new world being created by the Finks, Soros’, Rothschilds, and their political/financial class allies and puppets.
In a very real sense, it’s killing many of us.. and a large subset on the other side actually seems thrilled by this.
Moreover, historical cycles seem to be repeating..
A leading reason Rome fell is because she essentially opened her floodgates, granted citizenship to all, and eventually lost her unique spirit. In attempting to represent absolutely everything and everyone, she ended up representing no one, and a nihilistic apathy inevitably came to dominate. Late stage Rome became a mere corporate/economic construct – empty, void of substance, seeking power only to enrich the grasping/ambitious parasites and vultures feeding off of her once great corpse.
Not only are our own borders wide open, in the U.S., but we’re now openly discussing the prospect of allowing the tens of millions of illegals to enlist.. a shift that would’ve been unbelievable, even just a decade ago. Every day this nation feels less and less recognizable, and less like home, to so many of us.
Anyone who thinks our founding fathers – or those courageous (if misled) men who stormed Normandy – would look at this trajectory and applaud it, is either ignorant or foolish.
In the absence of substantive unifying factors, we’re told we should rally around vague ideas, and concepts – for example, many still claim our armed forces fight for ‘our freedoms’.. even as members of our political class literally fly to Israel, to sign bills restricting the speech of their own citizens, and as nearly half the nation loses all faith in the legitimacy of our elections, while our gov’t increasingly openly speaks of us as the enemy.
Many of us feel our political class (and our nation as a whole) has essentially been captured, and we intuit only hatred and malevolence emanating from the top, from men like Mayorkas, or our puppet President.. and virtually nothing about this new world resonates with us, or inspires or energizes – as we watch our streets get ever dirtier and less safe, IQ and life expectancy falling, our quality of life and general standards of behavior drop to ever new lows, those who dare say a word about it tend to be met with a conditioned response of ‘incel’, or accusations of being a hateful racist/misogynist.. or, just told we’re generally terrible people.
You can mock, deride, cheer on this wholesale replacement and aggressive disempowerment – but don’t expect us to join you in the cheering this brutally disheartening downward spiral and civilizational collapse.. and I’d suggest you mock (or completely ignore) these voices at your own peril.
The anger is real, and much of it is justified.. and if we’re not able to have honest and difficult conversations soon, I strongly suspect we’re all headed to a very dark place.
I was very impressed with this short write-up, which is why I felt so inclined to share it all here, for when he inevitably gets banned from X. That way we at least have it stored somewhere.
It includes most of the fundamental elements that the younger White generations feel. The feeling that both nonwhites and the older White generations just cannot grasp.
I want to go over this piece-by-piece, starting with the part where he tried to soften the original message.
We do not, or should not, feel shame for mocking those who openly deride us (as in his first image he “inartfully” shared. Which I personally thought was not only artful but tasteful, true, and hilarious.
They mock us; we should openly fight back.
But Asha’s piece on the divide itself is where the meat of this story is, and something that should be shared, because young White men (and many women now) absolutely do feel disconnected.
I am one of them. This country is not my home. Truthfully, I am not sure it ever was, even from a younger age. It’s been sold off and actively pillaged since long before the time of my birth.
The corporate world hates us, our elites call us villains, academia constantly derides us, and yet we’re supposed to be excited about this place and its constantly changing people? To “salute the flag” and the soldiers that fight for the system which openly seeks to further degrade us?
My fellow White American brothers and sisters are being exploited and purposefully bulldozed so the “idea” of this country can be realized, even though any land based on an ideology will only ever be a failure—No different from late stage Rome, as Logos clearly explains. A nation is a people, not a thought. God ordained this reality, man can never supersede that fact. No matter how much this upsets you, it is still the truth.
We are obviously, with no shadow of a doubt, at the stage of vultures feeding on the corpse of Rome America. The migrants here are doing just that, as are our leaders and our elders. Everyone is trying to squeeze everything out of this land that they can before it crashes.
Our entire system and society is failing around us, and yet we are constantly yelled at by the nonwhites and even degraded by our own older White generations (How many times have we all heard “pull yourself up by the bootstraps”…when we cannot afford boots or “the younger generations are so entitled and privileged today and don’t know what it was like back in my day”…when the country was 90% White and whites weren’t constantly assaulted for simply existing?)
The only surprise for me is that some younger Whites still hold on to this wicked land. But that number dwindles by the day. Those Whites are grasping at straws, and more of them realize that as each hour ticks.
The sole part I disagree with Logos is the end. The part where he said: “If we’re not able to have honest conservations soon, I strongly suspect we’re all headed to a very dark place.”
No, discussions won’t fix anything at this point. Let’s all be honest with ourselves here (this website is meant to be a dissident enclave, after all): There are no amount of friendly conversations that are going to fix this. Rome is falling, and it cannot be halted. I get why Asha added that in, to play nice with the normies. But we do not need to play pretend about that here. No talking with fix this, only the inevitable crash might do so.
For now, we only have this to look forward to:
Which, ironically, I just wrote about last month: The Ominous Purpose Of Illegal Immigration.
All empires fail. And that fall is always hardest for the heritage nation that must endure it.
Get buckled in my fellow White boys and girls, because you are that generation.
Read Next: The Idol Of Ideology
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