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Click the back button if you have a weak stomach. In this article, we dive into the Dubai Porta Potties and the depravity of modern women.
Click the back button if you have a weak stomach.
If not, welcome to the sh*t-show (literally).
As part of my quest to document the slow, painful downfall of Western society on this website, I’ve gone to some weird places. But I think I’ve found the weirdest one yet.
Or easier understood as: places women go to fulfill extremely odd sexual fetishes for rich tycoons in exchange for money, including getting sh*t on.
Yes, you read that correctly. But wait until later: it gets much worse.
TagTheSponser is an incredibly interesting website, and well worth the read if you haven’t seen it yet. Hell, they are still active and exposing this type of behavior today.
Welcome to the age of the sponsorette, where no one has breakfast at Tiffany’s and a 9 to 5 job is an urban legend.
What is a sponsorette, you ask?
It’s a woman who is put on a pedestal, typically through social platforms such as Instagram, by men who ogle them and women that idolize and aspire to be just like them.
Typically found on a beach, martini in hand, on a Tuesday at 3 PM, they seem to be living the life we all want.
The question we are all dying to know, however, is, “Who takes these pictures?”
The answer? Their sponsors.
A sponsor is a wealthy male, that typically falls into one of three categories: Larry, the hedge fund CEO ; Mohammed, the sheik: or Jamal, the basketball player.
Sadly, the glitz and glamour of a sponserettes lifestyle comes with a price tag.
Whether it’s being flown to Dubai by Mohammed to be sh*t on by him and his fellow sheiks, or flying to Vegas with Larry the CEO, these women are being paid for p**sy.
These sponsorettes are glorified prostitutes with malnourished brains and nothing to offer but two holes and a large derrière. Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with having a sugar daddy, as it’s beneficial to both parties. But all of a sudden, there is a surge of women with small waists and disproportionate butts that have 50k + followers on Instagram, with booking info in their bios.
Booking what? P**sy.
The problem here is, is that these sponsorettes put on a facade that they are signed models, fitness chicks, bartenders, real estate agents, marketing executives, or some obscure form of employment.
Don’t models have agents? Don’t fitness chicks actually work out? How does a weekend bartending gig finance private jets?
Don’t real estate agents and marketing executives actually work, not lay under a cabana on a different island every week?
They might as well start putting their rates in their bios as well, because they won’t be fooling anyone much longer.
We have nothing against prostitution, but we are against women who sell p**sy and put down those who actually work to make a decent living. We are against fraudulent hoes, pretentiousness, and bigotry.
We look down upon and expose hoes that pretend they built their accomplishments by working hard and not laying on their backs.
Hence, why we don’t take submissions of strippers and pornstars, as these women will not try to fool you. They’re upfront with what they do, unlike sponsorettes.
We all know what you did for those red bottoms and LV purse. We know you paid for the FHM magazine shoot to use as a credible back story for you flourishing “modeling career”.
We know what #blessed means and most importantly, we know who took all those pictures of you, alone on a beach, on a jet, on a yacht.
Remember, just TagTheSponsor
In short, for thousands of dollars, these women “book” themselves to finance their luxurious vacations.
The old question of “how do these Instagram women make money?” has finally been answered.
They prostitute themselves out, doing a variety of absolutely degenerate behavior, in exchange for a vacation trip to a new country and some cash.
These guys are so rich, hate their wives and bored with life they are willing to pay anything for their crazy sex fetishes and I was crazy enough to expect the money. I’ve had to be gangbanged and bukkaked by over 20 Saudi royalty at once (made 40K) in two days so it was worth it.
I’ve literally been pissed on and sh*tted on so many times I just don’t understand why they like it (after the 3rd time you get sh*t on you get use to it).
I’ve had to have sex with a male German Shepard dog in front of them,
I’ve had to stick numerous objects in my ass and their ass*s as well,
I’ve got paid to eat sh*t, I’ve got paid to get beat up,
I even had to stick a live Salmon in some 65 year olds man ass…
I’ve had sex with their 14 year old boys to make them men, I’ve drank cups of c*m and have smeared my face with their sh*t.
So to all you ladies that are going to bash me.
I’m 24 years old and have 1 million dollars liquid in my bank account. I’m now retired and can have normal sex with whomever I want.
The best part is the “now I can have normal sex with whomever I want“. Excuse me while I vomit. (Will she charge extra for that?)
After having sex with a dog in front of adult men, it may be hard to “go back”.
Same goes for statutorily raping young kids.
I feel bad for the poor man (who am I kidding, men—plural) that has “normal sex” with her without knowing these things. Disgusting.
I would probably need psychiatric help if I found out that I slept with someone that absolutely disturbing.
If this doesn’t convince the last of you that moral depravity has taken hold within our society, I’m afraid nothing will.
everyday we stray further from god
– God
But I believe the root of this issue goes quite deeper than many other articles on the subject tend to take it.
Humanity has always had prostitutes. And always will. That’s nothing new. But this is quite a step above prostitution.
At the bare minimum here we have a situation where a woman consciously, willingly, chooses to rape kids, get feces smeared across their face, and let dogs dry hump them in exchange for money. To her, those IOU sheets outweigh every moral or value that has ever existed.
Is this a problem with the person, or with the culture?
One would immediately assume it is a moral issue with the women in question. But I have to digress a bit from that viewpoint. Do we truthfully believe that a religious or well-raised women would act in the same manner? To sell their soul for some green?
Of course, there is personal responsibility. However, in a way we have replaced god with money. We worship Benjamin Franklin instead of the angels. The bible speaks about this regarding Mammon. Our nation worships Mammon, leading to acceptance and proliferation of these types of actions.
This rise of secularism, and the age old question of ‘who determines morality in the secular age?’ causes the obvious result: this isn’t immoral to these women. It’s just business. They can justify it due to the individualistic nature of secularism.
Whatever it takes for the money. Because money is morality in our age.
So is it so hard to connect the dots and realize that this type of behavior is fueled by the culture changes we have been experiencing in the past few decades? I don’t think so.
If we worship money above all else, doing anything to get it seems just.
While the actions of these women are the absolute lowest of the low, it’s easily comparable to other moral degeneration we have been experiencing. It is only going to get worse.
And down the rabbit-hole the women in this society go.
So what’s the point of this article?
Hell if I know.
Maybe to show the moral degradation in full swing?
Maybe to show a little reality of humanity to people stuck in their bubble?
Or maybe just so the next time you see an attractive woman you have to ask yourself if she has banged a dog for money.
Take it in whichever way you want. I just report the stuff. You interpret it.
Read Next:
You can find a follow-up on this article here:
A Follow Up On The Dubai Porta Potty Girls
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Some things I was better off not knowing…
I had to learn it, so I pass on the torture to others.
What I dislike about these girls is that hey lie and spread false messages. I’m a big supporter of sex work and even considered becoming a Sugar baby for a while. And sex workers often conceal their professions but this is always to either stay safe from clients or to conceal their lives from family and peers, . But these girls are lying to neither; Their sponsors FIND them through their social media & know exactly who they are, & the people in their lives must get pretty suspicious that they’re 21, jobless, and have a $1mil net worth. So the only people they are lying to is unassuming, somewhat naive adolescents.
These gorgeous girls that are “models” without agencies, living rich and luxurious lives, travelling constantly and claiming their soul source of income is instagram modelling. As if the occasional skinny tea and gummy hair care post is enough to fly them around the world on a private jet. These lies lower the self esteem of youth and puts out a false ideals of beauty and lifestyles. I had many friends who felt bad about themseles when seeing insta models that say “you can look like this too if you buy X”. And all these models sponsor posts for shitty products that dont work. So then they are encouraging girls to try dangerous weight lose products and overpriced unhealthy hair “vitamins”. This culture promotes eating disorders amongst young people.
And for their followers that aren’t so naive? That realise they are getting their money from some exterior force? It’s even worse. Like I mentioned earlier I considered becoming a sugar baby in the past. Because on a surface level it seems amazing. The lives these women lead are a dream that hardly anyone will ever reach. I wanted to be a sugar baby because I saw pictures of girls on private jets, heard stories of 20k allowances, penthouses etc…. But I was smart enough to do research and realise how hard & demeaning the work is. Most girls don’t.
So a young girl (or boy) may see these posts, realise these are secretly sex workers, and feel inspired because of these women’s lives. But their audiences only see the 6 star hotel room and the private yacht. They don’t see the shit on the chest and pee in their mouths. They don’t see the 10 80 year old men and 2 14 year olds lining up to fuck you. And they definitely don’t see the rape and sexual assault that occurs. Because lets be real, if these men are wanting to see a girl have sex with an animal and encouraging her to have sex with underage boys then I can almost guarantee they don’t care about her consent. And lastly, if anything goes awry, these women wont get justice. They are young sex workers vs princes & oil tycoons in an extremely sexist country. These men could murder you and get away with it. Yet their lies almost encourage this lifestyle.
So true and to the point. One can only assume that these girls are despersaretly poor or lazy idiots with 2 holes!!! Being an educated professional lady, no one can pay me enough to eat their feaces. No one!!!
Will they do this for the rest of their lives?
Not even if they are vegan? ?
You said everything! IF if they can do all those shit things they can burry a body in the desert and none would dream about it. Excellent comment.
I think that’s true
Interesting insight into the dark recesses of the human soul. Even if I was hallicinating such thought would not come to mind. I now fear humans even more than I did. Fear for my childrens future. Fear for humanity!!!
am lost of words just wow
What an obscenity the whole thing is. The girls who do it and the scumbags who want it. And the world that facilitates it. Maybe we have all lived on this vile Little Rock to long if this is the depravity we have become habituated to. God help us all…
Wow, I was amazed by this article. Wow. That’s pretty much one of the most vile things I have ever heard anyone doing if it’s true!
I just wanted to add that obviously not all women are like that – my wife of 20 years very much included! All the best!
With all due respect to the million dollar codio/trull, that money is just enough to pay for the therapy you will need when the full impact of how you let those men degrade you hits you. Do some research on the French Courtesans of the Belle Epoque and see how the professionals got her done!
Depressing, but we had the feeling this occurs.
Do NOT spend any time with 95% of them. They’re creepy trash that just looks at men as walking ATMs.
Holy shit. This has gotta be the biggest red pill I have ever swallowed.
Should instagram not be closed the same way backpages was closed ?
Take a good look ladies. These are the types of men that 99% of women choose and women wonder why men only want sex. As you can see, women would rather be literally be treated like crap than build a family with a good man. I’m glad that women are allowed to make their own choices. Now all good men can clearly see what women truly care about.
You can’t just generalize 4 billion women just because some sex workers do those disturbing things. You’re probably one of those men who wonder why they can’t ever have a relationship lasting longer than a year. Keep in mind, that these sex workers can only exist because there are men who want them to do those things. They’re both guilty
Guess Satan is really in charge after all, uh?
Here again, it is with shame I see that my hands are red with the ability to be privy to this info while we outsource the violence and soul destruction that affords us the very ability to share this knowledge. Technology. Henceforth, what will we do with it?
Most likely more of the same that brought the human race to such a level of global domination over all other life (intentional avoidance of the word dominion, which traditionally implies a sense of responsible stewardship.) These men & women at the top commiting such deplorable acts are really at the bottom of spiritual wealth, with holes too big to ever fill by the ways they’ve conceived. And yet, … AND YET, these aren’t truly unprecedented occurrences! Anyone who’s read a smattering of anthropology or even psychology has probably been just as shocked at some of the oldest nuclear family practices still extant in obscure pockets. Namely, how one man is alpha, having “known” all his wives, their daughters and granddaughters, until he is overthrown and killed by his usurper who intends to do the same (albeit with some fresh genes so as to be less incestuous, unless it’s his son, which it usually is.) Or how all the children of another tribe are weened off their mother’s breast onto the Village Elder’s penis.
Not to get too off topic, or disparage primitive peoples who the majority of which the world over are more Godly than us civilized folk, and without a book to tell them so! This is merely to illustrate the thousands of years of momentum of human sin, or whatever we call it, only seeming unprecedented due to the information sharing going on. It’s true that airliners are carrying these women around the world at 500mph granting these men greater variety & immediacy, and as I start to bash the devil’s workshop in the idle hands of these elite … I’m staring at my fingers tapping an emmulated keyboard on the screen of this free government issued cellphone!
This is a hypocrisy I cannot allow myself. There are those that will say that they’re dirtying their hands with the intention of shedding light and improving the situation. I say more power to them. “Those without cuts on their hands can handle poison.” Thank You All. Those with a greater strength of character than I possess to soldier through reems of websearches of an unsavory sort. That’s takin’ one for the team!
As for me and my house … well … to walk the walk instead of just talk I’ve been predominantly off grid for years much to the benefit of my spiritual health and those that I’ve encouraged to try the same (too bad I can’t get one of these Shieks to fast from the internet for Ramadan! Maybe someone will one day use a cellphone to text him the importance of putting down his cellphone for a while.) I know it’s not for everyone, but I prefer the simplicity. I don’t feel deprived, but liberated, so I’m afraid I can’t make a habit of this sort of communication. I guess I don’t get out much, this felt good, it’s been building for a while.
To be fair, we must also see the coat tails of murder, rape, incest, torture, pillaging, colonizing, enslaving and general exploitation that we’re riding on. Human history before and after Rome/Christendom, Anglo/Latin, all across Asia/Africa, The New World wasn’t so new to warfare. Antarctica’s pretty peaceful … oh yeah, a lot less humans! Developing the stupid smartphones allowing the instant, far reaching destruction of women and children that started this conversation perpetuated on stupid smartphones allowing the instant, far reaching destruction of women and children (no, I’m not repeating the same sentence twice in one sentence as a play on words to be cute! If you follow the circular logic carefully, it works, much to my chagrin. It pains me deeply to speak of these things.)
Again, I apologise if my empathic propensity is too much for most, but let us take a look at the tortured souls seemingly responsible for such heinous acts. The call girls themselves have been addressed, how about what high-stress lives are led by the sponsors. What could cause such a build up, leading to blowing off steam (and pee & poop) in these ways? Perhaps knowing that the desicions made daily to (even if indirectly) murder, rape, torture, enslave or otherwise exploit, shedding more blood with their hands than most of us will ever dream of, let alone hear of online. Yes, most of it is unnecessary, but there are only room for a few in that room of the few where those dirty deeds done dirt cheap are decided upon. What keeps us.out of those high places is our lack of climbing Machiavelli’s Ladder, but if we did, we’d most likely end up like them: tortured souls filling holes. It’s similar to a Catholic Mafioso’s “sin-eating”: they figure they’re goin’ to hell for what they’ve done, so why not stay in that inner-ring where the terrible things are decided (15,000 die/10,000 allies die) and they do the darn thing! Are they takin’ one for the team? A lot of people will say there’s gotta be better ways of doing things. I’m all for a global universal awakening, probably the biggest free-lovin’ hippie-dippie peace-nik you’ll ever meet, holdin’ onto Hope for God’s sake! There’s an awful lot of worldwide momentum of sin, or missing the mark, in human history. “An adventure in missing the point.” Will the better ways work right now, or is there still an enormous tide to turn?
I don’t pretend to know the answers, I’m just willing to face these difficult questions with a more honest look than most at my own complicity in the crimes of humanity. Despite the monkish austerity of my Vows of Simplicity, the blood is on my hands as well. I benefit DIRECTLY from all these terrible aspects of the global commerce machine that brings me food, information, etc. every day.The 40 year general kills women and children only INDIRECTLY to save me the sin of doing so. Which is worse? Does it matter? We’re all in need of forgiveness. Can we forgive each other? Can we forgive ourselves?
Brings to mind A Few Good Men movie scene. A young, wet behind the ears, greenhorn lawyer with noble aims of justice grills a wartorn, salty old dog, officer with noble aims of fidelity. After persistent questioning, an exasperated old man yells “What d’you want from me?!” The youngster yells back “I want the truth!” The old-timer snarls ” You can’t handle the truth.” Poignantly describing a lot of terrible things in life. After all, it’s why we were kicked out of The Garden: wanting to know things above our pay grade
Only Love, Neil:)
P.S.: Sorry for the novel!
Interesting that you are horrified about the women who did the acts and the men who meet them after, but not the men who demand and pay for the acts and their (many) wives who sleep with them after.
This is an excellent example of a false dichotomy fallacy.
I can be, and am, “horrified” (poor word choice) of both. But the topic of this article is on the women. I have done other articles on the men. But women play their part in this, and they are represented here.
Do not play victim by shifting blame, the degenerate women willingly choose this lifestyle and are equally responsible.
“Do we truthfully believe that a religious or well-raised women would act in the same manner?”
I’d like to share my view on your question because I am not sure if you associate “well-riased” with religious person? Although I do recognize your distinction, it would be false to associate the two.
Religious people sin. Period.
Arguably these women were exposed to religious values throughout their lives, in schools and in general the communities they reside in. It don’t matter what the dominant religion is in their communities, they are fully aware of it and it’s core value proposition. Religions all over this planet have inculcated moral conduct for thousand of years. Therein lies this challenge because there is no organized religious leaders and it’s hierarchies on this planet that made their teaching (of the core values) attractive to communities. They all enforce dogmatic rites and rituals which has nothing to do with values, except to brand itself as a particular following, and! The entire model of preaching is the cause for mass apathy so they (the organization) grows wealthy. There is no freedom in this. Freedom to think fir self. Individual responsibility is non-existent. Consequently the frustration found in our youth, the drug dilemma, abortions and and and! Because they feel ashamed to identify with the dogma and not so much the moral. As a result of this lack of self-respect, rebellion becomes inevitable.
What about?
Sheiks who invite these vulnerable young women?
These Sheiks are Muslim. We all know how strict Muslim communities are, from dress codes to prayers to eating etc, yet! These Muslim men act nefariously against the codes of conduct that Islam obligated on its followers. Are they truly Muslim? No! According to Islamic values, evidently not.
What about?
Religions leaders, pastors who rape young girls and young boys?
I can go on and on.
The trouble with our world is organized religion. There should be no religions. Humankind should evolve away from religions and perhaps just maintain the belief in a creator. We do not need a religious label to understand that a creator exists.
This is an incredibly cringey comment.
Of course I do. You need a moral framework to be well-raised. You get that through a religion or relationship with Christ. Modernity and modern secularism are complete trash and are why we have pedos, trannys, and these materialistic women.
Wow I had no idea.
Oh wait, that’s a core doctrine of nearly every theology. Sin is a foundational starting point for Christian theology. A true Christian will still be nothing like these monsters of modernity.
Exposed to religion =/= religious.
It is not the truth’s job to become attractive to the masses. It is man’s job to conform to God. You are starting from a fundamentally incorrect premise.
Religion and faith =/= Organizations or institutions.
They are muslims in name only. They are just as degenerate, unrighteous, and worship the same God the women do: Mammon. You said it yourself, “are they truly muslim – No”. That is exactly the point. They are a modern secular breed, compliant to an institution that culturally surrounds them but not faithful or truly religious.
What a completely asinine conclusion to draw. “There are some degenerate people, that are wholly unreligious and clearly worship the flesh and Mammon, so the solution should be to remove religion.”
You are horrifically misguided, my friend. I suggest you stop worrying about institutions, organizations, denominations, or anything else, and actually spend time in the study of the divine. You have clearly never read the Bible, so my recommendation is to start there. Read the Bible, read the Quran, read some Talmud, read about Krishna/manvantara, or Hinduism, or Buddhism, and come to your own conclusions. Most who do find faith for a reason. The truth is there, you just must seek after it.