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Deport Elon Musk: Uncovering The H-1B Madness

Elon Musk dropped the mask once again. This time on the H-1B issue. Will the Dissident Right ever wake up?

The Story: Recapped

The mask has dropped.


Musk has given many unfathomably clear signs of not being friendly to either Christians (wants to put a chip in your brain and genetically engineer humanity) or true Right-wingers (has always been a soft centrist).

But this new mask drop has to be the clearest indicator of them all:

Musk Vows to Defend H-1B Visa Program Amid Criticism

Elon Musk has pledged unwavering support for the H-1B visa program, vowing to go to “war” to defend it. He credited the program for bringing “critical” foreign-born, highly skilled workers to the United States—individuals who he said have played pivotal roles.

“The reason I’m in America along with so many critical people who built SpaceX, Tesla, and hundreds of other companies that made America strong is because of H1B,” Musk said in a Dec. 27 post on social media platform X, in response to a comment suggesting that the H-1B program should be “optimized” out of existence.

“Take a big step back and [expletive],” Musk continued. “I will go to war on this issue the likes of which you cannot possibly comprehend.”


In recent days, Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy, who are set to jointly lead Trump’s new Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE), have both ramped up their advocacy of American companies using H-1B visas to hire workers.

This is just one of Musk’s many comments on the matter:

The reason I’m in America along with so many critical people who built SpaceX, Tesla and hundreds of other companies that made America strong is because of H1B. Take a big step back and FUCK YOURSELF in the face. I will go to war on this issue the likes of which you cannot possibly comprehend.

To keep the summary short and sweet: A wealthy [and popular] foreigner seeks to support other foreigners at the cost of the heritage population.

In fact, two foreigners are leading this charge: Ramaswamy and Musk.

Big shock there.

Elon Musk: The Snake

I warned all of you about Musk. Repeatedly. He has made his intentions abundantly clear time and time again:

Many of you got it, but many still did not. The worship of the guy continued even after countless examples of his nefariousness.

Musk is probably one of the clearest litmus tests of if a person has even the most rudimentary levels of discernment. This guy has not been discrete. He literally wore a Satan costume and has openly twisted Scripture.

People equally overestimate his intelligence and impact. Musk and his isolated class kin did not get wealthy through “hard work and grit,” as so many like to pretend. Look up his actual history. A lot of it has to do with bleeding the state through subsides at the cost to domestic taxpayers. But I’ve written on this plenty before and don’t feel especially interested in repeating those arguments.

At the root of it, Musk is a businessman. What I like to call a “merchant”. The most important thing for a merchant to sell is themselves and their image, which is why so many of them become idolized.

Merchants are rarely supremely intelligent or capable of revolutionary advancements. They are mostly just universally greedy and unscrupulous regarding proper state virtues. This allows the merchants the ability to amass massive quantities of wealth, due to little moral holdups or care for the state. This is one reason why a statistically significant and grossly high amount of CEOs are psychopaths, for example (compared to other careers). What merchants do is employ individuals who are actually smart and driven, and then take credit for the things that they build.

The merchants are a part of the administrative state, residing in a managerial position which profits on the backs of others, not an actual driver of that advancement.

I expand on this topic in this article, because this topic relates to the downfall of society: Who The Nation Admires.

Musk is a merchant, not a scientist. The people that worship him treat him like he’s the one making these discoveries. He is not. He is simply managing capital and orchestrating the business entity.

“Advancements” (of any kind) used to be the domain of the state through kings and the aristocrats, which is why people in the past used to think the king and the nobles were the sole drivers of change. Now we’ve simply switched the titleholder to the merchants. Now, the average person thinks a businessman are the drivers of change and progress.

But hilariously, both approaches are and were wrong. The ones driving civilizational and technological advancement are always those hidden in the shadows. The grinders in the back. Not the losers that take credit for it at the forefront.

It’s the same song and dance that always happens in a degraded capitalistic society. The grey masses and other blind folk worship merchants because they have money and in our climate, “money = smarts”. Welcome to a degraded, individualist libertarian land.

This mindset is completely backwards, as I have found those with higher genuine intelligence place a higher emphasis on virtue or knowledge over wealth. But this belief about who drives change and has benevolent character remains pervasive.

We can’t save the grey masses from worshipping Musk. But us dissidents can—and must—do better.

After this betrayal of Americans in favor of personal profit-maximizing through the H-1B program, there are no more excuses. Anyone still clamoring for this guy and claiming to be on the Right is either subversive or simply too blinded to be trusted.

Conquest By Foreigners

Probably one of the most hilarious deductions from this H-1B turmoil is a fact that has not been getting much attention.

Let me summarize what is happening here, in plain English, since some people seem to miss it:

  • We have a foreigner [Musk] that came over here to our land, who then bought our own social media public square, and now is using it to silence the heritage nation who is just asking not to be demographically replaced in our own land. He is now recruiting other foreigners like Ramaswamy and Ian Miles Cheong to “go to war” against any Americans that don’t want to be replaced.

Reread that bullet-point.

Read it one more time. Let it sink in.

This is some end-stage Germanic tribes entering Rome drama. But instead of the brutes forcibly taking over Rome during a siege, we handed it over because of “muh free market”.

Someone must stand up for the heritage Americans who are being dispossessed in our own land, that our fathers built. An America without heritage Americans is no America at all. It won’t stay that way for long.

But that is Musk’s dream. An America with all the world’s populations making the decisions for the heritage Americans. To a Christian, that should sound an awful lot like Babel/Babylon. To an ethnic heritage American, that should also sound an awful lot like foreign subjugation.

This is one of many reasons I claimed that Musk buying Twitter was a horrible idea.

We are being conquered by foreigners. Literally and directly.

What A Sane Nation Would Do

With all the political nonsense brushed aside, we should clearly see that immigration is one of, if not the most, central issues of our day for heritage Americans.

This includes both illegal and legal immigration.

If demographics are destiny (as Musk himself has said), then the key driver of demographic change being immigration will provide our destiny. I.e.: Importing a bunch of Indians through H-1B will make us look a lot more like India and a lot less like America. Something no one would want, besides merchants and Indians.

If we were a sane nation, both illegal and legal immigration would be completely banned in totality until we can get the situation under control. To get the situation under control would require, at a minimum, a decade given our current demographic profile.

Every immigrant residing here now on some goofy visa or program should lovingly get deported. Then they can try again later when we are stable and could reopen legal immigration back up with much smaller percentages and with preferential locations.

Most other issues are secondary to immigration because this is the issue that will guarantee our annihilation as a cohesive state and as a nation itself. It does not matter what our temporary GDP figures are if we will catabolize ourselves because of it—We may be able to afford to drive the fancy Porsche, but with immigration abounding, we are driving that fancy car right off a cliff.

The solution? Well:

Deport Musk With All The Others

Shut off immigration. Legal and illegal. Train and edify Americans.

Then deport all the illegals and the traitorous legals. This includes Musk. Elon can be deported with the rest of them.

He is a foreigner, and one of the bad ones. Musk wants to replace you. He has made that abundantly clear.

Americans deserve to have our own country and our own land, without merchants throwing it all away to worship their market god.

Thus, the only and best option: Deport.


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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