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“Democracy Is The Best System We’ve Got”

Are we certain of that?

"Democracy Is The Best System We've Got" header

Is It Truly The Best We’ve Got?

I always get a kick out of it when I hear people say stuff like “Democracy may not be perfect, but it’s the best system of government we’ve got”.

I heard this recently when I was watching some normie news to see the latest programming/brainwashing: A clearly planted, “patriotic” boomer proudly started off with the all too common appeal of “ya know… our democracy ain’t perfect”, before diving into the best system defense bit.

But I’ve even come across similar appeals recently on Christian commentary websites while doing my theology studies. Even in those, they’ll claim dispersing the power to the people is “the best system… given the condition of man”. These fools talk constantly about the condition of man, but they must have missed the condition of the States—Our “best system” society sure isn’t working out so well.

I love these statements because, for those of us who are aware, it immediately means you can disregard anything else that person says. It’s an indicator that they have put absolutely zero thought into the actual question of government systems.

But statements like these also always bring me back to some golden memes, such as this one:

"Democracy Is The Best System We've Got" - meme monday meme
The “mostly peaceful” human sacrifice of the native Americans. Not perfect, but the best there is.

While some may think relating this meme and democracy is a tad hyperbolic, it’s actually an understatement.

The sacrificial systems that slaughtered humans in the past have a far lower bodycount than our current democratic-republican society.

For instance, in our system we’re still also doing the ritual human sacrifice but en masse with babies through abortion.

Killing adults is bad, but killing children and babies is far worse. Now consider the fact that not only do we do the latter, but we also slaughter those children on the equivalent of a factory manufacturing line for profit.

In the past, the ritual human sacrificers would be able to kill tens, hundreds, maybe thousands. We take out a million or more babies every single year.

Even further, now we don’t even allow resistance to the sacrificial system. In fact, three pro lifers just got convicted in federal court simply for protesting against ritual abortion sacrifice (The Feds claim they “blocked access” to one of the clinics, which is an outright lie if you look into it).

Now realize that this is just one factor. Abortion isn’t the only evil our system promotes. Just one single piece of it.

But somehow our elders will still yell about how “democracy”, “republicanism”, or whatever other Enlightenment monstrosity is “the best we got”.

Any system that results in the murder of millions of babies a year should not be in the same sentence as the word “best”.

The only thing democracy is the best at is unleashing zealots and killing nations.

The blindness to the reality we live in is astounding. Many in our older generations just cannot accept the wickedness of our government, system, and state. It is sad, but expected. They’ve been indoctrinated their entire lives. They may never break free from the conditioning.

Regardless of that bleak outlook, the meme is great. Share it. But also realize it is great because it shares a hidden truth: that the “best system argument” is not valid.

Our current system doesn’t even beat Christendom; the system that we already had. Equally true, democracy will be worthless compared to the new system that we will build when we win.

Conclusion: Democracy/Republic is not the best system we have had. Likewise, it is also not the best we could have, either. It’s trash and like all modern trash, should be thrown out.

Happy Meme Monday. Have quite the aristocratic and hierarchical week.

Read Next: Libertarians On Destroying Western Civilization


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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