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We are on a downward spiral, and there is no way off.
Technology is a really curious monstrosity.
On the one hand, it makes our lives far easier and gives us many luxuries.
On the other hand, it is leading us directly into our own grave.
Take the good with the bad, I guess.
In the past, long before it got popular, I railed against CRISPR technology:
Now that same technology is exploding in usage and scope. CRISPR even had a large piece in the manufacturing and “testing” of the Covid jabs.
But now, it’s just at a level of absolute madness. They are even attempting to use it to create catfish-alligator hybrids that we will eat.
No, that is not a joke:
Scientists introduced alligator DNA into catfish to create hybrid
The disease-resistant catfish could one day be used for human consumption.
A team of scientists inserted an alligator gene into the genomes of catfish. The alligator gene called cathelicidin is an antimicrobial gene that plays a role in the animal’s innate immune response, providing defense against various pathogens, including bacteria and viruses.
Researchers inserted the gene into the part of the catfish genome that codes for an essential reproductive hormone. The produced hybrids showed increased disease resistance and sterility.
They are calling them “transgenic fish”. Everything in clown world is trans, apparently.
I thought it was bad enough when they openly stated they were trying to resurrect a wholly mammoth. But no, now they are also going to destroy our food supply using CRISPR.
You know this is just the beginning, and they’ve been doing far worse behind the scenes if this is what they openly state.
Welcome to the Technological Death March.
These “experts” have absolutely no idea what they are doing. They have no idea how the genetic line interacts with these changes, or what these changes will do over time. We are walking in the dark with this technology, hoping it produces a net benefit instead of a cataclysmic negative.
It is completely insane.
But if we don’t kill ourselves with CRISPR, the experts will find a way to do it with any of the following tech “advancements”:
We have people trying to manufacture the climate and the environment. We have other people trying to mutate viruses and create bioterror agents to target other countries. The world’s powers have nuclear warheads and EMP weapons that would annihilate entire first world societies. Our experts are actively building digital currency/credits that can enslave all of us. Our food-acquiring methods have degenerated rapidly since the 1800s, with a major rise in foods that are not only harmful to us, but even reduce our ability to reproduce.
While technology has made it nice that we can work from home in our pajamas, it’s also leading us on a pathway to annihilation. Quite the curious conundrum.
Even AI is of interest in this discussion. Things like DALL-E2 and ChatGPT are all the rage right now. Everyone is in the race for AI. (As a fun sidenote: The header image for this article was created by DALL-E2 AI generation, which makes me a complete hypocrite).
But the reason these AIs are being created is always left out: Because humans are trying to be God.
While many dissidents may not be using it for that manner, that is the root reason it started in the first place. Christians and dissidents are merely responding in kind, trying to use it as a balancing measure. As always happens with the progress of technology.
AI will never have Divine life breathed into it, so it will always just be a piece of technology: An inferior creation by a creature, not a creator. This is the truth no matter how much SciFi retards evangelize the AI cult.
Technology is a fascinating monster because it requires everyone to participate in its Death March. We cannot sit out of the fight and ignore technological advancements or we will not be able to fight back accordingly. I recognize that, but it doesn’t make it any better.
A state that realizes the risk of technology and sticks with Bronze Age technology would get bulldozed by the modern states. In the same vein, the dissident who does not use the internet will get bulldozed by the leftists who do.
Technology requires us to take part in it, or if we leave, it leaves us behind. But for those of us who recognize the threat, we realize that taking part in it is only furthering our progression to destruction.
It is the ultimate catch-22. If we use and advance technology to win, it brings us closer to destruction (by internal forces who progress the death march). If we don’t use or advance technology to win, it brings us closer to destruction (by external forces who use the death march progress against us).
And quite honestly, I don’t see how we overcome this problem.
I do happen to wonder, however, if this is what the sane people felt like back during the Tower of Babel. We are modern Babylon, after all. I wonder if those people saw humans trying foolishly to build a tower to reach God, and thought that they were insane and were going to destroy themselves.
Exactly like how most of us sane people feel right now.
These people are trying to become God: to geoengineer the environment, conquer planets and the stars, alter the human genome, create artificial life (AI), and so on. Not much different from “trying to reach [be] God” in the Tower of Babel.
Even if we were to break away and create a completely independent, nationalist state, we would still need to keep up-to-date on technology. We could stop the direct assault on our own population, but we wouldn’t be able to stop the greater worldwide Death March.
I wish I had the answer to you on how to stop it. But I can’t see a feasible way to do so. It seems like the technological Death March will continue until we destroy ourselves.
And frankly, that day of destruction seems to be getting incredibly close. The weapons we have and the actions we are taking at this point are not sustainable. All it takes is one wrong virus release, one improperly altered genome, one incorrect climate modification, one bad-enough EMP, or one rogue AI, and we could hurl ourselves off the cliff. We don’t even know the ramifications or how half of these work, yet we are developing and actively using them.
It is a shame that God promised he would never again flood the Earth. Because honestly, we could sure use it.
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