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How should we deal with Trump after his horrific exit from power?
I was one of the first to sign up for the Trump campaign back in 2015-2016. I helped campaign through the primary and voted for him three times: in the first Republican primary, in 2016, and in 2020.
As with most things, time helps with clarity and reconsideration of past decisions.
I don’t look back on any of this in regret: he was the best president given the circumstances and he did change a lot of the narrative and discourse in this country to something more favorable for our side of dissidents. Especially regarding immigration. But we wasn’t what we needed. He was, and remains, a “normie”. He is half-way there like so many other boomers that just couldn’t make that necessary final leap into our camp.
I don’t dismiss the importance of his presidency. He held back the floodgates for 4 whole years. Realistically, we were supposed to be about 5 years into the tyrannical takeover by now. That’s important. Significantly.
But that peace came with equally as significant problems. During that time, our side did nothing. We got complacent. I’ve seen more action in the past year under Biden than under the entire 4 years of Trump. On the local level that I am active in, the result was astounding. A week before the 2016 election we had hundreds of volunteers. A couple of months after the election we could barely justify having a monthly meeting anymore. Everyone left. It has taken Biden to get even half of those people back.
It was as if Trump won, so the entire conservative-dissident base could slumber until the next threat arose. But while we did that, the Left prepared for a total takeover.
You see, they never stop preparing. We never prepare in the first place. We are always in a counter-defensive position, never an assault line.
And therein lies the root of the problem. Trump shielded us, but in the process of being that shield he did not cultivate or encourage us to do anything. Because he was “winning”, so what was there for us to do?
Trump was never going to actually “solve” the problems we have, because as I talk about often on this website: The problem is the system itself. You can’t resolve from within. Putting someone in a position of power within the system will not change the system itself. Think of it like a train track: we can change who is the conductor of the train, but if we’re going down a mountain and there is only one track, there is still only one way to go. Trump followed that track, he just slowed us down. Biden, on the other hand, is putting a turbo on that train and trying to drift corners.
Changing the conductor of the train or changing the train itself will do nothing to change the final destination, which is the next stage of the cycle of collapse. There is only one linear path that we can take within this system. So, if we want actual change, we have to change that system. We have to build a different track, preferably before the train gets there.
Trump was never going to do that. His purpose was to give us four years to start that process. But very few of us did. And those of us that did remained very small and insignificant. I started this website in 2016, for the explicit purpose of building an alternative system. Others tried similar but different strategies that are just as honorable. But we remained small, those that became Trump fanboys and news-followers became dominant (Think: Bill Mitchell and the like). Because people like to think that they are winning while doing nothing. But there is no winning this cycle of collapse without personal sacrifice and a lot of work.
Trump did what we could expect. He served his purpose and shielded us for four years. He couldn’t get much else done, but hell, who actually thought he could when he had everything in Washington against him? He didn’t cultivate unity, action, and local activism, to his own eventual downfall. But the real failures were the strong conservatives within the GOP that failed to act while they had those crucial four years to do so. The local and state GOP especially failed horrendously. They did nothing when they needed to do everything.
If there is one major failure from the Trump years, it’s the entire last year of his presidency. He bought in to the covid hysteria, he pushed for this vaccine that is now decimating us and causing horrible power-grab mandates, he willfully let BLM and Antifa burn down half of the country’s cities, he did nothing to safeguard against election fraud, he did nothing to stop Big Tech/Big Pharma/Big Business, he continued to trust idiots like Fauci, and then he just silently left with his head held low while an active witch hunt was happening against his most diehard supports. The entire last year of his presidency was a complete disaster, and anyone that fails to admit that is simply lying to themselves. He screwed up every step of the way, and in some cases (vaccines) continues to do so.
Now, we don’t have the luxury of having a federal shield. Instead, we’re under attack from every angle. But we still have to do the exact same thing that we had to do before: takeover local regions and states. Protect each other. Build one another. Survive and enclave amongst the ruins. We should have done this five years ago, under the direction of a leader, but we didn’t. Because we had neither the people nor the leader.
Trump really dropped the ball that last year. Now, he wants to be considered the all-star again. But recently he is becoming more of an annoyance than anything else. The fraud is done. He didn’t stop it during the four years he had the chance too. If anything should have been prioritized, it was that. Much more than a border wall, showcasing his love for Israel, or his other focuses.
Even into the future, unless the fraud is resolved no republican will ever win an election ever again. That is, unless it is a Politburo stooge whose purpose is to make the conservatives complacent again. But even that is unlikely at this point. He had four years to fix it. He didn’t. There are no re-tries.
Honestly, we might as well write off the federal level. They’re actively importing millions of migrants to vote for them and they have unlimited election fraud options at their fingertips now. The focus must be the states and the local level. Where the battle never stops, regardless of 4-year election cycle. We can’t think federal until the state and local is favorable to us again. Even then, the focus should be on breaking the federal, not fixing it.
As for Trump, I have especially been annoyed by his recent “statements”. These are pretty much just Tweets – but he got banned from Twitter because he didn’t do anything to stop Big Tech either (he is likely still “monitoring the situation”, like everything else us dissidents brought up). Just check out some of the archived “statements“. Every one of them, minus the few on election fraud, are completely pointless and stupid.
He just keeps talking about Afghanistan, Biden blunders, his own ratings vs Biden, gas prices, etc.
How disconnected is he?
The only good thing he speaks on is the election fraud, but that is only because it directly impacted him. If it hadn’t, I’m sure it wouldn’t even be worth a slight mention.
I don’t know about you my dear reader, but I don’t give the slightest shit about anything he is talking about. Trump isn’t addressing the most pressing matters. He’s barely touching on lukewarm ones.
What about the absolutely tyrannical covid mandates that just turned this country into a control-by-mandate where the legislature and judicial don’t matter anymore? What about the fact that hundreds/thousands of his own supporters are in jail for casually walking into the white house and being willing to fight and die for him? What about hundreds of thousands of Americans being put on the street in November because they are getting fired for refusing a Big Pharma jab that he endorsed and still claims credit for? What about every single private industry coming under the directive of the executive? What about thousands of small businesses going out of business while big business is making billions in profit because of lockdowns and market distortions that he started?
Nothing. Nada.
I don’t care about China right now. I don’t care about the price of gas. Or wood. Or Afghanistan. Or “Americans in Afghanistan” (Which are just Arab Afghan refugees who probably prefer the Taliban, wherein we have plenty enough diversity here at home as it is). Or his ratings. Or any of these other completely moronic, un-important topics in the face of what we are truly up against: an illegitimate centralizer takeover of the entire country. Along with forcing medical procedures on the entire nation or the alternative of being banned from earning a living or buying food. That is the only thing that matters right now. And Trump is distracting and conditioning away from it. If he honestly thinks that anyone on our side cares about saving Afghan “refugees” (economic migrants) or fifty cent higher gas prices in the face of unvaxxed concentration camps, he is so far displaced from an actual American it isn’t even a laughing matter anymore. He is placing the target on things that don’t matter to distract from things that do.
Dealing with Trump post-2020 is not easy. Something happened to him during those BLM riots. He became a politician instead of a leader. A weak, spineless individual that is bubbled-off from the rest of the country, unaware of our actual problems. A populist with no connection to the actual populace.
He served his purpose during those first three years. But now he is now in the past and he should be dealt with as such. It’s time to move on, to go forward. We need new leaders. Stronger ones. He could run again in 2024 but unless the fraud is corrected he won’t win, and the fraud won’t be corrected on the federal level because he did not stop them from securing it in the first place. And we already witnessed how he would respond to it if he lost by fraud: By fleeing to his personal resort in Florida while his supporters burned. If he runs in 2024 we’ll just get a repeat of the exact same thing.
So, we have to move on. Trump was a comfortable time, perhaps the last we will have in this country. It’s hard not to look back and miss it. But don’t let that blind you to the future. He is disconnected from both you and I. And he became weak. We have to remember that the weak cannot lead the strong to victory. Only to ruin.
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