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On the struggle of finding a traditional relationship, while being besieged by modernity and feminist clowns.
Step one avoid the clowns.
Women are powerful companions in a relationship. They can either completely destroy you, just tag along, or elevate you to heights that you could not achieve without them.
Nearly all of that depends on you—your choice, your actions, and your involvement.
This is generally where the disconnect begins when comparing traditionalists or normal types versus the MGTOW/Redpill or other degenerate types. One seeks, lusts after, and selects the clown women, while the others focus all of their efforts on finding one that won’t provide immediate reward but can eventually make the union whole.
For a married man, this is one of the single biggest choice you will ever make. Your partner is your decision and yours alone. But they have the power to elevate or break you.
Don’t look for the things the world tells you to seek for in this process, or you will be burned. The same goes for following the little head instead of the bigger one. You’re not after the most promiscuous woman, you’re after the lifetime woman.
It’s important to recognize the differences between the sexes. I heard a joke in the past, but it’s actually fairly accurate: Men are Logic OS, while women are Emotion OS. Different functions that perform different things better, but none being overall better. Both are necessary.
My recommendations won’t differ much from general common sense. Because that’s all you need. If you act rationally in the dating world, it’s really not that difficult to traverse.
The bedrock pieces are the most obvious: Don’t be a fat slob, have a decent provider-level income, and don’t live with parents. These are essential.
Once you have those, go out with a lot of women. Keyword: a lot.
Don’t let rejection be a personal hit. Any rejection is just the woman doing you a favor.
Dating should be fun, but it’s also your chance to do a subtle interview. Find out their driving force (career versus family), their long-term goals, etc. Find out if they meet your ideas of a decent, traditional wife. Or if they can be malleable into them. Remember that modernity has done some serious damage to both men and women, and realize that it may take some time for them to be “healed” from it. Ask yourself if those characteristics would make a good wife/mother. If not, stop dating.
Follow some general “red pill” ideology but don’t take it to a stupid extreme. Don’t be overly invested, don’t text/call her just to talk, and don’t be dependent. It’s not an attractive look for a dude. Set up dates and have fun while on them. Self-reflect after each date.
Realize that this is not an easy task. It will not be quick. It’s not supposed to be. The people that make it easy are the ones that end up with the clowns and get divorced. Or they settle for subpar women that won’t elevate them. Men get picky about spending a thousand dollars, but then turn around and lavishly pick their women without thinking twice. But I can guarantee the latter will cost far more than the former, and a decent wife could produce far more than the former.
I don’t recommend spending much on dates, especially if you’re going to be dating a lot. It’s good to weed out those type of women, anyway. Do easy things where you can talk a lot and play some easy games. I’ve always been a fan of outdoors and nature activities, because that was a pre-req for my wife. I love the outdoors, and I needed someone that shared that passion because I spend half of my time doing that.
Regardless of any PUA or feminist trash, you should always pay. You asked her out. Therefore, you pay.
Remember that many women are adaptable. They can be molded and changed. A lot of women that embraced modernity due to societal pressure will embrace tradition due to familial pressure. They respond heavily to the role of the man. Not always in all capacities, but in quite a few key ones. This doesn’t mean you can select just any woman, but it does mean you have some wiggle room with the right woman. Time heals a lot of complications from modernity, especially with the right patriarch.
Because women run on the Emotion OS, don’t try to make her into a logic OS. Embrace the differences. Let her live as she lives, just enjoy the time together. Fully take a leap into the emotional side every once in a while. It’s a roller coaster of excitement. But always come back out, because you’re not meant to permanently reside within that role.
Accept now, before you start, that no woman will check all of your requirements.
Once you get further in the dating stage, find out her “love language” and share yours with her. This sounds like hardcore Emotion OS like astrology or other women voodooism, but it is actually fairly helpful. Especially if you discuss it together. It shows how people both prefer to receive and give “love”. She will then recognize when you are trying to meet her needs, and vice versa. Either partner can alter their way of showing affection to meet the love language of the other. It is also useful to show her what actually matters to you so you get your needs fulfilled. The love language discussion opens the door to experience the realm of emotion through a logical understanding, so it works for both men and women. This one worked incredibly well for me, personally.
Prior to marriage I’d also recommend laying some foundations for a traditional relationship. One thing I did was read some books together with my wife, where we would go chapter-by-chapter and then talk about it together. Dr. Laura Schlessinger has some good books for this. We read The Proper Care & Feeding of Marriage and it nearly transformed my wife. It helped me tremendously, too. It is helpful that it is a traditional marriage book but written by a woman, because in modernity women can get sensitive real quick about anything relating to tradition if it comes from a man. These are soft foundation introductions, if the woman is not yet fully on board. Whatever you have to do to lay this foundation, do it, and do it well.
Those are a few strategies. I’m sure there are plenty of others. I may expand on these a bit later, but these should suffice for a good starting point.
This is the path I followed, and I have the best wife. I will argue with anyone that says otherwise. A significant reason I am where I am today, both professionally and intellectually, is because of her. I have definitely found one that can elevate—Whereas many of you already know of the stories of the women who can destroy. There is always a balance in this world, and you have to be careful that you don’t select the clown woman and be the victim.
Most of the more traditionalist-types I know and talk with followed a similar, albeit personally customized, strategy. The general trend is that the man must be put together and they must be firm in their actions and beliefs. This will naturally attract the more traditional types and repel the feminists. They then must make sure the foundation is clearly outlined and enjoyable to all prior to marriage.
Which is exactly what you need. While dating, you just need time and perseverance. Some will take longer than others. I didn’t find my wife until my late 20s. And that wasn’t because of a lack of trying, there just weren’t suitable candidates from the massive amount of women I went through.
The world is not favorable to us right now regarding dating, but men in the past have gone through far worse. Our [current] struggles barely compare. Don’t whine about your time—Embrace it and overcome it.
But whatever you do, make sure to follow the first rule: avoid the feminist clowns. Those witches were burnt throughout history for a reason.
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