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Darwinism has been disproven over and over. Yet, it's still widely believed. No different from transgender "science" and climate change "science".
I know the whole “Darwinism at work” and “Let Darwin take care of him” memes are hilarious when addressing stupid people and dumb decisions, but they’re not true. Darwinism is a lie. It was from the very start.
ICR has done great work in conclusively proving this fact, even to the point that practically all of Darwin’s original theories have been significantly changed by modern evolutionists because of the arguments brought up against them. You never hear about that part, though.
ICR had another great article on this topic that I want to share today titled “How Darwin Poisons Science” by Randy J. Guliuzza, P.E., M.D.:
How Darwin Poisons Science
There’s no denying that most people believe evolution is science but creation science and Intelligent Design (ID) are religion. Education, entertainment, news media, and even our government promote the persuasive claim that belief in evolution is objective, rational behavior in contrast to highly subjective, if not irrational, religious thinking. The former is connected to being smart and the latter to lacking intelligence. I suspect that beginning in childhood, one of the biggest fears humans develop is that others will think of them as dumb. As a tool of ridicule, it can enforce widespread social conformity. What a hurdle to overcome. We need to acknowledge its use and respond wisely.
Skeptics have long recognized the power of characterizing Christians as dumb. To make that point, their literature uses quotes such as Mark Twain’s ridicule of Bible believers:
[You believe in a book that has talking animals, wizards, witches, demons, sticks turning into snakes, burning bushes, food falling from the sky, people walking on water, and all sorts of magical, absurd and primitive stories, and you say that we are the ones that need help?1]
Even some Christians blush over the same biblical accounts Twain scoffed at. One predictable response has been to explain these events away via rhetorical devices. Recently, the noted Christian apologist William Lane Craig, who believes that evolution was God’s way to fashion creatures, tried in his book In Quest of the Historical Adam: A Biblical and Scientific Exploration “to understand the [biblical] text as the original author and his audience would have understood it.”2 Why can’t Craig just interpret Genesis normally? Well, he acknowledged the obvious discrepancies and that something must give—either evolution or parts of the Bible.
For Craig, it’s the Bible. He teaches that Genesis 1–11 is best described as “mytho-history” and not as real historical narrative. He believes the Bible’s opening chapters are riddled with unreal events. These are identified by their “fantastic” elements that reveal them to be mythological. Craig wouldn’t deny God’s miraculous interventions like Jesus’ resurrection, but in his opinion, “fantastic” biblical accounts are those that “if taken literally, are so extraordinary as to be palpably false.”3Biblical accounts that he’d consider as palpably false are remarkably like Twain’s choices and would include Eden’s talking snake and cherubim with a sword, incredibly long life spans, a global flood, and more.3 Rather than believing that the biblical Adam was directly created by God, Craig invests several hundred pages in trying to identify some evolutionary product as “Adam” and shoehorn it into today’s evolutionary scenario.
Perhaps there’s a better response to evolution than trying to weave it into the biblical narrative or treating it as though it’s the storehouse of rational scientific thought on origins. It’s more effective to point out that the reason why evolutionists pound their pulpits so loudly and fanatically to shut down dissenting views in classrooms is to keep up the smokescreen hiding how scientifically untenable their claims have always been.
Those claims started with Charles Darwin, who infused into biology three antiscientific practices—circular thinking, imagination, and personifications of nature (wholesale magical explanations). These interpretive practices are standard fare in the most elite evolutionary literature, but they actively hinder biological research. It’s time to challenge Darwin’s irrational approach to interpreting biological phenomena.
The people that just accept Darwinism and evolution as fact are the people that do not actually research the subject at all. It’s very akin to the climate change cultists or the people that will just accept that there are now 500 genders. The reality is that there is much debate in the actual academic field regarding evolution, just like there are for trans and climate change theories.
I know most dissidents just want to accept the evolution angle because of its implications with regard to biology and the differences between the races, but the truth is better than accepting a convenient lie.
So go read the article from ICR. Then look up more Darwinism/Evolution articles from them. Maybe go study this research article that is still giving grief to evolutionists a decade later. Find others like it. Learn that you aren’t a distant relative of a frigging chimpanzee through a ‘common ape ancestor’, my brother.
Listen, all I am saying is that scientism is a cult. You probably should not instinctively just “trust the science”, especially if it is modern science that has all been corrupted by modernity.
Always doubt what the scientist-worshippers preach to you, because they preach their own religion, which is not compatible with the Christian version.
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