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Cultural Disease

Cultural Disease: Living Exegesis Instead Of Eisegesis

Exploring the two ways the dissident can approach spirituality. Including how the cultural disease of modernity has corrupted our souls.

Cultural Disease

Cultural Disease

Eisegesis is the process of interpreting a text in such a way as to introduce one’s own presuppositions, agendas, or biases. It is commonly referred to as reading into the text. It is often done to “prove” a pre-held point of concern, and to provide confirmation bias corresponding with the pre-held interpretation and any agendas supported by it.

Exegesis is the exposition or explanation of a text based on a careful, objective analysis. That means that the interpreter is led to his conclusions by following the text.

Put simply, eisegesis means “to lead into”, whereas exegesis means “to lead out of”.

These two terms are usually related to the reading of Scripture. But I’m going to digress a bit from that in this article. I want to focus on spirituality as a whole.

Eisegesis is akin to going in from out. Think of it like lukewarm Christianity. They take modern culture and go into Christianity and Christian teachings from that cultural point. They want God to be a champion of the modern day, no matter what that modern day is. It is also helpful to recall that God said he would vomit those lukewarm Christians out in Revelation. There is a reason for that—Because they are backwards.

The same can be said for (many, not all) pagans, ancestral worshippers, and modernity atheists. They take the subjective culture of the day, or the subjectivism/secularism modernity view, or the racial focus, or some other foundation and then go “in” to religion.

They do not start with a humble search for honest truth within religion and then branch out. What this means is that the modernity creations value the different foundation over that of religion/spirituality. Their foundation, whatever it is, takes primacy.

They seek out a spiritual position that will fit into their primacy foundation. They then use eisegesis to confirm it as their “truth”.

A modernity atheist, for instance, would treasure his or her worldly subjectivism over that of religion. In the same manner, a white nationalist Odin-worshipping pagan starts with race as his most important foundation, and then seeks a religion that he or she believes most closely matches that primacy point.

What this means is that many (again, not all), start from an eisegesis position when looking for spiritual truth. They come from culture or politics to understand spirituality.

I feel as though this is a backwards approach, and other notable anacyclosis researchers would agree with my position. Even Evola, who for the most part despised Christianity, recognized the importance of the soul and spirit over that of the worldly or physical.

If one is to be truthful to one’s self, they should seek spirituality from an exegesis position. To go out from within. Change your politics and your cultural idealism using spirituality and a connection with the soul.

Examples of individuals who do this would include traditional pagans, strong Christians, strong Buddhists/Muslims, and the like. They are cohesive with their spirituality, grounded in a proper spiritual foundation, and then branch out from there. This alters their politics and culture, but it does so in a “correct” path of spirituality to the worldly, instead of worldly to the spiritual. A Christian Dominionist makes a lot more sense than a transgender, LGBT Christian, because one is clearly using the proper foundation.

I’m a Christian, but this does not need to be solely about Christianity. As I just mentioned, all religions and spiritual positions could follow this path. The primary focus is to put an emphasis on the soul and your spirituality, not modernism or politics.

To attach yourself to the world is problematic, because worldly things are ever-changing. To follow it and breathe false life into immovable spiritual truths is corruption of the unchanging with the changing. This is especially true in our current degenerate world. There is nothing worthy of following in our decadent age, so to then start from this position as the building block to enter other, constant domains, is truly damaging for anyone.

We must always use an exegesis view when diving into the soul of the equation on both a personal and national level. It’s the most important piece of the Three Essentials. To enter it from a physical or systemic position is to destroy it slowly over time as one of those two degrades.

This applies to all spiritual manners: religion, consciousness, morality, values, and similar. Do not allow yourself to be engulfed by the cultural disease of modernity and corrupt your soul by allowing it to be muddled with the worldly.

Resist. In doing so, you’ll be starting from a much stronger foundation.

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Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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