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The Economic Bioterrorism Theory

Covid: The Economic Bioterrorism Theory

A new covid theory emerges to join the ranks with numerous other possibilities. But which one is the truth?

The Economic Bioterrorism Theory

A New Covid Theory emerges

The podcast No Agenda introduced me to an interesting covid theory by Ron Unz. Unz did a separate podcast where he argued that “COVID-19 Was an ‘Anti-Economy’ Bioweapon by the U.S. Against China”.

You can find that latter podcast here. I recommend giving it a listen if you’re unfamiliar with the theory.

We now have quite a few different theories regarding the entire covid event:

  • Bat theory
  • Lab leak theory
  • Mass murder theory
  • Big Pharma / Big Business corruption theory
  • Elite power grab / power distortion theory
  • Population reduction theory (murder by the later developed vax)
  • Economic bioterrorism theory

The truth is likely somewhere in the middle. A mixture of some the theories. For example, the No Agenda hosts mentioned that there was a possibility it was an economic bioterrorist event, but the U.S. gave the virus to China, knowing that they would accidentally leak it through improper protocols. In that case, we’d have two theories being right: lab leak and economic bioterrorism.

A couple of theories are falling apart. The most obvious being the bat theory, with only pure idiots still believing that one. Which is ironically the most hilarious, considering I got banned from social media for advocating for the lab leak theory in the early days when the mainstream demanded bat theory or bust.

Another theory that we can write off is the elite power grab theory. If that were the case, there would be no reason for them to allow the panic to wind down right now. They should only be getting more strict and releasing even worse viruses, if that were the case. Instead, everything is returning to normalcy. It’s not completely written off, as they could do a 180 at any point, but it appears this theories time is dwindling.

Additionally, the original mass murder theory (by the covid virus itself) is rather moot. The death rate was low, similar to the flu. If that was the goal, it clearly failed. Even the vax isn’t killing off all that many, considering the sheer number of recipients that got it. It is certainly harming plenty and has done no good, but it’s not nearly enough to be a population reduction strategy. Unless it’s a time delayed killshot, both of those will probably go to rest rather soon.

That leaves us with two final contenders:

  • Big Pharma / Big Business corruption theory
  • Economic bioterrorism theory

I think it easily could be a combination of these two. Big Business, Big Pharma, and the U.S. geopolitical agenda all made massive strides from covid. We know that these entities are one and the same, so they have every reason to cooperate together. Take down Trump, handicap China, screw up the population both at home and abroad, destroy small business in favor of big business, and provide Big Pharma a ridiculous amount of money. They all happened. These individuals already have untold levels of power. This event has only increased it. It made them all way better off, while everyone else is worse off. Suspicious, if nothing else.

The intelligence community especially has every reason to get their hands into this. And they love Big Business. It’s a match made in hell.

The only other theory I could consider is that this was a test run for something larger to come. They could easily be laying the groundwork for that with the recent rollbacks to get them through the election before proceeding forward. But this is more of a future theory, rather than a current theory. If it was a test run, it was a test run that had ulterior purposes. To lay the foundation for something else to come.

Covid is currently being winded down, even in places I wouldn’t have expected it, such as D.C.

This wind down will allow us to review these theories with a more pragmatic mind. It’s hard to review something as it is ongoing, but as it enters the rear-view mirror, it’s usually much clearer.

I’m not sure exactly where I lie, but I am excited to see this coming winter season. It will certainly provide us with more clues to the truth.

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Appeal To Authority: The Real Covid Plague

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Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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