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Is America ready to stop panicking yet? Done being forcibly locked down by tyrannical governors? COVID is overblown. Let's pass this.
Our glorious mainstream media, that would clearly never ever lie, is lying about the China Virus numbers. Simply put, COVID is overblown.
WeForum explains in detail:
Using patient data from China, public health officials initially estimated that 80% of COVID-19 cases are either asymptomatic or have mild disease. Given that hospital beds, health workers, and test kits are in short supply, only highly symptomatic people are advised to go to the hospital. Because of lack of adequate testing, including in the United States, in many places only hospital patients are now counted as cases. The people who do not feel seriously ill stay home, recover quietly, and are never counted. This matters because they do not appear in any of the official statistics.
Take for example an elderly New Yorker who is mildly sick. She calls her family doctor who makes a clinical diagnosis of suspected COVID-19 based on her symptoms, not a test. Because she is not very sick, she is advised to stay home. There is no mechanism for her doctor to report her diagnosis to the health authorities, so if she gets better, she is never counted. Only if she becomes ill enough to be admitted to the hospital, is she counted as a COVID-19 case. If she dies she will be counted as a COVID-19 death.
Since many of us are experiencing homeschooling these days, it seems a good time for a math refresher. Once the number of infections is determined, this becomes the denominator in our public health calculation. The number of deaths is our numerator.
Numerator (number of deaths)/denominator (number of people infected) x 100 = infection fatality rate
We know the virus spreads very fast once it is introduced to a population. That means many of us in the general population are or were already infected with the virus- whether or not we have symptoms.
However, instead of counting us all in the denominator, in many countries including the US, only people sick enough to go to the hospital are counted. People sick enough to go to the hospital are more likely to need critical care, and patients in critical condition are more likely to die than patients with mild symptoms. This means the fatality rate looks higher than it really is.
Further, even when we are testing, depending on the type of test used, we may only be counting people who are actively infected, not those who had it and are thus currently immune. This again will lead to an underestimate of the denominator.
With my favorite point:
And at some point, we will return to and rebuild our daily routines, with the new addition of attending to the mental health crisis caused by weeks of fear, isolation and anxiety. Much of which could have been avoided by an accurate and clear definition of the denominator.
This is not the plague. Something like 80% of people don’t even have symptoms. Most deaths are due to complications with other respiratory illnesses (like pneumonia). Those numbers aren’t being reported correctly either. When we all wake up from this a year from now, this is going to look like the biggest sham that has ever occurred on US soil.
I’ve been saying this since the facts initially came out. The lock down was moronic. The freak out was stupid. And the $2 trillion COVID package is only going to put us into debt for decades to come.
Make sure to Remember The Covid Panickers When This All Ends. They aren’t to be trusted with ringing the warning bell anymore.
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