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It's not going well for the Branch Covidians.
In a recent article, I linked to a great compilation video showing the dogma of the Branch Covidian religion. I noted that a pandemic of the vaccinated was well underway, even though the Covidians originally claimed that you couldn’t catch covid if you got the vaccine. It turns out that wasn’t science, after all.
I found a Substack article that goes even more in-depth. Tim Ellison has a great follow-up on this new scientism religion:
Let’s first review again the differences between the “Follow-the-Science” Religion (specifically the CoVid-1984 Sect) and Science:
Religion: BELIEF in Dogma and proclamations from High Priests and the Clergy. Questioning dogma is Heresy, or Conspiracy Theory and censored. Adherence to rituals (e.g., mask-wearing) and Sacraments (e.g., getting Vax’d).
Science: SKEPTISM of all hypotheses and numbers from models. Testing all hypotheses and comparing the hypotheses to DATA from experiment. Trust in DATA.
Religion and Dogma
The Dogma re Effectiveness can be summarized by the proclamations by the high priests in this Religion (from Biden and Fauci to of course Rachel Maddow):
Joe Biden: “You’re Not Going To Get COVID If You Have These Vaccinations.”
Tony Fauci: “You Become A Dead End To The Virus.”
Rochelle Walensky: “Vaccinated People Do Not Carry The Virus — They Don’t Get Sick.”
Alberta Bourla: “[O]ur COVID-19 vaccine was 100% effective in preventing #COVID19 cases in South Africa. 100%!”
Bill Gates: “A key goal [of the vaccination program] is to stop transmission.”
Rachel Maddow: “Now we know that the virus stops with every vaccinated person.”
Francis Collins: “‘[R]eason to be pretty optimistic’ that the available COVID-19 vaccines will be effective against the new Omicron variant of the virus; All of the other variants that have emerged during this COVID-19 pandemic have shown response to the vaccine, including Delta
Brian Stelter: “The newspaper [USA Today] describes ‘America’s fourth Covid-19 surge,’ noting this ‘didn’t have to happen,’ since vaccinations are so widely available. The headlines are followed by a call to action: ‘Let’s end it now.’”
As Dr. Martin Kulldorff, one of the most qualified public health pandemic experts in the United States, has said, “Science and Public Health Are Broken”. We are literally living in a world where anything, including real science, that questions the Narrative is “Fact-Checked Wrong”, and censored. Can we really expect to be successful in such an environment?
Give the full article a read. Some good data is provided.
They used this “science” to sell everyone on the vax. That “science” was wrong, no matter how the Branch Covidians try to manipulate what they said. Millions agreed to the vax based on these lies. They accepted the Branch Covidian ritual of injection under the guise of not getting covid.
The Branch Covidians worship scientism, which is simply the worship of experts and their lies. They will follow those experts off a cliff or directly into Jonestown Covidtown.
Their religion said that all of us unvaxxed should be dead by now, following the “dark winter”. But we’re all completely fine. Their apocalypse dogma had to be shifted from covid deaths back to climate change, apparently.
Even with a list as objectively clear as the above one, they won’t listen. They’ll find ways to circumvent the direct evidence, just as one would do with a false religion.
When we deal with these people, we have to remember that we’re not dealing with a sane, rational person. We’re dealing with someone that is akin to being in a cult. I know we joke about it, but this specific aspect of the Covidians is not a joke. They are actually very similar to being cultists. Our strategies need to reflect that.
We can’t be directly hostile or overtly aggressive, because it will cause the cultist to shut down or to tune out. We need to plant small seeds and to do it in an innocuous manner. Act friendly to the cult beliefs, but place doubt on certain things indirectly.
The best methods to remove someone from the scientism cult is to use general cult deprogramming techniques. Psychology Today is a hilarious resource, because they can teach us how to not be Branch Covidian cultists, but they can’t self-reflect enough to realize that they themselves are in a cult themselves. They push the scientism cult but also provide solutions to escaping cults. That should show you how far the indoctrination goes, that even the people that write the escape manual can’t escape it themselves on their own.
Courtesy of Psychology Today:
The Definitive Guide to Helping People Trapped in a Cult
Learn how to help friends and family being influenced by harmful cults.
Things to Do First
Start with you. Become well-informed by doing your homework. Formulate a plan. Research cults and coercive control. Don’t make the mistake of trying to rationally argue. Learn about mind control techniques and which communication strategies are most effective. Don’t fly blindly. I recommend reading these two books in this order: Combating Cult Mind Control and Freedom of Mind. My website is filled with useful and important information, including many blogs, interviews, and videos. Helping a person will be a process requiring patience, effort, flexibility, and love.
Build rapport and trust. Rebuild your relationship, if it’s broken. If you were the one to break contact, apologize. Reach out and be warm. Remember the good times. Focus on common values and areas you both enjoy (children, pets, music, dancing, fishing, sports). At first, don’t talk about controversial topics. Avoid “hot topics.” Just try to connect with the other person and have positive interactions. Build credibility and sustain positive interaction. Build a long-term relationship based upon respect, compassion, and love.
Do what you can to remove or minimize media that continually indoctrinates to only one point of view. This may only apply to certain types of cult groups. But it may be in the form of social media, videos, or television. You can even agree to make a pact to go on a media fast together. Don’t make this about “them” or “their problem.” Make this a fun thing to do together as a “break.” Be prepared to honor requests on your end.
Things to Do During Your Conversations
Ask thought-provoking questions while being warm and curious. Be prepared to listen deeply. You will know if you have listened well if you can repeat back to them what they said. Be humble and open to hearing what they say.
Keep conversations positive, productive, and civil. Never get angry. Stay resourceful. It is better to end the interaction than to say something counter-productive. It is better to return to the conversation at another time, rather than the person cutting off all communication out of anger or fear.
Adopt a general tone of curiosity and interest in their positions. Pretend you’re an impartial counselor. Really try to get inside their beliefs.
Try to connect them with their authentic identity before these extreme beliefs. Remind them of past experiences together. Talk about the connection you once had and how you miss it.
Don’t “tell” them anything. Help them to make discoveries on their own.
Try to get them to look at reality from many different perspectives. This can include many things.
Teach them about indoctrination and mind control. Use examples for which they have no attachment.
Use examples of cult leaders with similar qualities to their group’s leader(s) and have conversations about it.
Share feelings and perceptions, not judgments. Use “I feel” statements. Don’t claim to be “right.” Stick to what your perception is when reflecting back to them.
Ask a question and then wait for them to think and respond. Be patient. You do not need to fill silence.
Caution: an abundance of facts won’t necessarily help. Do not overwhelm them with information, especially if it attacks the leader or doctrine.
These are the steps you should follow if you have to deal with the Branch Covidians.
Nothing else will work, it will only push them further to the extremes. You must remember that these people actively lived in fear for two years and injected themselves with unknown substances just because some demon on TV told them to. This is not an easy pill to swallow. Their cult has become a part of their identity, so an attack on the dogma is an attack on them.
But, if you don’t care about rescuing the person from the cult for whatever reason, attack the cult. They’ll take it personally, which is great.
Just don’t attempt that strategy with the loved ones or friends.
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