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As of 2020: The contribute platform is offline. I’m no longer accepting guest posts unless we’ve talked in person. I will update this if that position changes in the future.
We wanted to create a website that allows all our supporters to speak their minds freely. That’s why we have an incredibly easy-to-use comment system (no login necessary!) and encourage discussion on social media.
Do you want to take it a step further and contribute a full article to have displayed on our website?
If so, then this page is for you!
Topic: The article’s topic must have a direct relation to this website and our core values. Refer to the “about page” to get an idea about our articles and what topics would be accepted. Our website is obviously tailored to the liberty-minded. This means we won’t publish an article by a Maoist wanting to promote a proletariat revolution and institute a totalitarian government. If you disagree in opinion with our articles, we recommend you instead voice your opinions in the comment sections.
Legality: We cannot legally publish any article that incites violence, promotes illegal activity, or infringes on copyright. Ensure your article will not break any laws prior to writing it.
Length: The article should be a minimum of 800 words.
Writing Style: The article should be written well with minimum typos. We will proofread all articles, and if we find any grammar/spelling issues we will contact you prior to publishing. This includes ensuring relatively easy readability. We understand not everyone has a PhD in English (we sure don’t!), but we cannot publish articles that appear to be written by a caveman.
Anonymous or Public: Please include whether you want the article published with your name/social-media attached or not. We will honor either request and will never post your email.
That’s it! We will process your request as quickly as possible. You will receive an email with a link after it is published.
Financial: The Hidden Dominion is unable to pay for guest articles. Nor do we accept payment to post them.
Notice: Obviously, we reserve the right to refuse to publish any article for any reason.
Copyright: Hidden Dominion will not be held liable for any potential legality issues related to your article. This means that you accept and understand that under penalty of law (civil or criminal) – You attest that you have not plagiarized, infringed on copyright, or broke any laws of the United States of America in relation to your article post. This is also expanded on under our general disclaimers found here.
Publication Policy: We reserve the right to accept, edit, and not publish posts at our discretion. We will only edit the article to fix grammar/spelling issues or to make it easier to read (IE: Headings, better paragraph formatting, etc). All articles published on our website become the intellectual property of the Hidden Dominion. If your article is accepted, you consent to the full article, extracts, or examples appearing in other Hidden Dominion locations. We will give you full credit as author, or ensure to declare that you were an anonymous guest poster. You may republish extracts as much as you like.
Disclaimer: The following disclaimer may be added to each published guest article: “The opinions, representations and statements made within this guest article are those of the original author and not of the Hidden Dominion. Thus, any copyright remains with the author and any liability with regard to infringement of intellectual property rights remain with them. The Hidden Dominion accepts no liability for any legal claims.”
Thanks for reading and your consideration of contributing an article!
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