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If you've driven a car in America recently, it's likely you've seen the coexist bumper sticker. The Contradict Movement has an alternative.
If you’ve driven a car in America for any longer than a day recently, it’s likely you’ve seen this bumper sticker:
Luckily, there is a much better alternative:
The “Contradict Movement” and subsequently; the “Contradict Bumper Sticker” was created by Andy Wrasman. He’s a teacher in California and the host of a weekly podcast.
The contradict movement is in retaliation to the “coexist” stickers.
They can’t all be right. And not everyone wants to coexist.
Andy knows that we must have a certain level of tolerance to live life without constant warfare, however, it’s impossible for us to ignore the fact that all of these religions simply cannot be true.
To get a better idea of Andy’s reasoning behind the sticker, check out the Andy Wrasman blog.
If you’re looking to get one yourself, you need to click here.
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Definitely getting one of these bumper stickers. Combat that stupid coexist one!
Good, that’s the goal.