Combating The Post-Literature Era: A Future Podcast
Creating A New Podcast
Once the book is wrapped up and the alternative website is finished, I’m going to start a podcast related to the materials on this site.
It’s tough in the modern post-literature era to get readers and keep things growing. Many websites far better than mine have fewer readers and have been chipping away at it for longer. But I have noticed that those websites are usually written-only, so they can only attract that one (dying) type of follower. I’ve had considerable success, especially in the past couple of years, but I want to keep growing. Keep improving.
I’ve considered probably dozens of different options. The book is one, but I can’t produce a book of that magnitude on a recurring basis. Articles, sure. But books take far more labor and time. They are also less likely to keep people returning to a website, considering they are not regularly published. Consistency is always key. I’ve learned that even with the written form.
One possible option I keep going back to is podcasting.
I’ve landed on podcasting for a few reasons. In the past, I made a few videos for this website. But I disdained the process. It’s a lot of work that could be put to better use through written or spoken mediums. Don’t get me wrong, some people do it great. But I would not be one of them. The talking head approach has always been a personal annoyance of mine, but the time spent to make non-talking head, appealing videos is intensive. It’s also incredibly boring and can be costly, depending on licenses. The cost factor also knocks off the documentary option.
I also heavily struggle to watch most videos, as I get far too bored and prefer rapid reading/skimming to get information in a much shorter timeframe. Put simply, I have too little time and there is too much information out there. I don’t have time to spend an hour watching a video explaining one concept. My preference has always been an article I can read rapidly. I imagine my current readers may be the same. But I could be wrong. Who knows? I know many people prefer video.
I’m definitely a written-preference person, but I realize most people aren’t. So, I need to branch out to reach them—not expect them to come to me.
The written form, while my personal preference, does not reach nearly as many people in the modern day. Most people prefer a podcast to listen to while doing other things or while on the go. Thus, to reach a larger audience, it’s time for me to branch out and try something different. I can reach my written-preference people here, and a podcast might help me reach further past that limited heritage that still enjoys the written word.
There will be no change to the articles. I’ll still be writing articles every weekday. The podcast would just be a supplement to the writing, to hopefully bring people in for the articles themselves. With the time freed up from the book, I can easily transition to the podcast.
I’m ambitious about 2022. Bad things may be happening around us, but good things are happening too. I have a lot planned: The release of my three-year long 900 page book, a new alternative website for the cycle of collapse, and the beginning of a new podcast. Will I be able to do it all? To be determined. But those are the goals.
And I’m thankful you are along for the ride. Whatever way we end up going, I’ll continue to put my all into it.
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