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Colleges Deny Conservative Speakers

Colleges Deny Conservative Speakers But Happily Invite Literal Terrorists

It is deeply wounding if terrorists aren't allowed to speak freely on campuses, apparently. While conservatives are censored at every turn.

Colleges Deny Conservative Speakers

Lord forbid a conservative or pro-white group speak at a college. But practicing terrorists are apparently fine:

San Francisco State University President Lynn Mahoney has defended students that invited airplane hijacker Leila Khaled to speak on campus. Mahoney said that students were “deeply” wounded by Zoom’s decision to shut down a livestream of the event. In a statement, Zoom said that it was forced to shut down the event after learning of Khaled’s affiliation with a terrorist organization.

Breitbart News reported this week that YouTube and Zoom shut down a livestream featuring Leila Khaled, an activist and former terrorist who participated in two airplane hijackings around 1970. Now, San Francisco State University President Lynn Mahoney claims that students were “deeply wounded” by Zoom and YouTube’s refusal to support the event.

Mahoney even went as far as to say that Zoom’s decision to cancel the event was “deeply wounding” to students who feel that Zoom’s decision has silenced them. “Zoom’s cancellation of the event will be deeply wounding to some members of our community who will feel themselves and their dissent silenced once again, just as the participation of Leila Khaled in a class panel discussion is deeply wounding to others in our community…We cannot embrace the silencing of controversial views, even if they are hurtful to others. We must commit to speech and to the right to dissent, including condemning ideologies of hatred and violence against unarmed civilians,” Mahoney finished.

It is comedic that cancelling a terrorist is deemed as a way to “wound” and “silence” students but cancelling conservative voices is routine.

This is just further evidence of the horrendous impact of the lose of the culture war on higher education. It has dwindled to an ash of its former self.

No surprise this was in San Fran, either. The only thing I’m truly shocked about is that YouTube and Zoom actually cancelled the terrorist in the first place, instead of promoting them.

First time for everything, I suppose.

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Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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