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The internet will always have an abundance of articles to get you mad or upset about the world today. Here's an article to cleanse your mind.
A lot of articles out there will quickly make you lose faith in humanity.
This isn’t one of them.
There are too many negative articles floating out there. Many of them here on HD itself. So let’s take a break.
Here are some great things going on in the world today.
1. Cancer rates have dropped by 25% since 1991. Due to significantly increased funding, cancer deaths are also dropping. Medical researchers around the world are still focusing heavily on solving cancer once and for all.
2. The US is becoming more renewable. We now have 9.5 billion more cubic feet of trees in the US than we did in 1953. Additionally, solar and nuclear energy are continuing to become much more prominent nation-wide.
3. Global poverty has dropped to its lowest level, ever. And many international organizations are continuing to drive that number down each year.
4. Between 1980 and today, global access to sanitary water sources has increased from 58% to 91%. The world has more access to clean water than ever before in our history.
5. In 1962, there were 9,214 protected nature reserves. Today, there are over 200,000. The natural beauty of Earth is increasingly being held in higher standard and protected.
6. Since 1800, the world literacy rate has leaped from roughly 10% to 85%. Consider that in just a little over 200 years, how significantly that number changed. And what it means we can do in another 200 years.
7. Since 1816, the amount of people living in “somewhat free” societies has grown from 1% to roughly 50% of the world’s population. More freedom worldwide has been achieved.
8. Life expectancy has been going up extraordinarily worldwide since the 1950s. We are living longer and healthier lives compared to our ancestors.
9. The economy is (currently) doing very well. With unemployment down, and rising average salaries, the future looks promising.
10. The world has, on average, become less violent decade over decade. Statistically, you are much less predisposed to becoming a victim of violent crime now than 40, 100, or 500 years ago.
So enjoy the good news. Not everything is going terribly. Keep the positive mindset.
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