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Cultural influencers make sure they are accountable to no one. How do the chosen ones determine western culture? Through subversive and manipulative tactics.
A Discussion on Culture
What is culture? Per the dictionary definition, culture is the customs, communications, arts, social institutions, and achievements of a particular nation, people, or other social group. Things such as the traditions, values, beliefs, and practices are also cultural symbols in a country.
When we think of culture, we think of the collective hive mind. What unites us? What unites Americans? Blacks? Christians? Laotians? They are all tied together based on their respective cultures. There are outliers; there are deviants. Yet, even these outliers typically fall within the standard deviation of the primary host cultures.
We view culture in such a manner because historically this is how culture was created. Widespread traditions, values, and social aspects that combine to create a “people” (whether based on religion, nationality, ethnicity, et cetera).
Nowadays, culture is far from created in a communal fashion. Instead, culture is directed and dictated by those in control of the ‘cultural markers’. Where cultural markers are the organizations, tools, and influential state actors that direct the culture. Contrary to popular belief, the majority no longer make the culture. The people who control it do.
These “cultural markers” are anyone that has direct access to cultural subversion. Consider the definition above. In this definition, we include markers such as the media due to its influence over communications. Who controls the media? Giant corporations, unaccountable to any single person in this country.
What about education that instills the traditions and history of our nation to our young? It is certainly not controlled by any average citizen. Instead, corrupt educators and their political arms are the sole decision makers. Recently, they have overwhelming saw it as a political perch, just like modern judges.
We could also consider internet and information distribution organizations. The ones that can shift and curtail the discussion such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and the like. They control the means of information distribution. This is our news, our understanding of the world, and our beliefs. They are the gatekeepers of information. Information shapes our culture by changing our values, beliefs, and practices based on our processing of information. No one controls these information dealers and any attempt by Congress to do so has been shot down for being “anti-business”. Even though these industries and organizations are anti-our way of life. They are no longer just a business. They are a business that is in the business of cultural control. In the modern era, the means of information is on the same footing of importance as the means of production (sorry, Marx). For if enough disinformation is spread, it could lead directly to the downfall of the means of production. We control none of their actions. Any “free market” alternatives could never stack up to their power.
Or what about social institutions? The non-profits, the NGOs. All of them are funded by millionaires and billionaires to do their own bidding. NGOs in Europe have been linked to be importing migrants solely because their funders have key interests in migrant resettlement companies, netting the world’s wealthiest even more wealth on the backs of the average person. I would not put it past any elite to cause chaos in a foreign country simply to generate some more personal wealth, either.
The ones in charge, the chain holders, destroy our traditions and erode our values over time. The subversive action is as much profit driven as it is power driven.
Likewise, Hollywood has a huge impact on culture through media distribution worldwide. When people watch Hollywood movies, they see ‘American culture’. The only issue is that is not American culture but Hollywood’s version that it deems appropriate to be distributed. Their movies and shows impact hundreds of millions across the entirety of the world, inflicting and exporting the “American culture” around the globe. But it is not ours. They do not show the realities of the American people in their screenplays, their music videos, or their videos. Instead, they show whatever they want America to be. A terrifying, unpractical reality in the minds of irresponsible financial elite. Accountable to none.
And that is the main issue here. We, as a society, deem freedom as highly important in our lives. Yet, no one has any control over their own cultural upbringing as it was in the past. Nor you children. Nor your own community.
Historically, prior to the widespread distribution of information, culture was simply your community. It did not, nor did it need to stretch farther. Now, however, it’s at risk of being corrupted by every single cultural marker that controls it. No one escapes the degeneracy of the movie industry, the short-term dopamine rushes of the music industry, or the educational indoctrination of the educational bureaucracy. You have no control. None of us do. Technology has rendered our input invalid.
But why not? Cultural control is the single greatest key to power or country risk of division. Hell, anyone seeking power in the modern era should enter a cultural marker industry. You would have much more sway over the culture as an influencer over a politician. In fact, over enough time, the politician changes little; you would change everything. You are also immune from recall. Oh, and you are never elected. You account to no one. Yet, you are the sole decider of the biggest thing that ties this entire country together. And you can get paid for millions of dollars in profit. Pretty sweet position, isn’t it?
Under democratic systems, we vote in our lawmakers.
However, culture symbolism and expectations inevitably become law. So who elects them? We are not voting in these chain holders of our culture. No one can change their influence. If they acquire enough wealth to seize control, we just have to hope another lording elite creates a competing service. Even though over the long run they will have a far greater impact on this country and every other country than the politicians could ever hope to achieve.
The communist groups wanted to bring down America from the inside using cultural subversion. Well, it is working. Think about transgender issues. They were originally just cultural changes. Originally, identifying them as mental issues while ensuring the transgenders get the mental help they need. Now they are requiring acceptance due to cultural changes directed by the cultural elite. This change has now infested the political arena. They have created laws protecting this cultural shift and issues such as this will probably continue being “legalified”. Politicians only respond to cultural change. They have relatively no power to stop it.
This kind of cultural shift that turns legal is common throughout history. Culture is just lagged law. If we vote in our lawmakers, we should be able to hold the cultural markers accountable as well. In the modern era, they have far more influence than they did in any other time over history. Our reluctance to understand and hedge against this will be a significant component of our downfall.
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