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I have a thrilling conspiracy for you all to ponder today regarding China's zero covid policy.
I have a thrilling conspiracy for you all to ponder today regarding China’s zero covid policy.
I’ve been thinking about this topic a lot, ever since I wrote The Centralization Of Xi Jinping article last month.
In China, they are still doing a “zero covid” approach, which means that they aim to stop community transmission of covid as soon as it is detected. The goal is to segment everything into manageable units, isolate any infected, get the area back to zero new infections, and then resume normal activities.
If even a single person catches covid, entire cities can—and often are—completely locked down.
This is a much harsher lockdown than we are familiar with in the West, as China will just send stormtroopers to weld your door shut or install metal bars so you cannot physically leave your cubicle office.
For the longest time, Chinese citizens had to have the stormtroopers come over and scan their head to prove they did not have a fever before they could even leave to buy groceries. They really are treated like rats.
The prevailing consensus in most of the West was that after Xi Jinping centralized his control over the CCP, the Chinese zero-covid policies would be retracted. Most in the West were awe-struck that the Chinese policies had been going on as long as they had, even to that point. You can find hundreds of articles that attest to this with a simple search.
The covid lockdown measures made sense before as Xi was attempting to centralize power, as they were his own creations from the beginning.
But after assuming total power, they no longer serve him any useful purpose. In fact, they seem entirely detrimental. Which has been confirmed with the recent protests happening where hundreds of thousands are chanting for him to step down.
Even as a loyalty indicator, Xi could have just used the initial policy to weed out the unloyal and then move past them.
So, most thought China would relent and turn away from the zero-covid approach after this centralization.
That did not happen.
Xi did centralize power by declaring himself the new lifelong leader (indirectly—read my prior mentioned article). But instead of removing the covid policies, he double-downed, and has since locked down the Chinese people even more so than before.
Protests have recently hit throughout all of China, which is rare for them. It’s incredibly dangerous to protest at all there, so to have protests this widespread across their country is a rare event.
These protests started because of the zero-covid policies. The discontent was building up, but one event sparked it: A residential building was locked down, caught on fire, and rescue personnel couldn’t reach it effectively because of the lockdown procedures. People were locked inside and then burnt alive, all courtesy of the two-year-long lockdowns.
The recent protests demonstrate the [face value] stupidity of a zero-covid approach policy. You can find plenty of videos of these protests, but a few choice ones of my own selection are here:
There are also good Telegram channels of the protests. I recommend starting with this one.
There are a lot of thoughts about why China continues to enforce these policies. But therein lies the issue: No one really knows why they keep this up, even though every other country has moved on.
There are ideas, but nothing is certain.
The main theories for why are below:
The summary: The zero-covid approach makes little sense for Xi or the CCP, their leaders are clearly not blind to the reality of covid, China has no need for additional power, and this wouldn’t benefit international globalists any more than a separate approach.
So, of all the predominant theories, I favor none. None of the theories adequately explains “why” China continues to follow such lunacy.
Enter: My conspiracy.
The Preparation Theory.
I believe the only logical reasoning for China to continue these policies is because of an understanding of what is coming.
In short, I think China is expecting a real bioterrorist disease to be released. Or maybe they will be the ones that release it. Either way—They know something.
They want to have the “zero disease” procedures in place to mitigate the damages as much as possible when this happens.
There are a few reasons I lean toward this conspiracy.
The first reason is that if conflict did exist between the centralizers, it would be the West versus the East. This is obvious with the increasing hostility between the West and Russia/China. We already have an active proxy war against Russia in Ukraine, one in which Russia is clearly using as a war of attrition, depleting NATO stockpiles of weapons. China is taking the economic war approach and is preparing its citizenry appropriately to still be economic units, even while managing a zero-virus policy.
The second reason is that China is not blind. They know the reality of covid and that it is not a threat any longer. There must be a reason they are continuing to follow this zero-approach, and the most logical would be because they want to perfect it. Why perfect it? Because you expect another, worse disease to come. This is a good reason to perform a trial run and get the process down beforehand.
The third reason is because China would be the primary player that would need such a policy. The Russians have more space to spread out and other measures that would protect them. Meanwhile, the Chinese would need to focus far more on a lockdown simply because of their population size, industries, and geography. The vast majority of their population is jammed in cities and focused on manufacturing. If those cities fall into chaos, China would near instantly be worthless in any fight and their economy would collapse. The same is not true of Russia.
To add further evidence to point three, it also appears like the Russians may fully mobilize their citizenry in the coming months, including rumors of declaring martial law, which would largely do the same thing as what the Chinese are doing now. They could also be preparing, but in a more Russian manner. Both of these point to the fact that the East may know something is coming, and are hedging themselves to be ready for it.
The fourth reason is the approach itself. A “zero covid” approach is idiotic. The Chinese know this. It is simply not possible to never have a case of the flu for now into the eternal future, or to have entire city-wide freakouts every time cases rise above 10 in a city of millions. This may not be the case with a future bioterrorist disease weapon that the East knows about, however. If there is a disease that is released that has a high death rate, then a zero-approach could work well, because it would be expected that most who get it would die off relatively quickly. This means mitigating the damages using a ‘zero-x‘ approach would be workable. The Chinese could reasonably sustain themselves while using a zero-x approach if we considered an event such as the one I hypothesized.
To sum up reason four: Zero-policy is not feasible for covid, but it is feasible for an actually deadly plague. China knows this, so it begs the question of if they are preparing for such an event.
The fifth reason is that China worked with the United States on the first outbreak, the Wuhan covid virus. We have direct evidence that the United States was funding and coordinating with this virus study in China, and China even blames the CIA for releasing it. We also have shady connections with other biolabs in odd countries such as Ukraine that have connections with the Americans, British, and Israelis. The Chinese would know these inner workings given their proximity to the research, especially considering the first “pandemic” was directly through them. If you knew that an enemy state was conducting dangerous gain-of-function research, and willingly released one virus already as a test run, wouldn’t you also prepare?
There are certainly other reasons that could be added onto this list. But these are probably my main five.
I haven’t exactly been shy about my beliefs on the subject. I wrote the article The Coming Population Reduction, after all. There is a major worldwide conflict coming, and it is likely that bioterrorism will play its part in it. The Chinese very well could be preparing for that eventuality.
And honestly, this conspiracy theory of mine fits the target better than any of the other dominant theories.
Still, no one knows for certain except the CCP heads themselves.
But I know where I would place my bet.
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