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China’s Social Credit Score is the Future of Socialism. And it is our future too, if we don't resist the socialist plague.
How can it go wrong?
By 2020, China plans to have all of its citizens ranked by a “social score” that acts like a credit score.
This score will be used to move them up or down in various ways such as a credit score does for finances. Only this one will directly impact Chinese citizens’ life and ability to do, well, anything. It could affect housing prices, interest rates, likelihood of getting jobs, relationships, their dogs, their education, and more. In short, they can be punished or rewarded by their respective social scores.
Not only is this terrifying in itself, but they intend to use facial recognition to make it no longer an option whether or not you want to be ranked. And all that data? A lot of it is held by private companies.
Your data, your face, and your score all held in power by a government and private industries. Don’t like it? Much like a credit score, that doesn’t really matter. Tough luck, bud.
This massive ranking system is a pinnacle revolution of this socialist country. In short, it will be mandatory, Orwellian, and directly in line with typical socialist country behaviors.
Here is an example of some things that the social credit can do:
People with good scores? An example of some of the following apply to them:
These are just some examples of the vast ranking system. And it will only continue to grow and infiltrate Chinese society. No wonder Hong Kong wants to get as far away from China as possible.
Some people actually like it. Say it makes them better people. Probably because if they are not “better” (by government standards), they can’t rent a house and get placed on a societal and hiring blacklist. So you kinda have to say you like it. Even if you want to escape.
The Chinese are definitely a different breed than some other nations.
Truly Orwellian, truly terrifying. Yet, it is the exact direction so many nations are heading today. Like us. Toward more socialism, toward more government power.
Start prepping and watch the downfall.
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