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A new menu option is officially up. Our new recommended reads page is now available.
I have a new page up in the menu under the “Info” option. It’s a new Recommended Reads and Listens page.
I’ve been getting quite a few emails every month from readers asking for similar websites, books, or just other dissident resources. So, I decided to compile a single list that I can reference and keep updated. This page is my first go at doing so.
It includes three categories for now: One category over recommended websites, one over recommended (mostly dissident-introductory) books, and one over recommended podcasts. There is an odd mix of items within, but I feel a general reading/listening of all would get people caught up to the dissident side of things relatively quickly.
It’s my first try at it, so no promises on it being staffed full of everything. It is certainly not complete. Give it a look and let me know if there are other things that may be worthwhile to add or alter.
Find it here: Recommended Reads Page
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